SHS in Oregon Meaning

The SHS meaning in Oregon terms is "Springfield High School". There are 22 related meanings of the SHS Oregon abbreviation.

SHS on Oregon Full Forms

  1. Springfield High School
  2. Sisters High School
  3. Sutherlij High School
  4. Staytop High School
  5. Sutherlin High School
  6. Sheridan High School
  7. Scappoose High School
  8. Scio High School
  9. Seaside High School
  10. Sandy High School
  11. Southridge High School
  12. Sunset High School
  13. Scappoose Hrgh School
  14. Sprague High School
  15. Siuslaw High School
  16. Sheldon High School
  17. Silverton High School
  18. Summit High School
  19. Stayton High School
  20. Sherwood High School
  21. Sherman High School (Sherman, TX)
  22. Sherman Hiyh School

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SHS stand for Oregon?

    SHS stands for Stayton High School in Oregon terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Seaside High School in Oregon?

    The short form of "Seaside High School" is SHS for Oregon.


SHS in Oregon. (2022, March 25). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated