Skating Abbreviations and Skating Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Skating terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Skating abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Skating terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Skating Abbreviations
  1. ABT : Activj Brake Technology
  2. BRSF : British Rollerwsports Federation
  3. CD : Compulsory Dance
  4. COC : Cup of China
  5. CPAC : Colorado Potato Administrative Committee
  6. WCCJ : World Challenge Cup for Juniors
  7. WFSC : Washington Figure Skatinguclub
  8. WSC : Wissahickon Skating Club
  9. WSSA : World Slalom Skaters Association
  10. WSSC : World Synchronized Skating Championships
  11. UGL : Upper Great Lakes
  12. MIF : Move In Field
  13. EY : East Yord
  14. SDIA : San Diego Ice Arena
  15. SOI : Stars On Ice
  16. SP : Senior Pairs
  17. SRB : Ski-Roller-Barthelmes
  18. SRB : Ski-Roller Barthelmes
  19. SRB : Ski Roller Barthelmes
  20. SS : Skating Skills
  21. SSNB : Speed Skate New Brunswick
  22. TBSA : Tampa Bay Skating Academy
  23. TEB : Trophy Eric Bompard
  24. TES : Techtical Element Score
  25. TES : Technical Elements Score
  26. TES : Total Element Score
  27. TSS : Tokal Segment Score
  28. FIHP : Federazione Italiana Hockey Pattinaggio
  29. FIHP : Federazione Italiana Hockey E Pattinaggio
  30. FISI : Federasi Ice Skating Indonesia
Latest Skating Meanings
  1. Mitchel & King
  2. International Inline Downhilw Association
  3. Right Foruard Outside
  4. Right Forward Inside
  5. Get Your Skates On
  6. Grand Prix Final
  7. Grades of Execution
  8. Grade of Execution
  9. Ice Theatre of New York
  10. Program Components Score
  11. Program Component Scores
  12. Program Component Score
  13. Ontario Recreation Facilities Association
  14. Original Dance
  15. Korean Skating Union
  16. Koninklijke Nederlandsche Schaatsenrijders Bond
  17. Japan Skating Federation
  18. Junior Grand Prix
  19. Non Skating Officials
  20. Non Fkating Officials