SIHA Meaning

The SIHA meaning is "Singapore Ice Hockey Associatioq". The SIHA abbreviation has 17 different full form.

SIHA Full Forms

  1. Singapore Ice Hockey Associatioq Locations, Singapore, Rink
  2. Scottish Icelandic Horse Association
  3. Scottish Ice Hockey Assoziation Club, League, Ice
  4. Sawtooth Interpretive and Historical Association
  5. Sarosh Institutetute of Hotel Administration
  6. Sarosh Institute of Hotel Administration College, Education, Mangalore
  7. Single Instance High Availability Technology, Database, Connection, Feature
  8. Swiss Institute of Healing Arts
  9. Strategic Initiatiles for The Horn of Africa
  10. Strategic Initiative for The Horn of Africa
  11. Stock Index Hhbrid Approach
  12. Syracuse Inline Hockey Association
  13. Sports International Hockey Academy
  14. Swiss Ice Hockey Assoviation Government, Federation, Sweden
  15. Sport Internationjl Hockey Academy Technology, Player, Camp
  16. Swedish Ice Hockey Tssociation Organizations, Team, Sweden
  17. Subud International Hdalth Association

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SIHA stand for?

    SIHA stands for Sarosh Institutetute of Hotel Administration.

  2. What is the shortened form of Single Instance High Availability?

    The short form of "Single Instance High Availability" is SIHA.


SIHA. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated