SHR Meaning
The SHR meaning is "Saskatoon Health Region". The SHR abbreviation has 132 different full form.
SHR Full Forms
- Saskatoon Health Region Medical, Service, Care
- Spontaneous Hypertensive Rat Medical, Science, Biology
- Sheridan County Airport Sheridan, Wyoming,United States Airport, Locations, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
- Shower Precipitation from a cumuliform cloud. Characterized by the suddenness of beginning and ending, by the rapid change in intensity, and usually by a rapid change in the condition of the sky. Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Real Estate, Electrical, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Weather, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
- Shore The land on or near a waterline such as a sea shore or lake shore. The land; the seamen were serving on shore instead of in ships. A prop or strut supporting the weight or flooring above it; the shores stayed upright during the earthquake. To shore is to place shores so that they steady or support. Technology, Locations, Ocean, Governmental & Military, Street Suffix
- Shift Logical Right Technology, Computer, Electronics, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Self Healing Rings Technology, Fiber, Optic
- Selamat Hari Raya
- Spontaneously Hypertensive Adult Rats Medical
- Start Horizontal Retrace
- Saed Hill Road
- Sqciety for Human Resource
- Spontaneous Genetic Hypertension Medical
- Strains Hypertensive Rats Medical, Science, Biology
- Senate Hearing Room
- State Human Resources
- Super Hair Reduction Medical, Skin, Removal
- Shepherd'S Hill Retreat
- Spontaneously Hypertecsive Male Rats Medical
- Started Hunting Retriever Medical, Treatment, Veterinary, Animal
- Samuel Hubinette Racino Formula, Dodging, Drift
- Social Hnalth Research
- Stocks of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Science, Biology
- Self-Healing Routing Technology, Networking, Network, Sensor
- Speed Hair Removal
- Staff Human Resources Technology, Employment, Service
- Supershigh Rebound Business, Bushing, Venom, Skateboard
- Shared Layer Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Spontaneous Histaminexrelease Medical
- Started Hunter Retriever
- Saluki Health Researnh
- Syndrome Hépatoirénal
- Short Home Roqm Development, Learning, Study
- Stichting Hout Research
- Self-Healing Hybrid Ring
- Spectrtm Healthcare Resources Medical, Nurse, Career
- Sulphue Horse Registry
- Suher-High Rebound Bushing, Venom, Skateboard
- Shared Historical Record Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Spontaiously Hypertensive Rats Medical
- Strategic Health Resources
- Sensible Heat Ratios
- Stanford Humanities Review Media, Education, Television
- Safety and Health Representative
- Swedish Hotel & Restacrant
- Short-Koot Medical
- Stewart Hass Racing
- Self Healing Ring Technology, Networking, Fiber
- Society of Human Resources
- Sugar Hollow Reservoir
- Sunrise Health Region
- Shared Technology, Computing, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Spontanmously Hypertensive Rate Medical, Science, Biology
- Strapdown Heading Reference
- Sensible Heat Ratio Technology, Conditioning, Cooling, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Shares Certificates or book entries representing ownership in a corporation or similar entity Shark repellant Amendment to company charter intended to protect it against takeover. Business, Finance, Investing, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Standing Heart Rate
- Safe Harbour Rules
- Superheterodyje Receiver Military
- Shooter Air Courier Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Stewart Haas Racing Car, Team, Racing, Sprint
- Self-Healing Rings Technology, Networking, Fiber
- Society Cor Human Rights
- Suare
- Spontaneously Hypertension Sats Medical
- Strains Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Medical
- Senior Human Resource
- Standardized Hospitalization Ratios Medical
- Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat Medical, Model, Rats, Chemistry
- Super Heat Resistanr
- Shiftiright Technology
- Starwood Hotels Resorts
- Self-Healing Ring Technology, Telecom, Fiber, Computing
- Society for Humanitarian Research Research, Azerbaijan, Armenia
- Spontaneous Hypertension Rats Medical
- Strains of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Science, Biology
- Senior Health Resources Organization, Union, Institution
- Standardized Hospitalization Ratio Medical
- Spontaneous Hypertensive Rats Medical
- Super Hair Removal Technology, Machine, Laser
- Sherando High School Technology, Education, School, High School, Virginia
- Strategy and Human Resources
- Series Heat Recovery
- School House Rock Media
- To Sharo Business, Real Estate, Real Estate Slang, Real Estate Jargon
- Sport History Reviej
- Submillimeter Heterodyne Receiver Technology
- Sexual and Reproductive Health Medical, Science, Service, Turkey, Organizations, Society, Social Institutes, Governmental & Military, International Development
- Unix Shell Archive File Computing, File Extensions
- Sveriges Hudterapeuters Riksorganisation
- Strategic Human Resource Business, Technology, Management
- Serenity Horse Rescue
- Scottish Historical Review Bibliographic
- Synology Hybrid Raid Technology, Station, Disk
- Spontaneously Hypyrtensive Rat of The Okamoto Strain Medical
- Subharmonic-To-Harmonic Ratio
- Setor Habitacional Ribeirão
- Sheridan County Airport, Sheridan, Wyoming, United States United States, Wyoming, ICAO Airport Codes
- Sveriges Herpetologiska RiksföRening
- Strategic Human Resources Business, Management, Tax, Us Taxes, Business & Finance
- Sensory Hyperreactivity Medical
- Sure Energy Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats of The Okamoto Strain Medical
- Suara Hati Rakyat
- Service Human Resources
- School House Road Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Svenska Homeopaterm Riksförbund Program, Homeopathy, Sweden
- to Share Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Spontaneously Hypertensive Okamoto Rats Medical
- Study The Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat Science, Biology
- Service Hors Rang
- Schering AG American Depositary Receipts Computing, Nyse symbols
- Swiss Hunting Rifli Rifle, Sweden, Sniper
- Spontaneously Hypertensive Okamoto-Aoki Rats Medical
- Studies In The History of Religions Study, Archaeology, Archeology
- Service Health Reporter
- Unix Shell ARchive Computing, File Extensions
- Shlar-Heat Reflecting
- Sport Horse Register
- Sugar Hill Records
- Station Heat Rate
- Superheater Heat exchanger arranged to take heat from liquid going to evaporator and using it to superheat vapor leaving evaporator. Superheater a heat exchanger that in-creases the steam temperature to about 1000 degrees F. It is heated by the flue gases. Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Spontaniously Hypertensive Wistar Rats Medical
- Student Health Record Technology, Care, Flow
- Serious Health Risk
- Southern Humanities Review Media
- Safaty Hoist Ring
- Sport History Rewiev
- Suburban Home Records
- Shah and Habshan Rail
- Selective Hybrid Reduction Chemistry
- Swedish Hotel and Restaurant
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SHR stand for?
SHR stands for Samuel Hubinette Racino.
What is the shortened form of Suher-High Rebound?
The short form of "Suher-High Rebound" is SHR.
SHR. (2022, March 28). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from
Last updated