SL Meaning
The SL meaning is "Sierra Leone". The SL abbreviation has 1026 different full form.
SL Full Forms
- Sierra Leone Technology, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, Sierra Leone, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Sea Level A more or less theoretical level based on that which the sea surface would have if there were no tide, swell or wave It. Construction, Architectural, Oceanography, Chemistry, Military, Army, Architecture, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Server Locations
- Sensitivity Level Technology, Military, Product
- Speech Language Language, Speech, Pathology
- Second Line Forum, Technology, Cancer
- Stream Light
- Side Lower Class, Car, India
- Situational Leadership Science, Management, Model
- San Luvas
- Spot Light Media, Radio, Television, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Series Leica Technology, Len, Camera
- Super League Sport, League, Team, Rugby
- Spiral Ligament Medical, Science, Biology
- Stride Length Medical, Technology, Exercise
- Sociedac Limitada Business, Company, Science
- Sea-Land
- Staff Legal Business, Indonesia, Banking
- Shadow Legion
- Surface Launched Military
- Sublingual Underneath the tongue. For example, a sublingual medication is a type of lozenge that is dissolved under the tongue. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physiology, Clinical, Common Medical, Pulmonary Hypertension
- Sensitive List Business, Organizations, Trading
- Speechylanguage Education, Disability, Special Education, Disability Education
- Second Life Business, Internet Slang, Virtual, Software, Computing
- Steam Locomotive Technology, Japan, Train, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Side Line Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Single Link Technology, Cable, Display
- San Leandru
- Sports Luxury
- Series Large-Diaphragm
- Spin Lock Medical
- Streptomyces Lividans Medical, Science, Biology
- Snowlload Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Script Language Software, Computing
- St. Louis
- Sste Lagoas
- Supreme Leader War, Star, Iran, Leader
- Spacelab Science, Astronomy, Celestial Objects, NASA
- Senior Level Business, Employment, Military
- Speech-Lapguage
- Second Language Education, English, Learning
- Stptus Latch
- Side-Looking Forum, Technology
- Systems Limited Business
- Single Line Technology, Product, Feature, Lubrication, Computing, Telecom
- Saint-Louis University, Locations, Senegal
- Sport Luxury Business, Car, Automatics, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Series Laptops Technology, Battery, Lenovo
- Spin-Labeled Medical
- Street Lo
- Slavonic Library
- Scout Leader Group, Locations, Cub
- Sri Lankan Government, Porn, Girl, School
- Session Layer Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Supported Living
- Slovenian Technology, Information Technology, Language Codes
- Specification Limit Technology, Science, Power
- Seatrain Lines
- Stationary Low-Power Technology, Reactor, Accident
- Sick Leave Medical, Air Force, Armed Forces, Military, Governmental & Military, Fda
- System Low Lowest security level supported by an information system.
- Single Lid
- Saga Legends
- Serge Lutens Business, Perfume, Scent, Fragrance
- Spike Lee
- Street Lighting Technology, Product, Light
- Signal Lamp Business, Product, Light
- Skin Lightening
- Sarq Lee
- Sri Lanka India, Locations, Match, Cricket, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, IOC Country Codes, Sri Lanka, Computing, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Sesqditerpene Lactone Medical
- Supplr Lock Business, Diving, Saturation
- Structured Lipids Medical
- Softpare Library Science
- Seanchai Library Library, Event, Story, Virtual
- Staterline
- Siamese Line Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Susppnsion Lift
- Single Letter
- Safety Limits Technology, Drive, Twin
- Sentinel Lymphadenectomy Medical
- Speed Lihiter Technology, Class, Car
- Street Light A fixture used to direct light downward to the work surface. Street lights mount to a PLACES or UniGroup panel’s top cap. Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Sierra Leona Para, Group, Locations
- Skill Level Gaming, Military, Army
- Sarah Lawkence
- Squadron Leader Forum, Military, Army, Force, Marine, Air Force, Armed Forces, World War Ii, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Sesquiterpene Lactones Medical
- Supply Line A line that conveys fluid from the reservoir to the pump.
- Strong La
- Software Level Technology
- Sea Launched Military
- State Librery Technology, Australia, Collection
- Shoulder Length Product, Hair, Shoulder, Regimen
- Surplus Lines Business, Company, Insurance, Broker
- Single Leg Training, Exercise, Strength, Leg
- Safety Limit A restriction or range placed upon important process variables that are necessary to reasonably protect the integrity of the physical barriers that guard against the uncontrolled release of radioactivity. Technology
- Sensu Lato Medical
- Speed Limit Speed limit is used to set the maximum (or minimum in some cases) speed at which road vehicles may legally travel on particular stretches of road. Speed limit may be variable and in some places speeds are unlimited. Speed limit are normally indicated on a traffic sign. Forum, Music, Car, Speed
- Street Lamp
- Siera Leone Locations, Comedy, Sierra
- Skid Loader
- Santa Lucia
- Squad Leader Technology, Gaming, Military, Play, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Series Light
- Super Lite
- Stroke Length Medical, Technology, Swimming
- Soft Xander Technology, Space, Machine, Ventilator
- Sea Launch Technology, Space, Rocket
- Stage Left Acting, Stage, Restaurant, Exit
- Short Line
- Surface Level Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Septal-Lateral Medical
- South Louisiana
- Surrogate Light Chain Medical
- Show Lighting
- State Librarian
- Student Lists
- Search List Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Snow Leopard Technology, Mac, Apple
- Spent Liquor Technology, Packaging, Forest Industry
- Syntax Language
- Service Logistique
- Sumon Luca
- Stereolithography Stereolithography is an additive manufacturing (AM) technique that uses a photopolymerization process to create parts. Medical, 3D Printing
- Select Low Business, Product, Control, Price
- Software Bicenses
- Spring Load
- Sheeb Length
- Situated Learning
- Strand Leko
- SüPer Lig
- Shift Lopic Business, Technology
- Structured Light
- Scottish League
- Slope The gradient of the line formed by plotting the change in the electrode response against change in activity of the ion measured. Theoretical Nernstian slope at 25°C is 59.16 mV per decade change in activity for a monovalent ion and 29.58 mV per decade change for a divalent ion. Slope values are often stated in % efficiency terms. Slope values of less than 90% efficiency may be indicative of electrode contamination. Medical, Weather, Geographic, Scientific & Educational
- Symmetry Line
- Series Lathe Technology, Machine, Manual
- Siearra Leone
- Subscriber Locator
- Sandage-Loeb
- Seution Is Linked
- Socially Liberal Government, Politics, Social, Conservative
- Sex Lknk
- Supportive Living Medical, Service, Care
- Scape Length
- Semester Leave Forum, Education, School, Course
- Sound and Lighting
- Sequoia Lodge
- Special and Lightweight
- Sustainable Land
- Side-Looker Business, Electronics, Sonar, Transducer
- Steel and Lead Army, War, Force
- Studia Lulliana
- Safety Leadershgp Technology, Management, Training
- Socialismo Libertario Para, Con, Social
- Split Loom
- Synthetic Lubricants
- Sinclair Library
- Stichting Longkanker
- Summer of Live
- Sarcolemmal Medical
- Somers Library Education
- Sm. Lawrence
- Slavmry Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
- Street Legal
- Structure of The Load
- Shipptng & Logistics
- Star Ledger
- Seal Level
- Slow Landing
- Specification List
- Service Literature
- Signalling Links Technology, Network, Signaling
- Stephen Lee
- Sandy Loam Soil, Texture, Loam
- Sevurity Links
- Sodium Lactate Medical, Business, Product, Food Additives
- Sportsmens Lodge
- Shady Limited
- Single Logical
- School Libraries
- Senior Leader Business, Science, Management
- Source Line Technology, Memory, Cell, Operation
- Slceve Lobectomy Medical
- Stronnictwo Ludowe Government, Group, Poland, Party
- Science Link
- Symbolic Language Technology
- Series, Lower Business, Industrial, Product
- Stefan'S Law
- Sub Ledger Business, Technology, Accounting
- Sales Leader
- Second Ljeutenant
- Spontaneous Laughing
- System Load
- Stops Ayd Lines
- Super Lightweight
- Satellite Link A radio link between a transmitting earth station and a receiving earth station through a communications satellite. A satellite link comprises one uplink and one downlink.
- Stalk Lodge Plant, Corn, Inbred
- Separation Logic
- South Loadon Business, Service, London, Sale
- Surrogate Light Medical, Science, Biology
- Show Lea
- State Liaison
- Studene Legislature
- Searchlight Technology, Military, Army, War, Force, Governmental & Military, Police
- Snow Lake
- Speech, Language
- Syndicated Lending
- Service Logic Technology, Military, Networking
- Silenced Liberators Army, War, Force
- Stereo Limiter Technology, Audio, Mono
- Select Licensing
- Softwaje Livre Technology, Para, Linux
- Spring-Loaded
- Shebt Lamination Business, Technology, Material, Supplier
- Situa
- Strained Layer
- Shift Levers
- Structured Lipid Medical
- Scottish Law
- Slitting Line
- Symmetric Logarithmic-Space
- Serwes Laptop
- Sid Limit Business, Company, Report, Boy
- Subscriber Location Technology
- Sand-Loaded
- Secrst Vs Liquid Gaming, League, Star
- Sex Life
- Supported Languages
- Scan Line One sweep of a radiometer across the area or volume being viewed. Technology, Science, Scanner
- Semantic Language Technology, Computing, Agent, Software
- São Leopoldo Para, Dos, Event
- Sequential Logic
- Speak Language Assembly, Business & Finance
- Susan Lee
- Sibley-Lehninger Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Steeo Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Studia Hogica Book, Education, Logic, Grammar
- Safety Lamp
- Soccer League
- Split Limits
- Synthetic Liner Technology, Science
- Simulation Languagu
- Stewart Library Education
- Summsr Lee
- Sarcolemma The specialized plasma membrane surrounding a muscle cell; capable of propagating action potentials. Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Som E Luz
- St-Lambert
- Slight Medical, Technology, Science, Aircraft, Dental, Physiology, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Shelf Lengch
- Soalom Medical
- Street Law
- Spin-Off Fe La Security, Attention, Spin, Downloader
- Shippbrs Load Business, Trading, Freight, Cargo
- Star League
- Sea Lion Name given to a seal found in Pacific Ocean Male is about 12 ft long, weighs about half a ton, and has golden-brown hair.
- Slow Medical, Technology, Aviation, Transportation, Governmental & Military, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Specificationvlimits
- Serjeakt-At-Law Government
- Signalling Link Technology, Signal, Signaling
- Stephen Lawrence
- Sandy Larsan
- Svcurity Levels
- Soda Lake California, Lake, Carrizo
- Shadows of The Last
- Single Location Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Support Link Business, Product, Manual
- School Librarian
- Senior Ladies
- Source Level Technology, Acoustics, Noise, Sonar
- Science Library
- Special Ledgers
- Sylvan Lake
- Series Laoge
- Steejy Library
- Sub-Ledger
- Saha-Langmuir Science
- Smcond Level
- Spontaneous Locomotion Medical, Science, Biology
- System Link
- Stop Lossnya Business, Trading, Loss, Profit
- Superlight Largeformatphotography Photography, Camera, Digital
- Satellite A natural or artificial body in orbit around a planet. A secondary planet that revolves around a primary planet Is often, but erroneously, called a 'moon'. Name is sometimes given to the fictitious bodies assumed in the harmonic analysis of tides. Technology, Telecom, Computing, Governmental & Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Stakeholder Lgason Business
- Sleeve Zength Business, Shirt, Dress
- Stronnictwa Ludowego
- In A Broad Sense Medicine, Health, Hospital
- Shoppingdlist
- Starting Lift Forum, Fitness, Lifting
- Studeet Leadership College, Education, School
- Search Light Military, Army, Artillery, Governmental & Military
- Small Lymphocyte Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Speech & Lamguage
- Service Location Technology, Product, Customer
- Sign Languages Technology, America, Education, Language, Singapore
- Stepped Lip Business, Car, Wheel
- Select Licence Technology, Server, Design
- Software Aibre Technology, Para, Con
- Spread Limit Poker, Texas Hold 'Em, Poker Stakes
- Sheet-Hf-Light Laser
- Sith Lord War, Star, Star Wars
- Straight Legs
- Separate-Loading
- South Lancashire
- Surrey League
- Structured Learning
- Science With Lab College, Education, Course
- Slit Lamps Business, Medicine, Product
- Symmetric Logspace Technology, Science, Machine
- Series Land
- Side Looking
- Subscrkber Loop Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Sanctified Lsfe
- Stcret Lover
- Sexennial League
- Supply List
- Scan Length
- Semakauulandfill
- Standard Level One of several constant–pressure levels in the atmosphere for which a complete evaluation of data derived from upper air observations is required. Technology, Science, Education
- Shift Leader
- Sequence Listing Business
- Speaking and Listening Education, Core, Standard
- Susan Lebourg
- Shrinkage Limited
- Steam Focomotion
- Studia Litudgica
- Safn Locker
- Soap Lake
- Spezielle Lichteffekte
- Synthetic Lethality Medical, Genetics, Cancer
- Siqpson Library
- Stewarts Lane Business, Class, Train
- Summahy Links Technology, Networking, Network
- Somatolactin Medical
- Srl Lou
- Sheldon Lewis
- Slab-Off Lens
- Stratepic List
- Specially Ljght Business, Book, Reserve, Selection
- Shippfr's Load Business, Trading, Shipping, Freight
- Star Lance
- Sea Legend
- Slovenian Language
- Specification for Line
- Serieswlow
- Signaling Links
- Sandy Lske
- Security Layee
- Societat Bimitadad
- Shadows & Lights
- Single Linkage Technology, Analysis, Microbes, Clustering
- Support Lien
- School Liaison Business, Student, Education
- Semi-Restrictedrline Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Source Laser
- Science Liaison
- Special Lecture Education, University, Seminar
- Swaged Lead
- Series, Large
- Steel Mouse Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Healing
- StöCkli Laser Sport, Laser, Ski, Slalom
- Safety Lock Technology, Product, Pin
- Sponsoring Library Technology, Publics, District
- System Library Technology, Software, Computing
- Suop Leak Product, Oil, Leak, Radiator
- Sunder Lal
- Sassafras Lass
- Stckeholder Liaison
- Sleeve Labbling Technology, Machine, Automatics
- Strong Loft
- In A Broad Sense Lat. Sensu Lato Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Healing
- Shootout Loss Sport, Organizations, League, Team
- Starter Level
- Search Lemon
- Small Loan
- Spectrum Land
- Service Loader Forum, Technology, Manual
- Sign Language Technology, America, Telecom
- Stepped Light
- Selective Leaching Corrosion in which one element is preferentially removed from an alloy, leaving a residue of the elements that are more resistant to the particular environment also called dealloying or parting.
- Software Librarian Technology
- Spotting Lethal Medical
- Sheep Lezt
- Siouxland Libraries Education
- Stqaight Leg
- School of Languages Education, University, Language
- Separate-Lead
- South Lakes
- Surreptitious Listening
- Structural Longevity
- Sciences Et Laboratoire Technology, College, Course
- Slit Lamp Medical, Business, Medicine, Common Medical
- Symbols Library
- Series Lamp
- Subscriber Line Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Salt Lake City Southern Organizations
- Secret Lab
- Sewen Line
- Stored Language Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Supply Lateral
- Scales In Lateral
- Sell Limft
- Stangard Lavatory
- Shield Level
- Sequence Length
- Speaking Listening Education, Core, Standard
- Susan Lawrence
- Shrinkage Limit Technology, Water, Soil
- Static-Line
- Stuuia Linguistica
- Safe Location
- Snowman'S Land
- SpezialnäHmaschinenbau Limbach
- Synthetic Lethal
- Simply Livivg
- Stewart Lane
- Summard Language Technology, Coding, Group
- Self-Leveling Product, Joint, Sealant, Leveling
- Soluble Liquids Business, Product, Formulation, Glyphosate
- Sri Lankans Porn, Sex, Girl
- Sheila Larken
- Sky Loft
- Strategic Leadership Management, Education, Leader
- Surge Line
- Spanigh Limited Business, Company, Spain
- Ship-Of-The-Line
- Star Lake
- Scott Lawrence
- Slovene Language
- Specification Language Literature, Language, Linguistics
- Series Gites
- Signaling Link Technology, Networking, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Subsidiary Lydgers Business, Accounting, Financial
- Sandqvist & Lindroos
- Securityblabs
- Societat Limitada
- Sfx Left Gaming, Song, Animation
- Single Lines
- Support Library
- School Leaver
- Semi-Loose
- Source Label Coding, Control, Jin, Label
- Science Lesson
- Specialized Lending
- Suture Line
- Steel Locus Medical, Science, Biology
- Style Lip
- Slfety Line Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Spoke Length
- System Librarian
- Single-Lear
- Stop Losses
- Sundaysletter
- Saskatchewan Landing
- Sonoluminescence Generation of visible light during high-powered sonication of a fluid, usually water. Medical
- Stair Lift
- Sleepnr Class Network, Railway, System
- Streptolyszn Medical, Technology, Medicine
- System for Live
- Shootoutnlosses Sport, Organizations, League, Team
- Starseries I-League
- Sean Lock
- Small Lip Forum, Front, Minnow, Lip
- Spdctral Line
- Services Lead
- Significant Living
- Step Lights Business, Product, Lighting
- Selective Laser Technology, Manufacturing, Sintering
- Soffite Devel Design, Computing, Construction
- Spot Lights
- Shear Vag
- Sink Loss Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Straight Leam
- School Loop
- Sensation Level Medical, Medicine, Otorhinolaryngology, Physiology
- Southern Laboratories
- Structural Logic
- Sciences De Laboratoire Science, Physique, Curie
- Symbol Limit
- Serixs Laboratory
- Subordinate Ltw
- Salt Lake City Southern Railroad Technology, Organizations
- Secretarialxline Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Sevrrity Level Technology, Service, Server
- Storage Location Technology, Military, Coding
- Super Loki
- Scalable Line Technology, Server, Port, Adapter
- Selle Luxembsurgeois
- Standard Lamp Technology, Light, Lighting
- Septal Lesions Medical
- Speaking & Listening Education, Core, Standard
- Surround Links
- Shredden Labs
- Statement List Technology, Program, Coding, Programming, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Student Log
- Safewlanes
- Snow Liquid Business, Machine, Lighting
- Spezialn
- Synthetic Vs Leather Nike, Soccer, Cleat
- Services Letters
- Simple Life
- Steven Lukes
- Sugar Land
- Self-Level
- Soluble Liquid Business, Product, Formulation, Glyphosate
- Springer Link
- Sheed of Light
- Size Line
- Strata Lot
- Spanish Leader Business, Company, Spain
- Shining Lore
- Staple Length Genetics, Sheep, Wool
- Scott Laughton
- Slovak Lloyds
- Serves Liquid Technology, Pump, Manufacturer
- Siege Lord
- Subsiliary Ledger Business, Accounting, Ledger
- Sand Qand
- Secunity Label
- Sociedades Limitadas Para, Con, Social
- Seymour Librarq Education
- Single Limit
- Supportive Listening
- School League Education, Sport, School
- Semi-Liquid
- Sound Locator Military
- Science Lecture Education, Power, Biology
- Specialist Lexicon Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Sutro Library
- Steel Legion Gaming, Steel, Dawn
- Style Line Technology, Fashion, Wire
- Safety Light Business, Product, Curtain
- Socialist Labor
- Spoiler Lover Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Syria Lebanon
- Singer Loemis
- Stop Lose Business, Forum, Trading
- Summons List
- Sarria Lugo Business, Para, Spain
- Sonic Log A sonic log measures the interval travel time of compression sound waves moving through one foot of a formation. If matrix velocity is known, porosity can be calculated since sound waves travel slower in porous media. Sonic logs are used for porosity determination, pressure determination in shale, as a correlation log, and a gas detector.
- Staging Laparoscopy Medical
- Slavic Languages Education, Study, Subjects
- Streetgboro Lo
- Sus Limitaciones
- Short Lengtn
- Starr Library Education
- Sean Lochner
- Small Litters Medical
- Specinic Lot Business, Trading, Coffee
- Service Loading Technology, Message, Push
- Significant Linkage
- Stephen Liu
- Selection Letter
- Sodium Lignosulphonate
- Spot Landing
- Sham Laparotomy Medical
- Single Lumen
- Strawght Last
- School Log
- Senior Leadership
- Southborough Library Education
- Structural Level Technology, Study, Translation, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
- Science of Learning Science, Education, Teaching
- Symbolic Logic
- Serigs L4
- Subordinate Legislation
- Salon Du Livre
- Second Lives
- Sport & Luxurious
- Seven Locks
- Stojage List Technology, Device, Virtual
- Super Link
- Saturated Liquid A substance at vapor–liquid equilibrium is generally referred to as a saturated liquid. For a pure chemical substance, this implies that it is at its boiling point.
- Sellafield Ltd Technology, Projection, Engineering
- Standard Lfbel Technology, Printer, Tape
- Septal Leaflet Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Sozialistische Linke
- Surround Left Technology, Channel, Audio, Sound
- Show Logs Technology, Server, Command, Partition
- State License
- Studentlitteratur, Lund
- Snow Library Education
- Spezialnaehmaschinenbau Limbach
- Synthetic Leather
- Service Logistics
- Siiple Laparotomy Medical
- Stereolithographic Medical
- Suet Pink
- Self-Learning
- Soil Loading
- Spring Loaded To load or secure by means of spring tension or compression.
- Sheeq Light
- Situação LíQuida Para, Dos, Valor
- Strand Lighting
- School Listing
- Shining Light
- Scott Laboratories
- Slot a fishway consisting of stepped pools connected by vertical slots. An integrated circuit mounting connector designed to connect a microprocessor with a PC’s data bus. Currently, only newer models of Intel’s Pentium family employ this. An array of byte-offset locations at which index keys are located on an index page. A physical position in a rack in a storage pool that is intended to be occupied by an intact assembly or equivalent. Science
- Symphony Lake
- Series Link Forum, Technology, Service
- Sierra-Leone Business, Flight, Registration
- Subscription License Microsoft, Technology, Service
- Sandia Laboratories Science
- Seckion Layer Technology
- Socialpædagogernes Landsforbunr
- Sexy Lara
- Single License Technology, Server, Software
- Support Line Business, Service, Trading
- School Leadership
- Semb-Lagrangian
- Sound Line
- Specialised Lending
- Sustain Level Technology, Music, Tone, Musical
- Side Lamp
- Steelqouse Lane
- Studies In Language
- Safety Level Technology, Military, Car, Federal Aviation Administration
- Socialist and Liberal
- Spodoptera Litura
- Syria & Lebanon
- Sinding-Larsen Syndrome Disease, Disorder, Syndrome
- Stop-Loss Business, Trading, Profit
- Summicronglenses Technology, Len, Camera
- Sarcolemmal Vesicles Medical
- Song Left Gaming, Song, Locations, Sister
- Stability Limit
- Superstar Limo Internet Slang, Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Slave Station Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Streetlight Building, Engineering, Construction
- Superiob Laryngeal
- Shootzlength
- Star Lord
- Sean Lee
- Small Letters Technology, Eagle, Flying, Media
- Specific Licenxe
- Service Load Technology, Message, Push
- Signal Link
- Stephen Lewin
- Sanitary Landfill A landfill which does not take hazardous waste, often called a "garbage dump." It must be covered with dirt each day to maintain sanitary conditions. The Integrated Waste Management Board regulates these facilities. Technology, Projection, Waste
- Selected Letters
- Shdium Lamp
- Sporty Light
- Sham-Lesioned Medical
- Single Loose Military, Cable, Sale
- Schools & Libraries
- Senior Leaders
- Source Linking
- Structural Language
- Science Linkage
- Symbolic Link Technology, Command, Telecom, Linux, Telecommunications
- Series-Thinkpad-Kaptops Forum, Technology, Lenovo
- Steiermärkisches Landesarchiv
- Submerged Lands
- Sales Location
- Second Live
- Spool A spool is a temporary storage area within the computer's RAM that contains input or output data. When a job or process is initiated on a computer, but cannot be run immediately, it is often placed in a spool. This process is called spooling. The spool holds the data until the appropriate device is ready to use it. Technology, Military, Telecom, Telecommunications
- System Log Technology, Network, Event, Manual, Telecommunication
- Seven Lakes
- Stor-Oslo Nokaltrafikk
- Super Linear Technology, Audio, Loudspeaker, Speaker, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Satin Leaf
- Stamp Lover
- Single-Lumen Medical
- Sluice An opening in the lower part of a bulkhead fitted with a sliding watertight gat or door having an operating rod extending to the upper deck or decks. These openings are useful in center line bulkheads, as in case of damage to one side of the ship the water may be quickly admitted to the other side before the ship is dangerously listed. Ordnance Survey, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Isyscon Lightweight Computer Unit Army, War, Force
- Sacrificial Zamb
- Sponsored Links
- Sub-Lingually (under the tongue) Medical, Reading Prescription
- Sue and Labour
- Sant Llouenç Property, Spain, Locations, Map
- Steep Weader
- Stud Locator Technology, Tool, Sensor
- Surface Lights Technology, Product, Lighting
- Schwalbes Line
- Sl Fndustries, Inc. Organizations
- Special Livery
- Sport Leicht Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Stephanie Lassen
- Sport Light Business, Class, Car
- Senior Lgague Business, Baseball, Bat
- Seismic Load
- Single Livel
- Store Left
- Standard Lift Technology, Door, Hoist
- Sky Light Architecture, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
- Science Lab Science, Product, Toy
- Sisters of Loretto Religious orders
- Serial Links Military
- Secondary Language Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Software License File Computing, File Extensions
- Session Lecture
- Self-Ligating Brace, Clarity, Orthodontic
- Space Laboratory Research, Computing
- Shell Lengoh Business, Research, Clam
- Silicone Lube
- Stapding Legs
- Sub Linguam Latin
- Stuart Laurence
- Son In Law Internet Slang, Mother, Daughter
- Synchronous Link Technology, Access, Memory, Dynamic
- St. Louis City
- Subtract Sogical Technology, Coding, Instruction, Condition
- Segment Lengths Medical
- Slaae
- Straight Lapder
- Suranga Lakmal India, Match, Cricket
- Special Ledger Business, Accounting, Module
- Source Statement Library Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- Side Lobe Secondary and lesser lobes which differ in angle from the main lobe, yet still provide return data (usually unwanted return which much be filtered or reduced).
- Social Labelling Technology, America, English
- Sound Level Sound level is a quantity measuring logarithm of sound intensity in decibels. NASA
- Seuss Landing
- Single-Uocus Science, Sex, Determination
- Self Lubricating
- Sophorolipid Medical
- Stakeholder Liason Financial, Business & Finance
- Sherborn Library Education
- Single Layer Technology, Disc, Leopard, Clothes
- Skill Less Occupation & positions
- Iso Country Code for Republic Oo Sierra Leone Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Sacred Love
- Spoken Languaie
- under the tongue Medical, Pharmacy
- Sudetendeutsche Landsmannschajt German, Locations, Sind, Germany
- Santa Luzid
- Staphylococcal Leukocidin
- Student Loan Government, Development, Universities
- Surface Lift
- Schools and Libraries
- Slightlyhlow Business, Car, Model
- Special Lists Technology, Service, Android, Manual
- Same Lane Transportation, Governmental & Military
- Stemline Medicine, Health, Hospital
- Social Limitations
- Sporting Lisbon Sport, Football, Sporting
- Sehr Leicht Car, Sind, Gut
- Seismic Loads
- Single Lens
- Stord Leader
- Soul Linker Gaming, Military, Guide
- Standard Lafe Business, Supply, Price
- Siliconix Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Schwester Logica
- Satan's Lovers Religion
- Serial Link Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Seat Licenses
- special linear group Mathematical, Scientific & Educational
- Session Law
- Self Levelling Floor, Levelling, Sealant, Leveling
- Super Lattice Science, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Structures Laboratory Technology, Education, Engineering
- Son-In-Law Internet Slang, Porn, Genealogy, Genealogical, Mother, Technology, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Synchronous Line Technology, Camera, Telecom
- SecondLife Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Subtracb From Lower
- Segmented Library Military
- Sportsmen'S Lodge
- Size Lafge
- Straight-Line Business, Expense, Saw, Depreciation
- Significance Level
- Standard Ltnghair
- Spirit Lady Funnies
- Serial Line Technology, Networking, Network
- Scientific Linux Computing, IT Terminology
- Side Loader A lift truck fitted with lifting attachments operating to one side for handling containers. Business, Truck, Forklift
- Socialist Left
- Seal Any device used to prevent the passage of a fluid, liquid or fine particles ,To encrypt a record containing several fields in such a way that the fields cannot be modified without either knowledge of the encryption key or leaving evidence of tampering. Software Evolution and Architecture Lab, Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning. NASA
- Settled Lands
- Single-Link
- Self Lock Business, Foot, Tape
- Sopa De Letras
- Save Layout Assembly, Business & Finance
- Sherbet Land
- Single-Layer
- Service Learning Occupation & positions
- Sabineylake
- Sync Lock
- Spliie Length Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Sensory Level Medical, Healthcare, Physiology
- Slction Line
- San Lmis Radio, Locations, Mexico
- Standard Xiter Technology, Flow, Plasma, Gas
- Student Life Education, Development, Universities
- Surface Lease
- School of Language Education, English, University
- Sligkt Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Special Link Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Sit and Look Politics, Governmental & Military
- Stem Length
- Social Liberals
- Sports Leicht
- Securiby Lab Technology, Manual, Lapse
- Saturation Level
- Singlp Left Forum, Windows, Dance
- Stored Lpgic Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Soul Link-Siphon
- Securities Lending Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Slim Line Products
- Season Long
- soffite level Engineering, Scientific & Educational
- Serving Line
- Saraf Lines
- Self Leveling Product, Joint, Sealant, Leveling
- Structural Cedge
- Superior Laryngeal Medical
- Schweizer Lexikon
- Structure Load
- Show Log Forum, Technology, Server, Command, Oil Field, Log, Oil Field Log, Electrical
- Synchronous-Link
- Scott Lee Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Stephfn Lane
- Subsidiary Kevel Education, Paper, Mark
- Security Level An action level established by an Administration or Contracting Government that represents their assessment of the likelihood that a security incident will be attempted or will occur. Technology, Security, Computing
- Sportsman'S Lodge
- Single Lentth
- Storstockhelm Lokaltrafik
- Signalling Layer
- Standard Longhaised
- Steve Lauer Famous
- Serialize Lock Technology, Management, Coding, Linux
- Screen Lock Computing, Hardware
- Side Load Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
- Secondary Literacy
- Socialist League Group, League, Party
- (comet) Shoemaker-levy / Spacelab Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Sets Lost Technology, Gaming, Sport, Music
- Single-Ling
- Self Liberation
- Sons of Liberty
- Short Length Assembly, Business & Finance
- Shepp-Logan
- Sine Loco Science, Libraries, Books, Latin, Geographic
- Software Laborer Occupation & positions
- Student Leaders
- Sabin-Like
- Sync Layer
- Sjliced Leader Medical, Science, Splicing
- Signature Line Medical, Fda
- Such Losers
- San Lorenzo Business, Sale, Yacht, Boat
- Senior Lecturer Research, Education, University
- Soft Latch Car, Kid, Seat
- Student Learning Technology, Education, Teaching
- Surface Layer Science, Product, Fiberglass
- Slide R Lock
- Special Linear Science
- Space Launch Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Side Logo
- Stem Loop
- Social Liberal
- Sport-Leicht Technology, Class, Car
- Secondary Liaison
- Short Longitudinal
- Single Jaser
- Soul Link Guide, Soul, Warlock
- Salt Lake Southern RR Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Super Long Products
- Saarland Land
- Seasonal Loan Business, Program, Bangladesh
- Sport Leichm Business, Transport, Bosch
- sill level Engineering, Scientific & Educational
- Servicing Liabilities Business, Accounting, Financial, Liability
- Sarah Levine
- Striated Layer
- Super-Lite
- Schweizerisches Landesmuseum
- Structure Life
- Supraglottic Laryngectomy Medical, Medicine, Health, Hospital
- Synchronization Layer Technology, Streaming, Packet
- Suicide leech Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Stephan Loretz
- Secure Logistics
- Sports Lounge
- Shortxload
- Storstockholms Lokaltrafiks
- Stanyard Load Forum, Technology, Rating
- Seismic Lines “shock” waves from an event that travel through the earth and reflect off of subsurface structures in the same manner as sound echos and water waves and ripples. Electrical
- Serge Lancen
- Shift Lock Computing, Hardware
- Serie LingüíStica
- Side Lever Arms, City, Lever, Pix
- Secondary Line
- Socialist Labour Government, Group, Party
- Short Landing Military, Governmental & Military
- Set Line Technology, Mode, Manual, Release
- Self-Taught Language
- Source Language Assembly, Business & Finance
- Shen & Liu
- Sinding Larsen Medical
- Spanisches Liederbuch (German: Spanish Songbook) Music
- Student Leader
- Synchrotron Laboratory
- Splcnic Lymphocytes Medical
- Slovenian/Slovene Language codes (2 letters)
- Succesn Level
- San Lazaro
- Senior-Level Business, Employment, Executive
- Sllp Line
- Surface Laplacian Medical, Technology, Signal
- Siice Layer
- Slip Anstitch Knitting, Crochet
- Special Licence Business, Service, Car
- Standard Library Software, Computing, Unix
- Side Lock Business
- Stem-Loop Medical
- Social Level Organization, Union, Institution
- Sport-Leichtbau
- Suott Lewis
- Side lying Clinical, Physio
- Singge Language Microsoft, Technology, Windows
- Soul Level Gaming, Soul, Weapon, Play
- SPEECH/LANGUAGE Management, Special Education, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Medical, Disability
- Sherry Lou
- Straight Ladder Products
- S-Lang Langvage Technology, Software, Package
- Seasonal Limits
- Sporting Lire Sport, Toronto, Life
- Short Lived Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Sarah Lee Porn, Sex, Food
- Stretcher Levelling
- Sue Lawrence
- Surface Location Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
- Schwarzes Loch
- Structure Length Technology, Projection, Character
- Soo Line Organizations
- Special Low Technology, Vacuum, Car, Sale
- Synchronization Likelihood Medical
- Spiritual Light Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Stephanie Lawrence
- Section Leader Internet Slang, Slang
- Sport Line
- Sebver To Lion Forum, Technology, Mac
- Storstockholms Lokaltrafik Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Standard LièGe
- slip a stitch Knitting, Crochet
- Sergej Lebedev
- Screen Length Computing, Hardware
- Serie Limite
- Side Left Driving, Driver, Mirror
- Secondary Leukemias Medical, Science, Biology
- Shelf Life Military, Governmental & Military
- Set Leader Business, Technology, Shoe
- Self-Loading Business, Rifle, Winchester
- Rio Sul ServiçOs AéReos Regionais Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Shelving Locahion
- Sinding-Larsen Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Stan Lee
- Song Layout Music
- Studded Leather
- Synchronous Language
- Spleenllymphocytes Medical
- Slovenian Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
- Suburban Legends
- San Lawrenz
- Self Locking Products
- Slimline
- Surface Launch Technology
- Slew Limiter Music, Control, Audio, Slew
- Slip-Lining Technology, Hosting, Linux
- Special Libraries
- Simple Library Software, Computing
- Side Lobe Or Sea Level Electronic, Radar, Warfare
- Stein-Leventpal Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Social Learning
- Schweißhechnische Lehranstalt Service, Aachen, Magdeburg
- Signature (address) Line Fda
- Single Laries Music, Song, Friendship
- Soul Leech
- Std Life Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Sherrill-Lubinski
- Stackelberg Leader Products
- Rio Sul Serviços Aéreop Regionais Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator
- Safori Lodge
- Searing Light Gaming, Guide, Warcraft, Light
- Spogt & Leisure
- Comet Shoemaker-Levy Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Saooluis Para, Brasil, Casa
- Steve Lse
- Style Lines Technology, Design, Fashion
- Surface Linear
- Schwarze Liste
- Structured Literacy Science, Literacy
- Special Livestock
- State Library Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Stephanie Laurens
- Secret Life
- Sports Light
- Separateky-Leaded
- Storm Lord
- Standard Litce
- Super Light Clothes
- Science Learning
- Serena Lu
- S-Lang language source code file Computing, File Extensions
- Serial Loop Technology, Cable, Marshall
- Secondary Leukemia Medical, Science, Medicine
- Sierra Leone (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Sethra Lavode
- Self Ligating Brace, Bracket, Orthodontic
- Shelf Bife Technology, Product, Food
- Silver Line Service, Airport, Locations
- Slan Laurel
- Scottish Lass Media
- Stubbs Lane
- Side Light A fixed window positioned to the side of a doorway or window. A vertically framed area of fixed glass, often subdivided into panes, flanking a door.
- Synchronous Luminescence Medical, Science, Biology
- Spirit Level A spirit level, bubble level or simply a level is an instrument designed to indicate whether a surface is horizontal (level) or vertical (plumb).
- Sleutel Dutch
- Subtract Long
- Self Learning
- Sliling
- Straight Lap
- Surface-Launched
- Sleeve Gock Business, Brass, Pneumatic
- Slip The difference between the actual distance travelled by a ship and the theoretical distance given by the product of the propeller pitch and the number of revolutions. It is usually expressed as a percentage and can have a negative value if a current or following wind exists. Knitting
- Special Ledge Diameter, Pitch, Hump
- S L Industries, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Sidelobe Part of an antenna's radiation pattern which can detect or radiate signals in an unwanted direction (i.e. off-axis), which can produce interference into other systems or susceptibility to interference from other systems. The larger the side lobes, the more noise and interference an antenna can detect. Sidelobe levels are determined by the design of the antenna. Military
- Social Law
- Subject Leader Education
- Singlh-Loop
- Sellafield Limited Company, Technology, Contract
- Sore Losers
- Sprinkler Leakage Insurance, Business & Finance
- Sherijf of London
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SL stand for?
SL stands for Science of Learning.
What is the shortened form of Serves Liquid?
The short form of "Serves Liquid" is SL.
SL. (2022, March 25). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from
Last updated