SIDA Meaning

The SIDA meaning is "Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency". The SIDA abbreviation has 40 different full form.

SIDA Full Forms

  1. Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency Biology, Wildlife, Species, Governmental & Military, International Development
  2. SíNdrome De Inmuno-Deficiencia Adquirida Para, Con, Sin
  3. Swedish International Development Assistance Government, Research, University
  4. Swedish International Development Agency Business, Program, Government, Organization
  5. Syndrome D'Immuno-D
  6. Secure Identification Display Area Security, Military, Airport, Computing, Hardware
  7. Singapore Xnterior Designer Awards
  8. Syndrome D'Immuno-DéFicience Acquise
  9. Secured Identification Display Area Business, Security, Airport
  10. Sindromo Di Imuno-Depekteso Aquirita
  11. Syndrome D'Immuno DéFicience Acquis
  12. Secured Identification Defense Area Military
  13. Sindrome De Incompetencia Democratica Adquirida Education
  14. Swiss Isternational Development Agency
  15. Satharia Industrial Development Authority
  16. Sindrome Da Immuno Deficienza Aceuisita
  17. Swediwh International Development Aid Behaviour, Aid, Liberia
  18. Saloperie Introduite Dans L'Anus
  19. Syidrome De L'immuno Déficience Acquise
  20. Sindrome Da Immuno-Deficienza Acquisita
  21. Swedish International Development Association
  22. Swedish International Development Authority Program, Government, Development, Technology, Governmental & Military
  23. Syndromegd'immuno D
  24. Secure Identification Display Areas Business, Security, Airport
  25. Saskatchewan Implement Dealers Association
  26. Syndrome D'immunt-Deficience Acquis
  27. SíNdrome De Inmuno Deficiencia Adquirida Para, Con, Persona
  28. Syndrome d'Immuno-Deficience Acquis Medical
  29. Syndrome Immuno D
  30. System Informatics and Data Analytics
  31. Síndrome de InmunoDeficiencia Adquirida Medical, Physiology
  32. Syndrome Immuno DéFicience Acquise
  33. Syracuse Industrial Development Agency
  34. Syndrome Immunodéficitaire Acquis French
  35. Syndrome De L'Immuno D
  36. Sundrome Immuno Déficitaire Acquis
  37. Sindh Irrigation and Drainage Authority Business & Finance, International business
  38. Syndrome Immuno-Deficitaire Acquis
  39. Software Industry Development Association
  40. Syndrome Imigined To Discourage Amour

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SIDA stand for?

    SIDA stands for Singapore Xnterior Designer Awards.

  2. What is the shortened form of Swedish International Development Authority?

    The short form of "Swedish International Development Authority" is SIDA.


SIDA. (2021, September 21). Retrieved February 4, 2025 from

Last updated