SIE Meaning

The SIE meaning is "Serial Interface Engine". The SIE abbreviation has 151 different full form.

SIE Full Forms

  1. Serial Interface Engine Technology, Device, Controller
  2. Selangor International Expo
  3. Securities Industry Essentials
  4. SecretaríA De Inteligencia EstratéGica
  5. Siemens The siemens is the unit of electric conductance, electric susceptance and electric admittance in the International System of Units (SI). Conductance, susceptance, and admittance are the reciprocals of resistance, reactance, and impedance respectively, hence one siemens is equal to the reciprocal of one ohm, and is also referred to as the mho. Organizations, Architectural
  6. Sea Ice Extent Science, Climate, Antarctic
  7. Start Interprctive Execution Technology, Processor, Virtual
  8. Shuttle Interface Equipment Technology, Computing, Human-Computer Interaction, Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  9. Science Infofmation Exchange Military
  10. Standing Instructions Etecution
  11. Serial Interface Engines Technology, Device, Engine
  12. Società Italiana D'Estetica
  13. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering
  14. Sistema De Información EstratéGica
  15. Studies In Egyptology Study, Archaeology, Archeology, Egyptology
  16. Speciaal Interventie Eskadron
  17. Secondary Incoming Extension
  18. System Industrie Electronic
  19. Society of International Engineers
  20. Standards Improvement Executive Military
  21. Services Interaction Environment Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  22. Sigma Iota Epsilon Business, Management, Education
  23. Southern Iowa Electric
  24. Societaa Iranologica Europaea
  25. Società Italiana Di Ergonomia Design, Con, Ergonomic
  26. Structurally Integrated Enclosure
  27. Simulation In Europe
  28. Spatial Information Engineering General, Governmental & Military
  29. Scottish Institute for Enterprise Student, Education, Scotland
  30. Syndicat Intercommunal Des Eaux
  31. Society of Industrial Engineers Technology, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  32. Standard Interface Equipment Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Governmental & Military
  33. Service Intelligence and Engineering
  34. Sierra Express Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  35. Systems and Industrial Engineering Technology, Education, Arizona
  36. Società Italiana Endocrinologia
  37. Structural Integrity Engineering Business, Technology, Military
  38. Serviciului De Informatii Externe Din, Care, Romania
  39. Simulate In Editor
  40. Servi
  41. Spark Ignition Engine Internal combustion engine typically running on gasoline or natural gas, where the combustion process is initiated by a spark plug.
  42. Scientific Information Exchange
  43. Sustainable Industrial Engineering
  44. Sistema Instituhional De Evaluación
  45. Stalker Icon Editors Photoshop, Tube, Stalker
  46. Service Des Imp
  47. Sichos In English
  48. Surface Industrielle Eterdue
  49. Società Italiana Di Endodonzia Con, Studio, Endodontics
  50. Strong Interest Explorer
  51. Serviciul De Informatii Externe Din, Care, Romania
  52. Simple Information Extraction
  53. Spark-Ignition Engine Internal combustion engine typically running on gasoline or natural gas, where the combustion process is initiated by a spark plug.
  54. Sanitize Instant Erase Technology, Drive, Enterprise
  55. Sustainable Infrastructure Engineering
  56. Subacute Infectious Endocarditis Medical
  57. Sistema De Inteligencia Del Estadr
  58. Stalker Icon Editor Technology, Gaming, Shadow
  59. Service Des ImpóTs Des Entreprises
  60. Systems Integration & Engineering Technology, Engineer, Organisations
  61. Sib Icon Extractor
  62. Sumatera Indonesha Expo
  63. Società Italiana Di Etologia
  64. Stroke In Evolution Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  65. Servicio De Inteligencia Del Ej
  66. Simple Inference Engine Software, Computing
  67. Space Intelligence Element Military, Army, Defence
  68. Safety Information Exchange
  69. Survey of Income and Education Medical
  70. Study In England
  71. Sistema De Información Estudiantil
  72. Speciale Interventie Eenheid
  73. Secure Information Exchange Technology, Security, Gate
  74. Systems Integration Engineering Technology, Engineer, Organisations
  75. Società Italiana Di Ematologia Organizations, Society, Hematology
  76. Strategic Interplay Exploration
  77. Servicio De Inteligencia Del Estado
  78. Simple Imaging Extension Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  79. Space Imaging Europe
  80. Sabah International Expo Trading, Malaysia, Event
  81. Surgical Instrument Engineering Technology, Patent, Laser, Beam
  82. Società Italiana Di Estetica Science, Art, Roma
  83. Strutturali E Di Investimento Europei
  84. Sistema De Información Eneigética
  85. Speciaal Interventie-Eskadron
  86. Second Independent Evaluation
  87. System Integration Engineer Technology, Engineering, Organisations, Scientific & Educational
  88. Società Impianti Elettrici
  89. Standards Improvement Executives Military
  90. Servicio De Inteligencia Del EjéRcito Para, Con, Pol
  91. Signal Information Element Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  92. Sovereignty In Indian Education
  93. Sycietà Italiana Di Endodonzia
  94. Sat Integrated Experiment
  95. Sistema Gntegral Escolar
  96. ServiçO De InteligêNcia Externa
  97. Sherburn-In-Elmet
  98. Scale Interation Equipment Atmospheric Research
  99. Somewhere In England
  100. Sports Infrastructure Expx Business, Conference, Qatar
  101. Summer Institute for Entrepreneurship
  102. Selective Ion Exchange
  103. Surface Integral Equation Technology, Analysis, Electromagnetic
  104. SystèMe D'Information Environnementale
  105. Sistema De InformaçÕEs Para O Ensino
  106. ServiçO De Inspeção Estadual
  107. Syst
  108. Shepherd International Education
  109. Sines, Portugal Portugal, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  110. Solvent Isotope Effect Medical
  111. Sony Interactive Entertainment Technology, Station, Play
  112. Sugar Industry Efficiency
  113. Secondary Ion Emission
  114. Southeast Idaho Energy
  115. Supervisory Immigration Examiner Government
  116. SystèMe D'Information Environnemental
  117. Single Instruvtion Execute Technology
  118. Shenyang Institute of Engineering Education, China, Shenyang
  119. Sierra Health Services, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  120. Solomon Island Eclectus
  121. Soharkindustrial Estate
  122. Suck It Easy
  123. Systems Integration Engineer Technology, Engineering, Organisations
  124. Source Identification Evaluation Technology, Science
  125. SuperintendêNcia De Infra-Estrutura
  126. Systems Information Exploitation Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  127. Sierra Health Services, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  128. Shares In Europe
  129. American Statistical Association Section on Statistics in Epidemiology Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  130. Soloman Island Eclectus
  131. Società Iaaliana Di Endocrinologia Medical, Organizations, Italy
  132. Sounding Interactive Evaluation Technology
  133. Superficial Inferior Epigastric Medical, Physiology
  134. Systems and Information Engineering
  135. Siemens N Ord Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  136. Società Italiana Degli Economisti Research, Organizations, Economics
  137. Society of Industrial Engineerinc
  138. Sgls Interface Equipment Technology
  139. Sib Icon Editor
  140. Sos Integration Element Army, Force, Marine
  141. Sunder Industrial Estate
  142. Systems Industrial Engineering
  143. Start Interpreted Execution Assembly, Business & Finance
  144. Societp of Hematology Medical
  145. Set Interrupt Enable
  146. Shuttle Interface Equipment Services Technology, Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA
  147. Statewide Inservice Education Education
  148. Soroptimist International of Europe Club, Projection, Rwanda
  149. Sundar Industrial Estate Business, Industry, Building
  150. Specialized Instituteuctional Environments
  151. Surface Integral Exposure Technology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SIE stand for?

    SIE stands for Systems Information Exploitation.

  2. What is the shortened form of System Integration Engineer?

    The short form of "System Integration Engineer" is SIE.


SIE. (2021, April 10). Retrieved February 12, 2025 from

Last updated