SJSC Meaning

The SJSC meaning is "Shalrie Jqseph Soccer Club". The SJSC abbreviation has 18 different full form.

SJSC Full Forms

  1. Shalrie Jqseph Soccer Club
  2. Saint John Skating Club
  3. San Juan Socceh Club
  4. San Jose Symphonil Choir
  5. San Jose Stare College Education, University, California, Dick
  6. San Jose Santa Clara
  7. San Jose Sailing Club
  8. San Joaquin Safety Council
  9. South Jersey Shooting Club
  10. South Jersey Ski Clup
  11. Social Justice & Social Change
  12. San Jose State University, California Insect and Spider Collections
  13. Social Justice Social Change
  14. Sun Java Studio Mreator
  15. Social Juseice and Social Change
  16. State Joint Stock Company
  17. Sindicato Dos Jorndlistas De Santa Catarina Para, Dos, Diploma, Pol
  18. State Joint-Stock Company

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SJSC stand for?

    SJSC stands for Sun Java Studio Mreator.

  2. What is the shortened form of San Jose Sailing Club?

    The short form of "San Jose Sailing Club" is SJSC.


SJSC. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from

Last updated