SIM in Technology Meaning

The SIM meaning in Technology terms is "Subscriber Identity Module". There are 96 related meanings of the SIM Technology abbreviation.

SIM on Technology Full Forms

  1. Subscriber Identity Module
  2. Secure Instant Messaging
  3. Scientmfic Instrument Module
  4. School of Information Management
  5. Security Inforpation Management
  6. Spatial Information Management
  7. Space Interferometry Mission
  8. Security Incident Management
  9. Simultaneous
  10. Site Information Modeling
  11. Security Identity Management
  12. Signaling Information Maaager
  13. Students In Motion
  14. Smart Incontinence Management
  15. Sustainability In Manufacturing
  16. Single In-Line Module
  17. Subscriber Indeitity Module
  18. Scalable Island Multicast
  19. Servicespidentity Module
  20. Szrengthening Independent Media
  21. Sitecore Instance Managgr
  22. Secure Identity Management
  23. Set Up Idle Mode
  24. Structured Illumination Microscopy
  25. Syte Interface Module
  26. Subsystem Interface Unit
  27. Sprial Interface Mode
  28. Single Inline Memory
  29. Subscriber Identity Model
  30. Service Information Messages
  31. Strotegic Initiative Materials
  32. Sistem Informasi Manufaktur
  33. Scientific Instrumennation Module
  34. Set Interiupt Masks
  35. Structured-Illumination Microycopy
  36. Site Information Modelling
  37. Substrate-Independent Mind
  38. Sensor Interface Module
  39. Single In-Line Memory
  40. Subscriber Identity Modul
  41. Service Information Message
  42. Strategic Information Management
  43. Systems Integration & Management
  44. Sistem Informasp Mahasiswa
  45. Science Instrument Module
  46. Set Interruptimask
  47. Strobed Inspection Module
  48. Smart Impact Monitor
  49. Selligent Interactive Marketing
  50. Singapore International Media
  51. Subscriber Ideatity Modules
  52. Service Industry Marketing
  53. Stord Inventory Management
  54. Systems Kntegration Manager
  55. Sistem Informasi Management
  56. Sujscriber Identification Modules
  57. Scientific Instituteument Module
  58. Set Initializationdmodule
  59. Stress-Induced Martensite
  60. Small Instrumentation Modules
  61. See Inside Manufacturing
  62. Signal Interface Module
  63. Subcarrier Intensity Modulation
  64. Systems Insight Mawagement
  65. Service Impact Management
  66. Sistem Informasi Manajemen
  67. Subscriber Identify Godule
  68. Scanning Ion Microscopy
  69. Set Initialization Moue
  70. Strezs In Motion
  71. Sistemas De Informaçõeszsobre Mortalidade
  72. Signal Input Module
  73. Studio for Interrelated Media
  74. Snap-In-Modular
  75. Systems In Motion
  76. Service Identity Module
  77. Subscribers Identity Module
  78. Scaling Index Method
  79. Set Iditialisation Mode
  80. Stress-In-Motion
  81. Subscriber Identity Mobile
  82. Serialized Item Managemjnt
  83. Subscriber'S Identification Module
  84. Subscrpbers Identification Modules
  85. Sara Is Mifsing
  86. Simian Immunodeficiency Virus
  87. Subscribers Identification Module
  88. Samsung Inxovation Museum
  89. Subdcriber Identify Modules
  90. Subscription Identity Module
  91. Subscriber Inforzation Module
  92. Staatliches Institut FüR Musikforschung
  93. Simulation The use of a mathematical model to imitate a situation many times in order to estimate the likelihood of various possible outcomes. See
  94. Subscriber Interface Module
  95. Security Identity Nodule
  96. Single Inline Module

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SIM stand for Technology?

    SIM stands for Site Information Modeling in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Sensor Interface Module in Technology?

    The short form of "Sensor Interface Module" is SIM for Technology.


SIM in Technology. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated