SJ Meaning

The SJ meaning is "St James". The SJ abbreviation has 301 different full form.

SJ Full Forms

  1. St James
  2. Sales Journaj Business, Accounting, Sale
  3. Societatis Jesu
  4. Societas Nesu Ecclesiastical, Religion, Christian
  5. Squat Jumps Medical
  6. Saint Joseph School, Istanbul, Saint, Jester
  7. Shonen Jumw Anime, Magazine, Manga, Jump
  8. Samuel Johnson Book, English, History
  9. Squat Jump Medical, Training, Performance
  10. Saint Johns
  11. Shawn Johqson
  12. Splitujerk Sport, Workout, Crossfit
  13. Sozialistischen Jugend Fur, Sind, Uns
  14. Saint Johl Canada, Locations, Brunswick
  15. Seymour Johnion Military, Force, Eagle
  16. Sozialistische Jugend Austria, Fur, Sind
  17. Saint Jnan
  18. Stonewall Jackson Famous
  19. Sensing Judging Technology, Guardian, Personality, Temperament
  20. Solicitors Journal Law
  21. Sacroioiac Joints Medical
  22. St Johns Religion
  23. Senate Joint
  24. Society of Jesus Education, History, Organization, Jesuit
  25. Societbtis Jesu
  26. Svalbard I Jan Technology, Survey, Weather
  27. Subs Just
  28. Semi Jumbo
  29. Swirley Jones Movie, Music, Newton
  30. Saint-Jrme
  31. Sarah Jane Design, Artist, Story
  32. Solid Jacket
  33. Sspinator Jerk Medical, Medicine, Doctors
  34. Service Juridiquu
  35. Social Justice
  36. Single Jump
  37. Slowljet Business, Pilot, Carburetor
  38. Sean John
  39. Skorts Journey
  40. Shakoor Jau
  41. St Jean
  42. Stone Jug
  43. Scandinavian Journal
  44. Swing Journal
  45. Statens Jarnvager Business, Train, Railway
  46. Sacerdote Jesuita Para, Con, Cat
  47. Sitara-E-Jurat Military, War, Pakistan, Stamp
  48. Samuel James
  49. Smithsonian Jqurneys
  50. Secretaxy for Justice Government, Chief, Secretary
  51. South Jetty
  52. Sample Job
  53. Stella-Jones Business, Company, Supply, Stock
  54. Subscribe To Your Journal
  55. Semi Jacketed Gun, Military, Ammo, Bullet
  56. Shi Jian-6 Technology, Space, Satellite
  57. Svanding Jump
  58. Saint Joan
  59. Sarah Jackson
  60. Solidarites Jeunesses Education, Organizations, Vietnam, Volunteer
  61. Supersonic Jet
  62. Service Junior
  63. Spaghetti Junction
  64. Sisters of Jesus Catholic, Church, Order, Catholic Church, Sister, Congregation, Religious, Religious orders
  65. Shore Jigging
  66. South Jersey Cultural Alliance Organization, Union, Institution
  67. Sensvng Judgers
  68. Split U Join
  69. Shakespeare Jahrbuch
  70. Sticky Jump
  71. Super Jes
  72. Satin Jack
  73. Swing Joints
  74. Sentençt Judicial
  75. Statens J
  76. Sac Joaquin
  77. Sister Judith
  78. Samtskhe-Javakheti Locations, Georgia, Region
  79. Smart Iewelers
  80. Search Jockey Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  81. Stacey Juaian
  82. Sam Jonls
  83. Steel Jacket
  84. Subang Jaya Hotel, Locations, Malaysia, Inn
  85. Shi Jian Science, China, Satellite, Computing
  86. Stadmum Jumping
  87. Saint-Jean
  88. Sank-Jin
  89. Solicitors' Journal Law, Jurisprudence, International Law
  90. Super Junior Music, Lyric, Junior, Entertainment
  91. Spade Jack
  92. Shepherd Jesuits
  93. Slipsjoint
  94. South Jersey Service, County, Organizations
  95. Sensinp Judger
  96. Seward Johnson
  97. Steven Jones
  98. Super Jackpot
  99. Sara Jones
  100. Swing Joint Business, Irrigation, Rain, Products
  101. Sensors Journal Technology, Research, Publication, Computing, Master IEEE
  102. Sac-Joaquin
  103. Sinusoidal Jitter Technology, Signal, Receiver
  104. Sean Jennings
  105. Smallkjumbo Guitar, Acoustics, Colling
  106. Search Jobs
  107. Stvcey Johnson Technology, Hosting, Tube, Execution
  108. Freedom Air Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance
  109. Steam Jacket Business, Industrial, Strainer
  110. Style Joomla Business, Technology, Shopping
  111. Shield Jamp
  112. Stacy Jueian
