SHFT Meaning
The SHFT meaning is "Shaft Sinkers Holdings Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE])". The SHFT abbreviation has 6 different full form.
SHFT Full Forms
- Shaft Sinkers Holdings Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Survival Hunting Fishing Trapping
- Shift (weather reports only) NOTAM Contractions
- Shaft (elevator) The Finance and Administrative Services
- Shift Work Calendar Data File Computing, File Extensions
- Shift A casting defect caused by mismatch of cope and drag or of cores and mold. OR shift vb. In programming, to move the bit values one posi-tion to the left or right in a register or memory locatioalso end-around shift. Compare rotate. A character encoding for the Japanese language developed by the Japanese company ASCII. It is based on character sets defined within JIS standards JIS X 0201:1997 (for the single-byte characters) and JIS X 0208:1997. Weather, Scientific & Educational
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SHFT stand for?
SHFT stands for Shift.
What is the shortened form of Survival Hunting Fishing Trapping?
The short form of "Survival Hunting Fishing Trapping" is SHFT.
SHFT. (2020, September 13). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from
Last updated