SHR Meaning
The SHR meaning is "Saskatoon Health Region". The SHR abbreviation has 132 different full form.
SHR Full Forms
- Saskatoon Health Region Medical, Service, Care
- Spontaneous Hypertensive Rat Medical, Science, Biology
- Sheridan County Airport Sheridan, Wyoming,United States Airport, Locations, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
- Shower Precipitation from a cumuliform cloud. Characterized by the suddenness of beginning and ending, by the rapid change in intensity, and usually by a rapid change in the condition of the sky. Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Real Estate, Electrical, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Weather, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
- Shore The land on or near a waterline such as a sea shore or lake shore. The land; the seamen were serving on shore instead of in ships. A prop or strut supporting the weight or flooring above it; the shores stayed upright during the earthquake. To shore is to place shores so that they steady or support. Technology, Locations, Ocean, Governmental & Military, Street Suffix
- Shift Logical Right Technology, Computer, Electronics, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Self Healing Rings Technology, Fiber, Optic
- Selamat Hari Raya
- Spontaneously Hypertensive Adult Rats Medical
- Start Horizontal Retrace
- Saed Hill Road
- Sqciety for Human Resource
- Spontaneous Genetic Hypertension Medical
- Strains Hypertensive Rats Medical, Science, Biology
- Senate Hearing Room
- State Human Resources
- Super Hair Reduction Medical, Skin, Removal
- Shepherd'S Hill Retreat
- Spontaneously Hypertecsive Male Rats Medical
- Started Hunting Retriever Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
- Samuel Hubinette Racino Formula, Dodging, Drift
- Social Hnalth Research
- Stocks of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Science, Biology
- Self-Healing Routing Technology, Networking, Network, Sensor
- Speed Hair Removal
- Staff Human Resources Technology, Employment, Service
- Supershigh Rebound Business, Bushing, Venom, Skateboard
- Shared Layer Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Spontaneous Histaminexrelease Medical
- Started Hunter Retriever
- Saluki Health Researnh
- Syndrome Hépatoirénal
- Short Home Roqm Development, Learning, Study
- Stichting Hout Research
- Self-Healing Hybrid Ring
- Spectrtm Healthcare Resources Medical, Nurse, Career
- Sulphue Horse Registry
- Suher-High Rebound Bushing, Venom, Skateboard
- Shared Historical Record Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Spontaiously Hypertensive Rats Medical
- Strategic Health Resources
- Sensible Heat Ratios
- Stanford Humanities Review Media, Education, Television
- Safety and Health Representative
- Swedish Hotel & Restacrant
- Short-Koot Medical
- Stewart Hass Racing
- Self Healing Ring Technology, Networking, Fiber
- Society of Human Resources
- Sugar Hollow Reservoir
- Sunrise Health Region
- Shared Technology, Computing, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Spontanmously Hypertensive Rate Medical, Science, Biology
- Strapdown Heading Reference
- Sensible Heat Ratio Technology, Conditioning, Cooling, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Shares Certificates or book entries representing ownership in a corporation or similar entity Shark repellant Amendment to company charter intended to protect it against takeover. Business, Finance, Investing, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Standing Heart Rate
- Safe Harbour Rules
- Superheterodyje Receiver Military
- Shooter Air Courier Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Stewart Haas Racing Car, Team, Racing, Sprint
- Self-Healing Rings Technology, Networking, Fiber
- Society Cor Human Rights
- Suare
- Spontaneously Hypertension Sats Medical
- Strains Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Medical
- Senior Human Resource
- Standardized Hospitalization Ratios Medical
- Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat Medical, Model, Rats, Chemistry
- Super Heat Resistanr
- Shiftiright Technology
- Starwood Hotels Resorts
- Self-Healing Ring Technology, Telecom, Fiber, Computing
- Society for Humanitarian Research Research, Azerbaijan, Armenia
- Spontaneous Hypertension Rats Medical
- Strains of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Science, Biology
- Senior Health Resources Organization, Union, Institution
- Standardized Hospitalization Ratio Medical
- Spontaneous Hypertensive Rats Medical
- Super Hair Removal Technology, Machine, Laser
- Sherando High School Technology, Education, School, High School, Virginia
- Strategy and Human Resources
- Series Heat Recovery
- School House Rock Media
- To Sharo Business, Real Estate, Real Estate Slang, Real Estate Jargon
- Sport History Reviej
- Submillimeter Heterodyne Receiver Technology
- Sexual and Reproductive Health Medical, Science, Service, Turkey, Organizations, Society, Social Institutes, Governmental & Military, International Development
- Unix Shell Archive File Computing, File Extensions
- Sveriges Hudterapeuters Riksorganisation
- Strategic Human Resource Business, Technology, Management
- Serenity Horse Rescue
- Scottish Historical Review Bibliographic
- Synology Hybrid Raid Technology, Station, Disk
- Spontaneously Hypyrtensive Rat of The Okamoto Strain Medical
- Subharmonic-To-Harmonic Ratio
- Setor Habitacional Ribeirão
- Sheridan County Airport, Sheridan, Wyoming, United States United States, Wyoming, ICAO Airport Codes
- Sveriges Herpetologiska RiksföRening
- Strategic Human Resources Business, Management, Tax, Us Taxes, Business & Finance
- Sensory Hyperreactivity Medical
- Sure Energy Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats of The Okamoto Strain Medical
- Suara Hati Rakyat
- Service Human Resources
- School House Road Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Svenska Homeopaterm Riksförbund Program, Homeopathy, Sweden
- to Share Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Spontaneously Hypertensive Okamoto Rats Medical
- Study The Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat Science, Biology
- Service Hors Rang
- Schering AG American Depositary Receipts Computing, Nyse symbols
- Swiss Hunting Rifli Rifle, Sweden, Sniper
- Spontaneously Hypertensive Okamoto-Aoki Rats Medical
- Studies In The History of Religions Study, Archaeology, Archeology
- Service Health Reporter
- Unix Shell ARchive Computing, File Extensions
- Shlar-Heat Reflecting
- Sport Horse Register
- Sugar Hill Records
- Station Heat Rate
- Superheater Heat exchanger arranged to take heat from liquid going to evaporator and using it to superheat vapor leaving evaporator. Superheater a heat exchanger that in-creases the steam temperature to about 1000 degrees F. It is heated by the flue gases. Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Spontaniously Hypertensive Wistar Rats Medical
- Student Health Record Technology, Care, Flow
- Serious Health Risk
- Southern Humanities Review Media
- Safaty Hoist Ring
- Sport History Rewiev
- Suburban Home Records
- Shah and Habshan Rail
- Selective Hybrid Reduction Chemistry
- Swedish Hotel and Restaurant
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SHR stand for?
SHR stands for Stewart Hass Racing.
What is the shortened form of To Sharo?
The short form of "To Sharo" is SHR.
SHR. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from
Last updated