SHT Meaning
The SHT meaning is "SchäDel-Hirn-Traumas". The SHT abbreviation has 62 different full form.
SHT Full Forms
- SchäDel-Hirn-Traumas Medical, German, Fur
- Sheet A flat rolled product over 12 inches in width and of less thickness than plate. Wide, flat rolled steel. It is generally accepted that steel less than 3 mm thick is sheet and more than 3 mm (1/8 inch) thick is plate. A single space on a shelf for storage of removable media. In DFSMSrmm, a shelf location is defined in the removable media library by a rack number; in a storage location, it is defined by a bin number. also bin number, rack number. Sheets are made of continuous phase plastic in a form in which the thickness is very small in proportion to length and width. Education, Drawing, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Special Hidden Talent
- It Means So Hot Media, Social, Internet
- Super Hypo Tangerine
- Severe Head Trauma Medical
- Schaedel-Hirn-Trauma
- Spanish Hackers Team Technology, Security, Vulnerability, Exploit
- British Airways Shuttle Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, United Kingdom, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Super High Tenacity
- Setia Hati Teratai Technology, Sensor, Temperature, Humidity
- SchäDel-Hirn-Trauma Medical, Fur, Sind
- Solvent Hold Tank
- Systemic Hypertension Medical, Physiology
- Super High Tension Business, Guitar, String
- Ser Humano Y Trabajo
- Shaft The vertical segment of a column or pilaster between the base and the capital. An interior space, enclosed by walls, which extends through one or more stories or basement which connects successive floors and/or roof for elevators, dumbwaiters, mechanical equipment, etc. Space, Study, Cosmos, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Solution Heat Treatment Heating a metal to a high temperature and maintaining it long enough for one or more constituents to enter the solid solution. The solution is then cooled rapidly to retain the constituents within. OR A heat treatment in which an alloy is heated to a suitable temperature, held at that temperature long enough to cause one or more constituents to enter into solid solution, and then cooled rapidly enough to hold these constituents in solution. Alloy, Aluminum, Heat
- Superior Hiking Trail Locations, Minnesota, Hike
- Super High Temperature Technology, Sensor, Vibrating
- Spherical Harmonic Transforms
- Senior Hindi Translator Education, Exam, Junior
- Solution Heat Treated Technology, Product, Alloy
- Shepparton Airport Shepparton, Victoria,Australia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
- Super Heavy Tank
- Spherical Harmonic Transform
- Selck High Technology
- Software-Hardware-Technik
- SchäDel Hirn Trauma
- Subcutaneous Histamine Test Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Special Hull Treatment Technology, Class, Submarine
- Sagamore Hills Township
- SociéTé Des Hydrocarbures Du Tchad
- Stupid Human Tricks
- Surface Hopping Trajectory (model for Mol. Scattering) Chemistry
- Standard Hough Transform Technology, Detection, Processing, Parameter
- Swansea Harbour Trust
- Studio FüR Historischen Tanz
- Super Hero Time
- Html File With Server Side Includes Computing, File Extensions
- Sporting Hotel Trexenta
- Surface Hopping Trajectory Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Studio F
- Subclinical Hypothyroidism Medical, Patient, Thyroid
- Short Histidine Tag Medical, Physiology
- Spinohypothalamic Tract Medical
- Surabaya Heritage Track Indonesia, Locations, House
- Studies In Historical Theology
- Standard Heat Treatment
- Sha Tin, Hong Kong Regional
- Suppressed High-Level Differential Transfer Technology, Telecom
- Studia Humaniora Tartuensia
- Solar Horizontal Telescope
- Shepparton, Victoria, Australia Australia
- Supply House Times
- Stichting Historie Der Techniek
- Senior Hindi Translators
- Segway Human Transporter Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Superior Hiking Trails
- Self Heating Temperature
- Statens Havarikommisjon for Transport
- SchäDel-Hirn-Traumen Fur, Sind, Trauma
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SHT stand for?
SHT stands for SociéTé Des Hydrocarbures Du Tchad.
What is the shortened form of Self Heating Temperature?
The short form of "Self Heating Temperature" is SHT.
SHT. (2022, March 8). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from
Last updated