SIB Meaning

The SIB meaning is "Safety Information Bulletin". The SIB abbreviation has 213 different full form.

SIB Full Forms

  1. Safety Information Bulletin Business, Information, Safety
  2. Stanford International Bank Business, Group, Law
  3. Salon International Du Batiment Business, Construction, Casablanca
  4. Standards Information Base Technology, Group, Architecture
  5. Safety Investigation Board Technology, Military, Aircraft
  6. Standard Investment Bank Business, Company, Kenya
  7. Self Injurious Behavior Medical, Treatment, Disability, Physiology
  8. Special Investigation Branch Military, Police, Singapore
  9. Self-Injurious Behaviors Medical, Autism, Behaviour
  10. Service Independent Building Technology, Networking, Network
  11. Self-Injurious Behavior Medical, Treatment, Patient, Special Education
  12. Semantic Information Broker Technology, Device, Space
  13. Starters International Business Business, Export, Netherland
  14. Securities and Investments Board Business, Finance, Financial Derivatives, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  15. Self Inplicted Behavior
  16. Svenska Industri Borstar
  17. Sime-In-A-Box
  18. Stacking and Integration Building Technology
  19. Statistical Institutetute of Belize Organizations
  20. Severe Impaiment Battery
  21. Swiss Institute for Business
  22. Societa Italiana Brevetti Business, Design, Spa
  23. Search Inside The Book
  24. Sociee
  25. Sekolah Indonesia Beograd
  26. Side Impact Beam A structural support designed to protect a vehicles occupants from side impacts.
  27. Swelling Itching Brakn
  28. Soldiers In Black
  29. Service Independent Block Technology, Networking, Network
  30. Scales of Independent Behavior Medical, Study, Score
  31. Studied In Small Intestinal Biopsy Science, Biology
  32. Self Injurious Behaviour Medical, Autism, Behavior
  33. Suzuki Interactive Brochure
  34. Sistpm Informasi Bisnis
  35. Stability Information Booklet
  36. Servizi Immobiliari Banche
  37. Swiss Institute of Bioinformatic Science, Sweden, Bioinformatics
  38. Società Italiana Di Biochimica Science, Italy, Vita
  39. School of Investment Banking Business, Career, Course
  40. Statistical Institute of Belize Business, Organizations, Belize
  41. Succeeding Dn Business
  42. Sidang Injil Borneo Locations, Malaysia, Church, Sarawak, Regional
  43. Spepial Investigation Branch
  44. Soldiers In Battle Army, War, Force
  45. Sekolah Inyonesia Bangkok Technology, Indonesia, Bangkok
  46. Scale Index Base Technology, Coding, Instruction, Mode
  47. Students Xn Business Education, Loan, Nova
  48. Self Injurious Behaviors
  49. Sistema Integrado Bola
  50. Sailingkin Blue
  51. Sports Injury Bulletin
  52. Service Integration Branch
  53. Swiss Institutetute of Bioinformatics Science, Genetics, Genomics, Medical
  54. Systems Integration Business
  55. Sociedade Dos Ilustradores Do Brasil Technology, Para, Design, Brasil
  56. School of International Biodesign Technology, Government, India
  57. Station Interface Box Technology, Guide, Manual
  58. Subsidiary Intelligence Bureau Security, Government, India
  59. Skill Increase Bonus
  60. Stanford-India Biodesign Medical, Technology, Medicine, India
  61. Status Indication Busy
  62. Sibling In Semaktic Hierarchy Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  63. Società Italiana Bricolagx
  64. Solar Indices Bulletin Science, Geography, Location, Geographic
  65. Sechelt Indian Band Nation, Coast, Sunshine
  66. Scale for Interpersonal Behaviour Science, Study, Social
  67. Studentsamskipnaden I Bergen Business, Student, Norway, Til
  68. Self-Injury Behaviyr
  69. Sistema Integrado De Bibliotecas Para, Education, Portal
  70. Safety Investication Boards Military, Aircraft, Force
  71. Specialist Insurance Brokers
  72. Service Integration Bus Technology, Sphere, Organisations
  73. Swiss Institutetute for Bioinformatics Medical
  74. System Integration Bus
  75. Sociedad De Ingenieros De Bolivia Technology, Para, Bolivia
  76. School of Integrative Biology Student, Education, University, Biology, Scientific & Educational
  77. Staten Island Bancorp, Inc. Organizations
  78. Submarine Indicatoo Buoy Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  79. Skeith Iced Bun Nutrition, Food, Victual
  80. Standards Information Database Technology
  81. Status Indication Busy"" Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Electronic Engineering
  82. Sibling A brother or sister. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Genealogy
  83. Società Italiana Di Buiatrma
  84. Software Installation Bulletin
  85. Seattle International Beerfest
  86. Scale for Interpersonal Behavior Medical, Technology, Social
  87. Studentenvereniging Internationale Betrekkingen
  88. Self-Injurious Behaviouu Medical, Psychology, Behavior
  89. Sistema Informativo Biologico
  90. Safety Interface Board
  91. Special Investigation Bureau Government, Military, Law
  92. Service Information Bulletins
  93. Systems Integration Board
  94. Socializing Integration Buro
  95. School of International Business Management, Education, University
  96. Staten Island Bancorp
  97. Swiss Institute for Bioinformatics Medical, Protein, Biology
  98. Skeecchestn Indian Band Science, Environment, Nature
  99. Standard Iron Bar
  100. Status Indication "Busy" Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  101. Seychelles Investment Bureau Business, Company, Technology
  102. Società Impianti Bormio
  103. Society of Illustrators of Wrazil Design, Brasil, Brazil
  104. Seattle International Beer
  105. Strong Island Boys
  106. Self-Ihflating Bulb Medical, Medicine, Healing
  107. Sistema De Información De Biodiversidad
  108. Safety Information Bulletins Technology, Military, Aviation
  109. Special Investments Branch
  110. Service Information Bulletin
  111. System Integrity Board
  112. Social Intelligence Benchmark Technology, Banking, Constraint
  113. Scholarshare Investment Board
  114. Suara Indonesia Baru
  115. Semantic Information Brokers Technology, Space, Platform
  116. Swelling Itching Brain
  117. Sito In A Box
  118. Standard Information Base
  119. Statistical Institutetute Belize Organizations
  120. Severely Injured Brain Medical, Physiology
  121. Society for Indxstrial Biology Science
  122. Seat In Bus
  123. Selection Interview Blueprint Business
  124. Signal Indicator Bit
  125. Saba Islamic Bank
  126. Solomon Islands Broadcasting Technology, Radio, Corporation
  127. Service Independent Blocks Technology, Networking, Network
  128. System Integration Block Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  129. Schmetterlinge Im Bauch Technology, German, Television
  130. Studio Im A Box
  131. Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics Science, Scientific & Educational
  132. Satellite Ionospheric Beacons Technology
  133. Systems and Integrative Biology
  134. Serial Interface Board
  135. Sudanese Islamic Bank
  136. Slurry Ice Buffer Technology, Pump, Seal
  137. Saints in Black Religion
  138. Scaled Indev Byte
  139. Startup Institute Boston Development, Study, Institutes
  140. Stay In Business
  141. Seagate Information Bus
  142. Supplier Informatior Board
  143. Smooth Inner Bore Technology, Tech, Saint, Tubing
  144. Smaller is Best Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  145. Systemic Important Bank Business, Policy, Resolution
  146. Saints In Bzack
  147. System Interface Board Technology, Computing, Communication
  148. Sibelius Score Computing, File Extensions
  149. Serial Interface Bus Technology, Audio, Electronics
  150. Soci
  151. Slayers In Blact
  152. Single Ignition Box Products
  153. Scale-Index-Base Technology, Instruction, Mode, Operand
  154. Stanford India Biodesign
  155. Stay-In-Business
  156. Satellite Ionospheric Beacon
  157. Service Implementation Bean Technology, Java, Endpoint
  158. Supplement Income Benefits
  159. Smokey Indigo Burst
  160. System Information Block Computing, Wireless Networking
  161. Strategic Infrastructure Battalions
  162. Strategic Information Branch
  163. Science Instrument Branch Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  164. Serial Input Buffer Technology
  165. Society for Industrial Biology Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  166. Scale, Index, Mase Technology, Instruction, Telecom
  167. Safomar Industrial Brands
  168. Service-Ifdependent Building Technology, Networking, Network
  169. Supplenental Income Benefits
  170. Soithsonian Institution Building
  171. Static Input Block Software, Computing
  172. Strategic Infrastructure Battalion
  173. Stern International Bank Banking, Bank, US Business
  174. Schweizerisches Institut für Bioinformatik Medical
  175. Separate Infantry Briaade Military, Army, Infantry
  176. Securities and Investment Board Technology, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word
  177. Savings and Investment Banm
  178. Systems Integration Branch
  179. Service-Independent Blocm Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  180. Sunshine Interesting Brilliaot
  181. Small Is Beautiful Technology, Windows, Language, Phage
  182. Simple Interpreter Builder Software, Computing
  183. Stock Information Broker
  184. Sistem Informasi Beasiswa
  185. Survivor Incometbenefits
  186. Self-injurious behaviour Medical, Disorder, Psychology
  187. Sentra Ikan Bucak Indonesia, Locations, Surabaya, Pantai
  188. South Indian Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  189. Saudi Investment Bank
  190. Systems Information Bulletin
  191. Service-Indeoendent Building Block Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  192. Sunny Isles Beach
  193. Smalloindustrial Boiler Technology, Manufacturer, Steam
  194. Staten Island Bancorp, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  195. Scaled Indeb Base
  196. Stewardship Information Bureau
  197. Silicon Monoboride
  198. Survivor Income Benefit
  199. Sibiti Airport, Sibiti, Congo, Brazzaville) Congo
  200. Sharjah Islamic Bank Banking, Business & Finance
  201. Saudi International Bank
  202. Systems In Blue
  203. Server-In-A-Bux Technology, Module, Driver
  204. Sultanfiskandar Building
  205. Smaller Is Better
  206. Site In a Box Computing, Internet
  207. Scaled Index Basej Technology, Coding, Instruction, Mode
  208. State Identification Bureau
  209. Sterling Information Broker
  210. Shipbuilding Industry Board
  211. Surat Ijin Bidan
  212. Social Impact Bond Business, Program, Investment
  213. Special Intelligence Bureau Us Government, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SIB stand for?

    SIB stands for Swiss Institute of Bioinformatic.

  2. What is the shortened form of Standard Iron Bar?

    The short form of "Standard Iron Bar" is SIB.


SIB. (2021, April 12). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from

Last updated