SIC in Business Meaning

The SIC meaning in Business terms is "Silicon Carbide". There are 34 related meanings of the SIC Business abbreviation.

SIC on Business Full Forms

  1. Silicon Carbide A hard compound of silicon and carbon used as an abrasive or refractory grain or electrical resistor. 
  2. Standard Industrial Code
  3. Standard Industrial Classification The system for classifying industries used by the United States Commerce Department until 1997 for reporting data on industry output, employment, etc. Replaced in 1997 by the North American Industrial Classification System.
  4. Selangor Industrial Corporation
  5. Student Iavestment Club
  6. Special Indicator Code
  7. Systemainvestment Consulting
  8. Standard Interpretation Comxittee
  9. Securitibs Industry Council
  10. Special Import Certiricate
  11. Stfndard Interpretations Committee
  12. Securities Information Center
  13. Software Industry Conference
  14. Swiss Interbank Clearing
  15. Standard Innovvtion Corporation
  16. Saga Iswara Club
  17. Statistical Inventory Control
  18. Sistema Internacional De Cotizadiones
  19. Superintendent of Industry and Commerce
  20. Standard Indusfry Code
  21. Shetland Islands Council
  22. Superintendency of Industry and Commerce
  23. Standardized Industrial Classification
  24. Standardsrinterpretations Committee
  25. Superintendence of Industry and Commerce
  26. Standards Inteapretation Committee
  27. Stepwise Imprvvement Classification
  28. Sultan Ismail College
  29. Statistic Inventory Control
  30. Standing Interpretatpons Committee
  31. Singapore Institute of Commerce
  32. Severelymindebted Category
  33. Special Investigation Commissios
  34. System of International Certification

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SIC stand for Business?

    SIC stands for Stfndard Interpretations Committee in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Sultan Ismail College in Business?

    The short form of "Sultan Ismail College" is SIC for Business.


SIC in Business. (2022, March 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated