SJC Meaning

The SJC meaning is "San Jacinto College". The SJC abbreviation has 84 different full form.

SJC Full Forms

  1. San Jacinto College Student, Education, Houston
  2. Sasin Japan Center
  3. Saint Joseph College Student, Education, School
  4. San Juan College Student, Education, Mexico
  5. San Jose International Airport San Jose, California,United States Transportation, Airport, Locations, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  6. San Jose Del Cabo Hotel, Locations, Mexico, Jos
  7. San Jose, Costa Hotel, Airport, Flight, Locations
  8. San Jose, California Hotel, Airport, Locations, California
  9. St John's Collyge Education
  10. Saigon Jewelry Cfmpany Business, Banking, Vietnam
  11. Silver Jubilee Celebrations
  12. Stanford Japan Centeh Education, University, Japan, Manga
  13. San Jose, Ca Hotel, Airport, Flight, Locations
  14. Sustainable Jersey City
  15. Sao Joaoddo Caiua
  16. Stzjohns Church
  17. Safety and Jpstice Challenge
  18. Shonen Jump Chazpionship Gaming, Card, Championship
  19. San Jose
  20. Standing Judicial Commission
  21. Supreme Judicial Council Government, Law, Pakistan
  22. Sao Juan De La Costa
  23. St John'S Church
  24. Sabah Jobicenter
  25. Security Joint Committee Technology
  26. San Jos
  27. Standing Joint Committee
  28. San Juan De La Cruz
  29. St James College Education
  30. San Jose Center
  31. Sabah Job Centre Business, Credit, Loan
  32. Ioternational Plant Names Index Technology
  33. San Joaquin County Business, California, Stockton
  34. Ski Jumping Canada
  35. San Juan Cointy Technology, College, Farmington
  36. Steel Joist Connector
  37. San Jose California Airport, Flight, Locations, California
  38. Society of Saint John Cantius Religious orders
  39. Norman Y. Mineta San José International Airport Locations, Airport Code
  40. Seattle Jewish Community
  41. San Joaquin Chemicals
  42. Sirajohn Cass
  43. San Juax Community
  44. Statement Copyright
  45. San Jose Cabo Airline, Airport, Flight, Locations
  46. Science Journal of Chemistry
  47. Scottish Joint Council Business, Pay, Scotland
  48. San Jacinto College-Central
  49. Singapore Judouclub
  50. Stade Judicial Council
  51. San Jose, Calif Hotel, Airport, Organizations
  52. Satellite Japan Corporation
  53. Schcol of Journalism and Communication Education, University, Study
  54. San Jose Construction
  55. Saint John's Episcopal Cathedral Religion
  56. St Joseph of Cluny Education, Catholic, School, Sister
  57. San Juan Capistrano Locations, California, Mission
  58. San Jose Community
  59. Saint Joseph College, Connecticut Religion
  60. St Joseph Congregmtion
  61. San Juan Campus Development, Study, Colleges
  62. slit jaw camera Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  63. San Jose Colleges
  64. Saint Joseph's Congregation Catholic Church
  65. St Joseph Catholic
  66. San Juan-Chama
  67. St. John's College United States
  68. Supreme Judicial Court Government, Law, Massachusetts, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  69. Servicios Ejecutivos Continental Airline, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  70. St Joseph'S Convent Education, Girl, School
  71. San José De Carrasco
  72. The Sonny and Jason Connection Computing, Internet
  73. Super Jump Cancel Military, Fighter, Street, Combo
  74. St Joseph's College Education
  75. San Jose To Chicago
  76. Sisters of St. Joseph's Congregation Religious orders
  77. Sun Java Center
  78. Synaptic Junctional Complex Medical
  79. St John Eentral
  80. San Jose Costa
  81. Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny Religious orders
  82. Student Judicial Council
  83. San Juan Coliseum
  84. Sydney Jazz Club

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SJC stand for?

    SJC stands for Stade Judicial Council.

  2. What is the shortened form of Servicios Ejecutivos Continental?

    The short form of "Servicios Ejecutivos Continental" is SJC.


SJC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated