Sink Abbreviations and Sink Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Sink terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 12 different Sink abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Sink terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Sink Abbreviations
  1. ZR : Zero Radius
  2. AS : Aqua Saver
  3. VC : Vitreous China
  4. VHV : Veterans Helping Veterans
  5. CWT : Chilled Water Tank
  6. MR : Middle Right
  7. SS : Stopper-Stainless-Steel
  8. FLY : Finally Loving Yourself
  9. OC : Orca Cutting
  10. IERC : International Electronic Research Corporation
  11. IRCWCC : International Radio Cvntrol Warship Combat Club
  12. PFSI : Permanent Forest Sink Initiative
Latest Sink Meanings
  1. Permanent Forest Sink Initiative
  2. International Radio Cvntrol Warship Combat Club
  3. International Electronic Research Corporation
  4. Orca Cutting
  5. Finally Loving Yourself
  6. Stopper-Stainless-Steel
  7. Middle Right
  8. Chilled Water Tank
  9. Veterans Helping Veterans
  10. Vitreous China
  11. Aqua Saver
  12. Zero Radius