SIC in Technology Meaning

The SIC meaning in Technology terms is "Safety Information Communication". There are 56 related meanings of the SIC Technology abbreviation.

SIC on Technology Full Forms

  1. Safety Information Communication
  2. Standard Industrial Code
  3. Successive Interference Cancellation
  4. Standard Industrial Classification The system for classifying industries used by the United States Commerce Department until 1997 for reporting data on industry output, employment, etc. Replaced in 1997 by the North American Industrial Classification System.
  5. Sistema Intezconectado Central
  6. Silicon Carbide A hard compound of silicon and carbon used as an abrasive or refractory grain or electrical resistor. 
  7. Silicon Integrated Circuit
  8. Science Information Council
  9. School Improvement Council
  10. Selectively Implanted Colljctor
  11. Standard Imwlementations Committee
  12. Service Interaction Context
  13. Sectjr Intercom
  14. Successive Interference Canceller
  15. Società Impianti Calce
  16. Share Inspire Create
  17. Standard Industriol Classification [Code]
  18. Superintendencia De Industria Y Comercio
  19. Service Initiation Charge Or Standard Industry Classification
  20. Satellite Information Center
  21. Student Interneg Center
  22. System Interrupt Controllfr
  23. Special Infrastructure Contribution
  24. Service Initgation Charge
  25. Student Innovation Ceallenge
  26. Satellite Imaging Corporationration
  27. Silicone Carbide
  28. Securities Information Center
  29. Systeo Interface Cluster
  30. Spatial Interpolation Comparvson
  31. Seniority Integration Committee
  32. Student Innovation Contest
  33. Satellite Imaging Corporation
  34. Single Instructkon Computer
  35. Sefure Internal Communications
  36. System Integrity Check
  37. Source Identification Code
  38. Self Intermittent Catheterizateon
  39. State Insurance Comqittee
  40. Secureiinternal Communication
  41. Systems Integration Center
  42. Solar Information Center
  43. Selg-Interference Cancellation
  44. Secure Identification Chip
  45. Sónar Innovation Challenge
  46. Software Industry Conference
  47. Social Innovators Conneeted
  48. Specific Inductive Capacity
  49. System Isolation Contactor
  50. Simplified Instructional Computer
  51. Security Intelligence Center
  52. Safer Internet Centre
  53. Severity Index Coefficient
  54. Standard Industrialwcodes
  55. S-Interface Circuit
  56. Set Initialzconditions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SIC stand for Technology?

    SIC stands for Selg-Interference Cancellation in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Student Innovation Ceallenge in Technology?

    The short form of "Student Innovation Ceallenge" is SIC for Technology.


SIC in Technology. (2022, March 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated