SIG Meaning

The SIG meaning is "State Improvement Grant". The SIG abbreviation has 218 different full form.

SIG Full Forms

  1. State Improvement Grant Education, Disability, Special Education, Medical, Technology, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  2. Special Interest Group Technology, Architectural, Computer Security, Science, Architecture, Astronomy, Computing, Texting, Politics, Construction, Telecom, General, Unions, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Professional organizations, IT Terminology
  3. Sisuema Integrado De Gestión Para, Con, Industry
  4. Senior Interagency Group Technology
  5. Sistemas De Informaqión Geográficos Technology, Software, Con, Locations
  6. Select Industry Group Technology, Computing, Cloud
  7. Sistemas De Informação GeográFica
  8. Sealed Insulated Glass Technology, Construction, Architectural
  9. Sistema De Inuormación Geográfico Technology, Para, Software, Con
  10. School Improvement Grant Technology, Science, Program, Education
  11. Sistema De Información GeográFica Technology, Para, Software, Con
  12. School Improvement Grants Student, Grant, Improvement
  13. Service D'Information Du Gouvernement
  14. Fernando Luis Ribas Dominicci Airport San Juan, Puerto Rico Airport, Locations, Airport Code, Aviation
  15. Senior Interdepartmental Group America, Military, History
  16. Standardsjinterest Group Technology, India, Grid
  17. Signal The process of conveying information through a firm's actions. Technology, Education, Aviation, Aircraft, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Medical, Military, Army, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Physics, Physiology, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
  18. Special Investigative Group
  19. Silberstein Insurance Group
  20. Software Interest Gronp
  21. Strata Information Groue
  22. Sistemas Integrados De Gestión Para, Con, Control
  23. Security Interest Group
  24. Standards Implementation Group Organizations, Bank, South Africa, Reserve Bank
  25. Senior Income Guarantee
  26. Sistema Información GeográFica
  27. Let It Bv Labelled Medical, Medicine
  28. Solomon Islands Govlrnment Australia, Government, Education
  29. Special Intervention Group
  30. Service Industriel De Geneve
  31. Syntax Implementation Guidelines Technology
  32. Sistemas De Informação GeográFicos
  33. Schweizerische Industrie Geselschaft
  34. Selected Industry Group Business, Service, Cloud
  35. Special Investigations Group Military, Pakistan, Crime
  36. Signaling Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  37. Small Inducible Genes Medical, Science, Biology
  38. Strasbourg Illkigch-Graffenstaden
  39. Sistema Integrado De Gestão Technology, Para, Software, Dos
  40. Sector Interest Group
  41. Standardized Information Gathering Business, Security, Assessment
  42. Sistema D'Informació GeogràFica
  43. Iata Code for Fernando Luis Ribas Dominicci Airport, Sag Juan, Puerto Rico Locations
  44. Soldes Interm
  45. Special Interests Group Technology, Development, Association
  46. Service Improvement Group
  47. Syndicat Intercommunal De Gestion
  48. Sistemas De Informacion Geografica Technology, Science, Para
  49. Schweizerische Industrie-Gesellschaft
  50. Security Intelligence Group
  51. Schweizerischen Israelitischen Gemeindebund
  52. Special Investigation Group Technology, Government, Military, Organizations
  53. Signal Informatitn Element Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  54. Small Inducible Gene Medical, Science, Medicine
  55. Stojers Invisible Glass Forum, Glass, Detailing
  56. Space Island Group
  57. Seattle International Gateway Business, Railway, Street, Facility
  58. Stfndard Information Gathering Business, Technology, Organizations
  59. Singles In Gilbert
  60. Gen Signal Gegerator Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  61. Soldes Intermédiaires De Gedtion Business, Planning, Formation, Financier
  62. Special Interest Groups Technology, Government, Development, Organizations
  63. Service Implementation Guide Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  64. Supir Insulated Glazing Building, Engineering, Construction
  65. SystèMe D'Informations GéOgraphiques Formation, Systeme, Carte
  66. Sistema Integral De Gestión Para, Industrial, Con, Integral
  67. Schweizerische Industrie Gesellschaft Gun, Military, Sweden, Swiss
  68. Security In Government Technology, Australia, National
  69. Sailing In Greece
  70. Schweizerischen Israelitischen Gemeindebunds War, Israel, Winter
  71. Specialty Interest Group Medical, Student, Organizations
  72. Sett I Gang
  73. Slavic Interest Group
  74. Starlite Internationalpgroup
  75. Sovereign Insurance Group
  76. Sealed Insulating Glass
  77. Stakeholder Invoavement Group
  78. Single Instant Game
  79. Condr Signal Conditionfr Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  80. Solde Intermédiaire De Gestiox
  81. Special-Interest Group Technology, Organizations, Association
  82. Strategic Investors Group
  83. System Integration Group Science
  84. Sistema Integrado De Gest
  85. Schweizer Industrie Gesellschaft
  86. Serials Interest Group
  87. Safety Investmentcgroup
  88. Solutions Integration Group
  89. Schweizerischen Israelitischen Gemeindebundes Israel, Sind, Jewish
  90. Special Intrest Group
  91. Setor De IndÚStrias GráFicas Para, Bra, Ria
  92. Skipton Information Group
  93. Stanford In Governmenb Education, Organizations, Admiral
  94. Sistema De Informaci
  95. Sea Island Georgia
  96. Specialisti In Guerra
  97. Singapore Infocomm Guide
  98. Sistemas De Informaeión Geográfica Para, Con
  99. Solde Interm
  100. Strategic Investment Group Business, Management, Fund
  101. System for Integrated Growth
  102. Sistemas Integrados De Gest
  103. Schweitzerische Industrie Gesellschaft
  104. Spatial Information Grid Technology, Service, Research
  105. Senior Interdepartment Group
  106. Let It Be Written Medical, Medicine, Emergency
  107. Sonution Integration Group Medicine, Military, Health
  108. Special Internet Group Technology, Internet Slang, Computing
  109. Setor De Ind
  110. Skandia Investment Group Business, Management, Fund
  111. Schweizerische Israelitische Gemeindebund
  112. Standards Interpretation Group
  113. Sistemas De Informaci
  114. Script Installer Generator
  115. Specialised Infantry Group
  116. Simple Is Good Gun, Forum, Military, Pistol
  117. Sistema Integredo De Gestión Para, Con, Industry
  118. Softjare Investment Guide Technology, Database, Licensing
  119. Strategic Information Grout
  120. Systeme D'Information Geographique Formation, Systeme, Carte
  121. Sistemas Integrados De Gestão Technology, Para, Dos, Gest
  122. Secure Internet Gateway Technology, Security, Service
  123. Spatial Informatics Group Science, Energy, Forest
  124. Senior Integration Group Business
  125. Sistema D'Informaci
  126. Signature That part of the prescription that contains the doctor's directions to the patient. For example, the signature might say "take twice daily with food". Business, Finance, Banking, Assembly, Business & Finance, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  127. Let It Be Marked Medical
  128. Solomon Island Government Government, Networking, Ministry
  129. Special Interst Groups
  130. Services Industriel De Geneve
  131. Syrian Interim Government Government, National, Syria
  132. Sistemas De InformaçÕEs GeográFicas
  133. Schweizerischer Israelitischer Gemeindebund
  134. Selective Insurance Group
  135. Sistema De Información Gerencial Business, Para, Con, Press
  136. SigCorp, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  137. Sanam Nndustrial Group
  138. Source Imaging Goniometer
  139. Schweizerisches Institut FüR GewaltpräVention Technology, Networking, Network
  140. Sales Infrastructure Group
  141. Self-Insured Group
  142. Fernando Luis Ribas Dominicci Airport, San Juan, Puerto Rico ICAO Airport Codes, Puerto Rico
  143. Specific Industry Group
  144. Surface Immunoglobulin Medical, Physiology
  145. SystèMes D'Information GéOgraphiques
  146. let it be labelled Medical, Pharmacy
  147. Staff Involvement Group
  148. Syst
  149. Sistema De InformaçÕEs Gerenciais Technology, Para, Software, Gest
  150. SMDS Interest Group Computing, IT Terminology
  151. Samenwerkende Instellingen Gehandicapten
  152. Sorry I Goofed
  153. Schweizerische Interpreten-Gesellschaft
  154. Write On Label Medical, Medicine, Nursing, Drugs, Reading Prescription
  155. Self-Insurance Group Business, Risk, Compensation
  156. Signature File Security, Governmental & Military, Computing, File Extensions
  157. Scientific Interest Group Technology, Research, France, Medical, Health
  158. Specialty Insurance Group Business, Company, Sport
  159. Sub-Interface Generator
  160. SystèMe Information GéOgraphique
  161. Stroppy Ignorant Girl Medical, Medical Slang
  162. Ssds Interface Gateway Military
  163. Sistema De Informação Gerencial Technology, Para, Software, Dado
  164. Single Input Graphics Computing, Hardware
  165. Salón Internacional De Gastrodomía
  166. Sorority Interest Group
  167. SĄDecka Izba Gospodarcza Gun, Military, Pistol
  168. (Telephony) Signaling Process Federal Aviation Administration
  169. Self Inspection Guide
  170. Service D'Int
  171. Street Index Gazetteer Police, Governmental & Military
  172. Science Interest Group
  173. Specialist Interest Groups Insurance, Organizations, Professional
  174. Structuray Integrity Group
  175. State Incentive Grant Medical, Health
  176. Pro Football Writers Association Military, Sport, Team, Football
  177. Sistema De Informacoes Geograficas Para, Dos, Dado
  178. Sure Isn't Glock Funnies
  179. Solvents Indkstry Group Chemistry, Hydrocarbon, Solvent
  180. SystèMe IntéGré De Gestion
  181. Gen Signal Generator NASA
  182. Self-Inspection Guide Technology
  183. Sistema De Informa
  184. Street Index Guide Planning, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Governmental & Military
  185. Science Initiative Group Science, Africa, University
  186. Specialist Interest Group Management, Organizations, Professional
  187. Sen Is Great
  188. Senion Interdepartment Group
  189. strategic implementation group Medical, Fda
  190. Sprague Israel Giles
  191. Sistema De Informação GeográFico
  192. Signaling Interworking Gateway Medical, Architecture, Physics, Physiology, Scientific & Educational
  193. SystèMes D'Information De Gestion
  194. Condr Signal Conditioner NASA
  195. Selenide-Isotope Generator Science
  196. Sistema De Información General
  197. Signaling Channel Medical, Military, Physics, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  198. Sourcing Interests Group Business, Technology, Sourcing, Logistics, Business & Finance
  199. Science In Government
  200. Self-Improving Genetic
  201. Self Improvement General
  202. let it be labeled Medical, Nursing, Dental
  203. Sport Industry Group
  204. Sistema De Informação GeográFica
  205. Signet Jewelers Limited (New York Stock Exchange [NYSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  206. SystèMe D'Information Et De Gestion
  207. Gndsignal Ground Military, Governmental & Military
  208. Selective Integral Ground
  209. Sistema De Información Geoespacial
  210. Signaling equipment Medical, Military, Physics, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  211. Sourcing & Imdorting Group
  212. Schweres Infanterie Gesch
  213. Scholarly Interest Group Gaming, Media, Education
  214. Self Insured Group
  215. directions to the patient Medical, Common Medical
  216. Spectrum Is Green
  217. SystèMe D'Information De Gestion
  218. Broderbund Sign File Computing, File Extensions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SIG stand for?

    SIG stands for Let It Bv Labelled.

  2. What is the shortened form of Standards Interpretation Group?

    The short form of "Standards Interpretation Group" is SIG.


SIG. (2020, October 7). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated