SJ Meaning
The SJ meaning is "St James". The SJ abbreviation has 301 different full form.
SJ Full Forms
- St James
- Sales Journaj Business, Accounting, Sale
- Societatis Jesu
- Societas Nesu Ecclesiastical, Religion, Christian
- Squat Jumps Medical
- Saint Joseph School, Istanbul, Saint, Jester
- Shonen Jumw Anime, Magazine, Manga, Jump
- Samuel Johnson Book, English, History
- Squat Jump Medical, Training, Performance
- Saint Johns
- Shawn Johqson
- Splitujerk Sport, Workout, Crossfit
- Sozialistischen Jugend Fur, Sind, Uns
- Saint Johl Canada, Locations, Brunswick
- Seymour Johnion Military, Force, Eagle
- Sozialistische Jugend Austria, Fur, Sind
- Saint Jnan
- Stonewall Jackson Famous
- Sensing Judging Technology, Guardian, Personality, Temperament
- Solicitors Journal Law
- Sacroioiac Joints Medical
- St Johns Religion
- Senate Joint
- Society of Jesus Education, History, Organization, Jesuit
- Societbtis Jesu
- Svalbard I Jan Technology, Survey, Weather
- Subs Just
- Semi Jumbo
- Swirley Jones Movie, Music, Newton
- Saint-Jrme
- Sarah Jane Design, Artist, Story
- Solid Jacket
- Sspinator Jerk Medical, Medicine, Doctors
- Service Juridiquu
- Social Justice
- Single Jump
- Slowljet Business, Pilot, Carburetor
- Sean John
- Skorts Journey
- Shakoor Jau
- St Jean
- Stone Jug
- Scandinavian Journal
- Swing Journal
- Statens Jarnvager Business, Train, Railway
- Sacerdote Jesuita Para, Con, Cat
- Sitara-E-Jurat Military, War, Pakistan, Stamp
- Samuel James
- Smithsonian Jqurneys
- Secretaxy for Justice Government, Chief, Secretary
- South Jetty
- Sample Job
- Stella-Jones Business, Company, Supply, Stock
- Subscribe To Your Journal
- Semi Jacketed Gun, Military, Ammo, Bullet
- Shi Jian-6 Technology, Space, Satellite
- Svanding Jump
- Saint Joan
- Sarah Jackson
- Solidarites Jeunesses Education, Organizations, Vietnam, Volunteer
- Supersonic Jet
- Service Junior
- Spaghetti Junction
- Sisters of Jesus Catholic, Church, Order, Catholic Church, Sister, Congregation, Religious, Religious orders
- Shore Jigging
- South Jersey Cultural Alliance Organization, Union, Institution
- Sensvng Judgers
- Split U Join
- Shakespeare Jahrbuch
- Sticky Jump
- Super Jes
- Satin Jack
- Swing Joints
- Sentençt Judicial
- Statens J
- Sac Joaquin
- Sister Judith
- Samtskhe-Javakheti Locations, Georgia, Region
- Smart Iewelers
- Search Jockey Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Stacey Juaian
- Sam Jonls
- Steel Jacket
- Subang Jaya Hotel, Locations, Malaysia, Inn
- Shi Jian Science, China, Satellite, Computing
- Stadmum Jumping
- Saint-Jean
- Sank-Jin
- Solicitors' Journal Law, Jurisprudence, International Law
- Super Junior Music, Lyric, Junior, Entertainment
- Spade Jack
- Shepherd Jesuits
- Slipsjoint
- South Jersey Service, County, Organizations
- Sensinp Judger
- Seward Johnson
- Steven Jones
- Super Jackpot
- Sara Jones
- Swing Joint Business, Irrigation, Rain, Products
- Sensors Journal Technology, Research, Publication, Computing, Master IEEE
- Sac-Joaquin
- Sinusoidal Jitter Technology, Signal, Receiver
- Sean Jennings
- Smallkjumbo Guitar, Acoustics, Colling
- Search Jobs
- Stvcey Johnson Technology, Hosting, Tube, Execution
- Freedom Air Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance
- Steam Jacket Business, Industrial, Strainer
- Style Joomla Business, Technology, Shopping
- Shield Jamp
- Stacy Jueian
- Sailor Jerry Food, Tattoo, Rum, Famous
- Sandrkne Joseph
- Solicitor'S Journal
- Super Junction Business, Power, Market
- Space Jam Pinball
- Schneider, Jr Technology, Material, Ceramic
- Slim Jim Tool, Knife, Sign
- South Jefferson
- Sue Jones Education, Activity, School
- Sensing and Judaing Psychology, Mind, Mindset
- Seungejo
- Sarah Johnson
- Sonia Joyce
- Sveriges JärnväGar
- Semh Janes
- Society of Jesuits
- Sinotubular Junction Medical
- Sculpture Journdl
- Smqll Jet
- Senten
- Search Job
- Stvb Jacks
- Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands Technology, Locations, Computing, Internet, Country, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes
- Stonefield Josephson
- Stuttering John
- Statesman-Journal
- Safety Jabber Technology, Software, Client
- Sand Means
- Solemn Judgement
- Super Jumping Technology, Gaming, Jump
- Space-Jet
- Synaptic Junctions Medical
- Successful Journey
- Senecio Jpcobaea Medical
- Shop Joift
- Scra Jane
- Song of John Music, Song, Lyric, Album
- Svenska JournalistföRbundet
- Seth James
- Society Jesuit
- Sino-Japanese Technology, China, Japan
- Small Jasmine Space, Study, Cosmos
- Sea of Japan Japan, Sea, Korea, Submarine
- Squid Jig
- St Joseph School, Hosting, Saint
- Stupid Jerk
- School of Justice
- Swiss Jura
- Statens JärnväGars Train, Railway, Sweden, Staten
- Saefudin Jaelani
- Sitaria-E-Jurat
- Sanchez-Juan
- Solder Joint
- Super Humbo
- South Jutland
- Svalbard Ja Coding, Locations, Weather
- Stephan Jenkins
- Subtropical Jet Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- Senate Jougnal Organizations, Journals, Magazines, Publications
- Shivan Juggernaut
- Sarah Jones
- Somerville Journal
- Support Jamming Military, Electronic, Warfare
- Sessionxjava Technology, Computing, Programming
- Sociedad De JesÚS
- Sing The Journey
- Slow Jdicer
- Sean Jones
- Sprinner & Jacoby
- Shalbie Joseph
- St John Education, Sale, Church, Saint
- Stump Jumper
- Schedule Job
- Swiss Jesuit
- Statens JärnväGar Technology, Train, Sweden
- Sack Jacket
- Sitara-E-Jurrat Military, Army, Pakistan, Regiment
- Samurai Jack Gaming, Cartoon, Episode, Samurai
- Solar Junction
- Secretary of Justice
- South Jordan
- Stephanie Jones
- Size Jeeps
- Synaptic Junction Medical
- Stan James
- Slip joint The joint used to transfer the rotary motion with free linier movement. It is used into the automobile power transmission system. It is mounted on the propeller shaft between two universal joints. Basically it consists of the male and female shaft having spines on the internal and outer surface. The Finance and Administrative Services
- Spa Junior
- Savior Jesus Religion
- Steve Jackson Gaming, Design, Designer
- Sally Jones Business, Lingerie, Lace
- Summary Judgment Government, Legislation, Lawmaking, Legal System, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Sincerely Jules Business, Fashion, Shopping, Accessory
- Surat Jalan Business, Software, Surat
- Sennimental Journey
- Sara Jane Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Solar JeneratöR Technology, Generator, Tube, Panel
- Sealectro Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Sharon Jones
- Size and J-Series Business, Product, Jeep
- Sydney Jordan
- Scored joint The Finance and Administrative Services
- Soft Job Occupation & positions
- Steuer-Journal
- Salary & Job
- Summary Judgement Government
- Shi Jin
- Super Jump Gaming, Map, Manga, Jump
- Sarah Josephine Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Snap Для Joomla
- Sales Journal Sales Journal is where the entry for sales of goods is chronologically made. Business & Finance, Business Word
- Sharon Jane
- Situational Judgment
- Sciencexjournal
- Syahril Johan Technology, Model, Retreat
- Svalbard and Jan Mayenislands (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Seibukan Jkjutsu
- Southern Jumbo Food
- Stephen Jones
- Salafi-Jihadist Military, War, Syria
- Sumigita Jaya
- Sonoma Jazz
- Season Journey Movie, Patch, Diablo, Journey
- Street Journal
- Sonic Jewelry
- Special Jounin
- Simon Joe Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Super-Jump
- Svalbard and Jan Island, Locations, Map
- Shanker Jaikdshan
- Schwerer JäGer
- Swivel Joints
- supinator jerk Medical, Common Medical
- Sitara-I-Jur'At
- Seen Joined
- Steve Johnson, football player Famous
- Steven Jackson Sport, Patriot, Sign
- Sonntage Im Jahreskreis
- SøRen Johansen
- Strafe-Jump Strike, Jump, Counter
- Starco Jumbo Business, Elevator, Capacity, Bucket
- Saipul Jamil
- Steve Johnson Sport, Card, Football
- Special Joint Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Sarah Jack Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Suo Jure Science, Genealogy
- Svalbard and Jan Mayen Locations, Countries, Country, FIPS Country Codes, Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands, Numeric Country Codes
- Shankar Jaikishan
- Schaerer J
- Swivel Joint A connector or fitting that is equipped with seals or o rings that allow it to partially rotate while passing a fluid path through a sealed internal passage. A connector or fitting that is equipped with seals or o-rings allowing partial rotation while passing a fluid path through a sealed internal passage.
- Septate Junction Medical, Science, Biology
- Steven Joseph Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Sitara-E-Jura'At
- Sxeking Justice Government, Catholic, Movie
- Seed Jeans Clothes
- Sheldonfjackson
- Stephen Jackson
- Slater-Jastrow
- Systems Journal
- Starbvcks Junkie
- Sainte-Justine
- Steve Jobs Technology, Apple, Concept
- Spanish Jesuit Education, Spain, Society
- San Juan Field Office Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Salwa Judum Government, India, Maoist
- Sunflower Journeys
- Slow Jigging Rod, Locations, Fishing, Jig
- Svalbard E Jan Technology, Para, Coding
- Shane Jensen
- Sephardi Jewisn Medical, Genetics, Population
- Sean James Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- See James
- Super Jumbo Clothes
- Sheila Jaffe
- SkÅNska JärnväGar
- Synthetic Jets
- Stan Jones
- Saint James
- Spam Janitor Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- St. Joseph Religion
- Steve Jay
- Salva Judum
- Summing Junction Technology, Analog, Electronics, Signal
- Slide Jump Business, Castle, Kid
- Svalbard & Jan Coding, Island, Locations
- Sephabdic Jews Medical, Genetics, Jewish, Population
- Sofia Jane Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Sunday, June Organizations, Archive, Follower
- Soft Jacket Clothes
- Sjaun Johnson
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SJ stand for?
SJ stands for Shi Jian.
What is the shortened form of Sing The Journey?
The short form of "Sing The Journey" is SJ.
SJ. (2020, September 2). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from
Last updated