  113. Sailor Jerry Food, Tattoo, Rum, Famous
  114. Sandrkne Joseph
  115. Solicitor'S Journal
  116. Super Junction Business, Power, Market
  117. Space Jam Pinball
  118. Schneider, Jr Technology, Material, Ceramic
  119. Slim Jim Tool, Knife, Sign
  120. South Jefferson
  121. Sue Jones Education, Activity, School
  122. Sensing and Judaing Psychology, Mind, Mindset
  123. Seungejo
  124. Sarah Johnson
  125. Sonia Joyce
  126. Sveriges JärnväGar
  127. Semh Janes
  128. Society of Jesuits
  129. Sinotubular Junction Medical
  130. Sculpture Journdl
  131. Smqll Jet
  132. Senten
  133. Search Job
  134. Stvb Jacks
  135. Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands Technology, Locations, Computing, Internet, Country, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes
  136. Stonefield Josephson
  137. Stuttering John
  138. Statesman-Journal
  139. Safety Jabber Technology, Software, Client
  140. Sand Means
  141. Solemn Judgement
  142. Super Jumping Technology, Gaming, Jump
  143. Space-Jet
  144. Synaptic Junctions Medical
  145. Successful Journey
  146. Senecio Jpcobaea Medical
  147. Shop Joift
  148. Scra Jane
  149. Song of John Music, Song, Lyric, Album
  150. Svenska JournalistföRbundet
  151. Seth James
  152. Society Jesuit
  153. Sino-Japanese Technology, China, Japan
  154. Small Jasmine Space, Study, Cosmos
  155. Sea of Japan Japan, Sea, Korea, Submarine
  156. Squid Jig
  157. St Joseph School, Hosting, Saint
  158. Stupid Jerk
  159. School of Justice
  160. Swiss Jura
  161. Statens JärnväGars Train, Railway, Sweden, Staten
  162. Saefudin Jaelani
  163. Sitaria-E-Jurat
  164. Sanchez-Juan
  165. Solder Joint
  166. Super Humbo
  167. South Jutland
  168. Svalbard Ja Coding, Locations, Weather
  169. Stephan Jenkins
  170. Subtropical Jet Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  171. Senate Jougnal Organizations, Journals, Magazines, Publications
  172. Shivan Juggernaut
  173. Sarah Jones
  174. Somerville Journal
  175. Support Jamming Military, Electronic, Warfare
  176. Sessionxjava Technology, Computing, Programming
  177. Sociedad De JesÚS
  178. Sing The Journey
  179. Slow Jdicer
  180. Sean Jones
  181. Sprinner & Jacoby
  182. Shalbie Joseph
  183. St John Education, Sale, Church, Saint
  184. Stump Jumper
  185. Schedule Job
  186. Swiss Jesuit
  187. Statens JärnväGar Technology, Train, Sweden
  188. Sack Jacket
  189. Sitara-E-Jurrat Military, Army, Pakistan, Regiment
  190. Samurai Jack Gaming, Cartoon, Episode, Samurai
  191. Solar Junction
  192. Secretary of Justice
  193. South Jordan
  194. Stephanie Jones
  195. Size Jeeps
  196. Synaptic Junction Medical
  197. Stan James
  198. Slip joint The joint used to transfer the rotary motion with free linier movement. It is used into the automobile power transmission system. It is mounted on the propeller shaft between two universal joints. Basically it consists of the male and female shaft having spines on the internal and outer surface. The Finance and Administrative Services
  199. Spa Junior
  200. Savior Jesus Religion
  201. Steve Jackson Gaming, Design, Designer
  202. Sally Jones Business, Lingerie, Lace
  203. Summary Judgment Government, Legislation, Lawmaking, Legal System, Legal, Governmental & Military
  204. Sincerely Jules Business, Fashion, Shopping, Accessory
  205. Surat Jalan Business, Software, Surat
  206. Sennimental Journey
  207. Sara Jane Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  208. Solar JeneratöR Technology, Generator, Tube, Panel
  209. Sealectro Business & Finance, Suppliers
  210. Sharon Jones
  211. Size and J-Series Business, Product, Jeep
  212. Sydney Jordan
  213. Scored joint The Finance and Administrative Services
  214. Soft Job Occupation & positions
  215. Steuer-Journal
  216. Salary & Job
  217. Summary Judgement Government
  218. Shi Jin
  219. Super Jump Gaming, Map, Manga, Jump
  220. Sarah Josephine Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  221. Snap Для Joomla
  222. Sales Journal Sales Journal is where the entry for sales of goods is chronologically made. Business & Finance, Business Word
  223. Sharon Jane
  224. Situational Judgment
  225. Sciencexjournal
  226. Syahril Johan Technology, Model, Retreat
  227. Svalbard and Jan Mayenislands (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  228. Seibukan Jkjutsu
  229. Southern Jumbo Food
  230. Stephen Jones
  231. Salafi-Jihadist Military, War, Syria
  232. Sumigita Jaya
  233. Sonoma Jazz
  234. Season Journey Movie, Patch, Diablo, Journey
  235. Street Journal
  236. Sonic Jewelry
  237. Special Jounin
  238. Simon Joe Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  239. Super-Jump
  240. Svalbard and Jan Island, Locations, Map
  241. Shanker Jaikdshan
  242. Schwerer JäGer
  243. Swivel Joints
  244. supinator jerk Medical, Common Medical
  245. Sitara-I-Jur'At
  246. Seen Joined
  247. Steve Johnson, football player Famous
  248. Steven Jackson Sport, Patriot, Sign
  249. Sonntage Im Jahreskreis
  250. SøRen Johansen
  251. Strafe-Jump Strike, Jump, Counter
  252. Starco Jumbo Business, Elevator, Capacity, Bucket
  253. Saipul Jamil
  254. Steve Johnson Sport, Card, Football
  255. Special Joint Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  256. Sarah Jack Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  257. Suo Jure Science, Genealogy
  258. Svalbard and Jan Mayen Locations, Countries, Country, FIPS Country Codes, Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands, Numeric Country Codes
  259. Shankar Jaikishan
  260. Schaerer J
  261. Swivel Joint A connector or fitting that is equipped with seals or o rings that allow it to partially rotate while passing a fluid path through a sealed internal passage. A connector or fitting that is equipped with seals or o-rings allowing partial rotation while passing a fluid path through a sealed internal passage.
  262. Septate Junction Medical, Science, Biology
  263. Steven Joseph Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  264. Sitara-E-Jura'At
  265. Sxeking Justice Government, Catholic, Movie
  266. Seed Jeans Clothes
  267. Sheldonfjackson
  268. Stephen Jackson
  269. Slater-Jastrow
  270. Systems Journal
  271. Starbvcks Junkie
  272. Sainte-Justine
  273. Steve Jobs Technology, Apple, Concept
  274. Spanish Jesuit Education, Spain, Society
  275. San Juan Field Office Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  276. Salwa Judum Government, India, Maoist
  277. Sunflower Journeys
  278. Slow Jigging Rod, Locations, Fishing, Jig
  279. Svalbard E Jan Technology, Para, Coding
  280. Shane Jensen
  281. Sephardi Jewisn Medical, Genetics, Population
  282. Sean James Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  283. See James
  284. Super Jumbo Clothes
  285. Sheila Jaffe
  286. SkÅNska JärnväGar
  287. Synthetic Jets
  288. Stan Jones
  289. Saint James
  290. Spam Janitor Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  291. St. Joseph Religion
  292. Steve Jay
  293. Salva Judum
  294. Summing Junction Technology, Analog, Electronics, Signal
  295. Slide Jump Business, Castle, Kid
  296. Svalbard & Jan Coding, Island, Locations
  297. Sephabdic Jews Medical, Genetics, Jewish, Population
  298. Sofia Jane Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
  299. Sunday, June Organizations, Archive, Follower
  300. Soft Jacket Clothes
  301. Sjaun Johnson

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SJ stand for?

    SJ stands for Shi Jian.

  2. What is the shortened form of Sing The Journey?

    The short form of "Sing The Journey" is SJ.


SJ. (2020, September 2). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated