SHIT in Funnies Meaning

The SHIT meaning in Funnies terms is "Skanky Hoes In Tights". There are 12 related meanings of the SHIT Funnies abbreviation.

SHIT on Funnies Full Forms

  1. Skanky Hoes In Tights
  2. Sorry Honey, It's Thursday
  3. South Herman Institute of Technology
  4. Society to Highlight Ingrate Terms
  5. Severely High Intestinal Tumor
  6. Scooters Hide In Terror
  7. Some Heroes Instinctively Trip
  8. Skunk Hollow Indecent Tactics
  9. So Happy It's Thursday
  10. Super Hero In Training
  11. Smart and Handsome Indian Teenager
  12. Sugar Honey Iced Tea

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SHIT stand for Funnies?

    SHIT stands for Smart and Handsome Indian Teenager in Funnies terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Sorry Honey, It's Thursday in Funnies?

    The short form of "Sorry Honey, It's Thursday" is SHIT for Funnies.


SHIT in Funnies. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated