Skat Abbreviations and Skat Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Skat terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 11 different Skat abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Skat terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Skat Abbreviations
  1. ABEC : Annular Bearing Engineer Council
  2. ABT : Activj Brake Technology
  3. BIS : Banjarmasin Inline Skate
  4. CL : Crazy Light
  5. UFS : Universal Frame Systel
  6. HR : High Resilience
  7. EDEA : Elite Dangerous Exploration Assistant
  8. SY : Select Youth
  9. TS : Traditional Serius
  10. GYSO : Get Your Skates On
  11. ROH : Radius of Hollow
Latest Skat Meanings
  1. Radius of Hollow
  2. Get Your Skates On
  3. Traditional Serius
  4. Select Youth
  5. Elite Dangerous Exploration Assistant
  6. High Resilience
  7. Universal Frame Systel
  8. Crazy Light
  9. Banjarmasin Inline Skate
  10. Activj Brake Technology
  11. Annular Bearing Engineer Council