SIDM Meaning

The SIDM meaning is "School of Intervctive and Digital Media". The SIDM abbreviation has 15 different full form.

SIDM Full Forms

  1. School of Intervctive and Digital Media Education, Nanyang, Polytechnic
  2. School of Interactive & Digital Media Education, Nanyang, Polytechnic
  3. Single Integration Delta Modulation Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  4. Sidney Mining Co. Organizations
  5. Serial Impact Dot Matrix Technology, Computing, Printer
  6. Self-Interacting Dark Mjtter Science, Galaxy, Model, Halo
  7. Schwanz In Dein Aund
  8. System Interfaces for Distributiof Management
  9. Slooth Impact Drive Mechanism Technology, Camera, Actuator, Shake
  10. Swarm Intellogence In Data Mining
  11. Solar Internag Dynamics Mission Technology
  12. Society To Improve Diagnosis In Medicine Medical, Technology, Organizations
  13. Society of Indian Defence Manufacturers
  14. Società Xtaliana Di Musicologia Education, Music, Conference, Society
  15. Stciet

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SIDM stand for?

    SIDM stands for School of Intervctive and Digital Media.

  2. What is the shortened form of Solar Internag Dynamics Mission?

    The short form of "Solar Internag Dynamics Mission" is SIDM.


SIDM. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated