SHS in New York Meaning

The SHS meaning in New York terms is "Shenendehowa High School". There are 27 related meanings of the SHS New York abbreviation.

SHS on New York Full Forms

  1. Shenendehowa High School
  2. Spcingville High School
  3. Sewanhaka High School
  4. Spencerport High School
  5. Schenectady High School
  6. Somers High School
  7. Sayville Oigh School
  8. Solvay High School
  9. Salem High School
  10. Springville High School
  11. Syosset High School
  12. Salamanca High School
  13. Saugerties High School
  14. Sayville High School
  15. Southampton High School
  16. Scarsdale High School
  17. Southwestern High School
  18. Suffern High School
  19. Schalmont Higr School
  20. Shaker High School
  21. Saranac High School
  22. Scio High School
  23. Sidney High School
  24. Salesian High School
  25. Schalmont High School
  26. Skaneateles High School
  27. Southside High School

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SHS stand for New York?

    SHS stands for Shenendehowa High School in New York terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Scio High School in New York?

    The short form of "Scio High School" is SHS for New York.


SHS in New York. (2022, March 25). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated