SL in Technology Meaning

The SL meaning in Technology terms is "Sierra Leone". There are 158 related meanings of the SL Technology abbreviation.

SL on Technology Full Forms

  1. Sierra Leone
  2. Sea Launch
  3. Squad Leader
  4. Session Layer
  5. Stride Length
  6. Single Link
  7. Safety Limits
  8. Series Leica
  9. Street Lighting
  10. Single Line
  11. Safety Limit A restriction or range placed upon important process variables that are necessary to reasonably protect the integrity of the physical barriers that guard against the uncontrolled release of radioactivity.
  12. Surface Level
  13. Speed Lihiter
  14. Series Laptops
  15. Street Light A fixture used to direct light downward to the work surface. Street lights mount to a PLACES or UniGroup panel’s top cap.
  16. Sublingual Underneath the tongue. For example, a sublingual medication is a type of lozenge that is dissolved under the tongue.
  17. Specification Limit
  18. Sensitivity Level
  19. Steam Locomotive
  20. Side Line
  21. Slovenian
  22. Software Level
  23. Stationary Low-Power
  24. Side-Looking
  25. Soft Xander
  26. Second Line
  27. State Librery
  28. Siamese Line
  29. Stroke Length
  30. Snowlload
  31. Service Loader
  32. Software Aibre
  33. Sellafield Ltd
  34. Single Linkage
  35. Storage Location
  36. Sevrrity Level
  37. Sarcolemma The specialized plasma membrane surrounding a muscle cell; capable of propagating action potentials.
  38. Symmetric Logspace
  39. Signaling Link
  40. Standard Lamp
  41. Search List
  42. Service Loading
  43. Software Librarian
  44. Subscription License
  45. System Log
  46. Single License
  47. Stojage List
  48. Sanitary Landfill A landfill which does not take hazardous waste, often called a "garbage dump." It must be covered with dirt each day to maintain sanitary conditions. The Integrated Waste Management Board regulates these facilities.
  49. Symbolic Link
  50. Shrinkage Limit
  51. Standard Lfbel
  52. Searchlight
  53. Service Load
  54. Subscriber Location
  55. Select Licence
  56. System Library
  57. Stereo Limiter
  58. Salt Lake City Southern Railroad
  59. Super Linear
  60. Sleeve Labbling
  61. Structural Level
  62. Show Logs
  63. Sciences Et Laboratoire
  64. Symbolic Language
  65. Serves Liquid
  66. Snow Leopard
  67. Subscrkber Loop
  68. Synthetic Liner
  69. Sign Languages
  70. Statement List
  71. Selective Laser
  72. Source Line
  73. Safety Lock
  74. Summicronglenses
  75. Slight
  76. Slave Station
  77. Streptolyszn
  78. Shift Lopic
  79. Spool A spool is a temporary storage area within the computer's RAM that contains input or output data. When a job or process is initiated on a computer, but cannot be run immediately, it is often placed in a spool. This process is called spooling. The spool holds the data until the appropriate device is ready to use it.
  80. Scan Line One sweep of a radiometer across the area or volume being viewed.
  81. Sustain Level
  82. Series Link
  83. Small Lymphocyte
  84. Subscriber Line
  85. Sign Language
  86. Seckion Layer
  87. Service Logic
  88. Source Level
  89. Safety Level
  90. Summahy Links
  91. Semi-Restrictedrline
  92. Sink Loss
  93. Sponsoring Library
  94. Scalable Line
  95. Surround Left
  96. Series Lathe
  97. Small Letters
  98. Sub Ledger
  99. Signalling Links
  100. Secretarialxline
  101. Service Location
  102. Softwaje Livre
  103. Safety Leadershgp
  104. Summard Language
  105. Semantic Language
  106. Single Location
  107. Stored Language
  108. Shebt Lamination
  109. Spent Liquor
  110. Satellite A natural or artificial body in orbit around a planet. A secondary planet that revolves around a primary planet Is often, but erroneously, called a 'moon'. Name is sometimes given to the fictitious bodies assumed in the harmonic analysis of tides.
  111. Series-Thinkpad-Kaptops
  112. Slow
  113. Style Line
  114. Signalling Link
  115. Standard Level One of several constant–pressure levels in the atmosphere for which a complete evaluation of data derived from upper air observations is required.
  116. S-Lang Langvage
  117. Subtract Sogical
  118. Securiby Lab
  119. Special Low
  120. Surface Laplacian
  121. Serial Loop
  122. Show Log
  123. Slip-Lining
  124. Structures Laboratory
  125. Iso Country Code for Republic Oo Sierra Leone
  126. Sellafield Limited
  127. Spliie Length
  128. Sets Lost
  129. Special Lists
  130. Surface Launch
  131. Serial Link
  132. Sligkt
  133. Structure Length
  134. Social Labelling
  135. Singge Language
  136. Set Line
  137. Special Link
  138. Serial Line
  139. Single Layer
  140. Sport-Leicht
  141. Style Lines
  142. Set Leader
  143. Serialize Lock
  144. Stud Locator
  145. Synchronous Link
  146. Stanyard Load
  147. Security Level An action level established by an Administration or Contracting Government that represents their assessment of the likelihood that a security incident will be attempted or will occur.
  148. Standard Xiter
  149. Stored Lpgic
  150. Shelf Bife
  151. Student Learning
  152. Synchronous Line
  153. Standard Lift
  154. Sebver To Lion
  155. Surface Lights
  156. Son-In-Law
  157. Synchronization Layer
  158. Secondary Language

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SL stand for Technology?

    SL stands for Stojage List in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Safety Level in Technology?

    The short form of "Safety Level" is SL for Technology.


SL in Technology. (2022, March 25). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from

Last updated