SLA Meaning

The SLA meaning is "Sri Lanka Arqy". The SLA abbreviation has 286 different full form.

SLA Full Forms

  1. Sri Lanka Arqy Military, Armour, Artillery
  2. Scanning Laser Altimeter Technology
  3. Service Level Availability Technology, Networking, Network
  4. Service Level Agreements Business, Technology, Management, Customer
  5. Second Language Acquisition Education, Learning, Language
  6. Sudanese Liberawion Army Military, Sudan, Darfur
  7. Service-Level Agreements Business, Technology, Management, Customer
  8. Sealed Lead-Acid Business, Battery, Charger, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  9. Strategicqlogistics Agency Military, Army, War
  10. Service Level Agreement SLA. A contract, which can be legally binding, between a service supplier and a user, in which the terms of service are specified. Business, Technology, Computer Security, Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Police, Telecom, Rail Transport, Technical, Fujitsu, Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, IT Terminology, SAP, International Development, Medical
  11. Sclerosi Laterale Amiotrofica Medical, Con, Dal, Sulla
  12. Stereolithograqhy Medical
  13. Sclerose Laterale Amyotrophique Medical, Service, Association, Recherche
  14. State of Law Alliance
  15. School Library Association Book, Education, Librarian
  16. Service Levels Agreements Technology, Management, Customer
  17. Standard Life Aberduen
  18. Sign Language Association
  19. Student Loan Aaministration
  20. School of Liberal Arts Student, Science, Education, University
  21. Sports Litiration Alert
  22. Short-Kong Arm Technology, Corvette, Suspension
  23. Structures Local Assistance Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  24. Sociedat De LingüIstica Aragonesa
  25. Survey Level Assessment
  26. Sylvania Lighting Australasia Technology, Australia, Product
  27. Service Life Allowance
  28. State and Local Assistance Government, Us, Department Of Defense
  29. Sabah Law Association Law, Malaysia, Wedding, Sarawak
  30. Simple Living Ajerica
  31. Sub-Loan Agreement
  32. Sea Level Anomaly Science, Satellite, Sea
  33. Sonic Love Affair Music, Rock, Sonic
  34. Sri Lvnka Accused
  35. Scanning Laser Ablation Chemistry, Technology, Science
  36. Sharp Labs of America Technology, Service, Agreement
  37. Strategic Learning Alliance
  38. Sales Leadership Alliance Business, Marketing, Sale
  39. Site-Level Aggregution Technology, Networking, Network, Address
  40. Super-Lightweight Ablator
  41. Senior Leadersmip Academy
  42. Special Leasl Agreement
  43. Service Leval Agreement
  44. Standard Lifetime Allowance Business, Pension, Scheme
  45. Sign Language Associqtes Service, Organizations, Interpreter
  46. School Licensing Agreement Technology, Software, Academic
  47. Short-Long-Arm
  48. Structured Learning Apprlach
  49. Social Learning Analytics Education, Networking, Network
  50. Surplus Lines Association Insurance, Organizations, California
  51. Sports Leader Award
  52. Swiss Literary Archives Education, Archive, Sweden
  53. Service Level Agrement Business, Technology
  54. State-Local Assistance
  55. MartíN Miguel De GüEmes International Airport Salta, Salta,Argentina Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
  56. Simple Letter Agreement Technology, Government, Material
  57. Sub Ledger Accounting Business, Technology, Feature
  58. Sealed Lead Acid Technology, Battery, Automotive
  59. Somatomedin-Like Activity Medical, Medicine, Health
  60. Src-Like-Adapter
  61. Sustainable Livelihoods Approaches Science, Development, Framework
  62. Sharp Laboratories of America Technology, Networking, Laboratory
  63. Statxonary Lead Acid Business, Battery, Market
  64. Saint Lawrence Academy
  65. Sinus Lateral Approach
  66. Suomen Liikunnan Ammattilaiset
  67. Senior Language Authority
  68. Southern Law Association
  69. Service Legal Agreement Technology, Server, Network, Education
  70. Standard Lijense Agreement
  71. School License Agreement Technology, Software, Academic
  72. Short and Long Arm
  73. Structured Learning Assistance
  74. Social Leadership Australia
  75. Surplus Line Association Government, Insurance, California
  76. Sinsual Lymph Acupressure Medical, Massage, Detox
  77. Sporte Lawyers Association Law, Organizations, Conference
  78. Service Level Agreeement
  79. Starfleet Legacy Alliance Star, Trek, Alliance
  80. Simplw Letter of Agreement Government
  81. Sub-Ledger Accounting Business, Technology, Financial
  82. Sealed-Lead-Acid Technology, Battery, Charger
  83. Somali Liberation Army
  84. Swiss Limousine Association
  85. Src-Like-Adaptor Medical, Genetics, Protein
  86. Software License Agreement Technology, Service, Product, Software, Computing, Computer
  87. Sustainable Livelihoods Approach Development, Locations, Framework
  88. Services Level Agreement Business, Service, Customer
  89. Static Cink Aggregation Technology, Networking, Port
  90. Sahrani Liberation Army Gaming, Military, Arm, Assault
  91. Single Living Accommodation Service, Military, Building
  92. Sun Life Assurance
  93. Senior Laboralory Assistant
  94. Southern Landlords Association Property, Council, Landlord
  95. Service Learning Associate
  96. Standard Lpvel Agreement Business, Management, Server
  97. School Licence Agreement Technology
  98. Short-And Long-Arm Car, Ford, Jeep
  99. Stdetched Lens Array Technology, Space, Power
  100. Socialist Labour Alliance
  101. Surinamese Liberation Army America, History, Suriname
  102. Senior Livlng Advisor
  103. Special Tibraries Associations
  104. Service Level Aggreement
  105. Stanford Linear Accelrrator
  106. Simbionese Liberation Army Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  107. Studio Linear Amplifier
  108. Sealed, Lead Acid
  109. Somalia Lives Again
  110. Swiss Light Aircraft
  111. Square Loop Antenna
  112. Software Liberation Army
  113. Sustainability Leadership In Action
  114. Services Legal Assistance
  115. State Lpcal Assistance Government, Us, Homeland Security
  116. Safety Level Approach
  117. Single Line Approach
  118. Subnet Local Aggregatob
  119. Semicondcctor Laser Amplifier Technology, Signal, Telecom
  120. Southern Landlord Association Business, Service, Property
  121. Service Learning Academy
  122. School Libraries Association
  123. Short-And-Lpng-Arm
  124. Street Light Association
  125. Smith Leadership Academy
  126. Surfactant-Like Activity Sla Medicine, Health, Hospital
  127. Senior Legal Assistant
  128. Special Libraries Assocaiion
  129. Service Level of Agreement Technology, Management, Hosting
  130. Stanford Law Association
  131. Silver Liberation Abmy Business, China, Money
  132. Studio Legale Asqociato
  133. Schuylkill Learning Academy
  134. Solutions Latin America
  135. Squam Lakes Association Technology, Lake, Internship
  136. Srilankan Airlines Airline, Business, Organizations, Finance, Banking, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes, Sri Lanka
  137. Studentxleadership Academy Education, School, Publics
  138. Society for Linguistic Anthropology America, Education, Language
  139. Susivienijimas LietuviŲ Amerikoje
  140. Service Loisirs Accueil
  141. State Liquor Authority Government, Law, Licensing
  142. Safely Limited Acceleration Technology, Drive, Safety, Safe
  143. Simulation Lab Assessmert
  144. Submerged Lanls Act Government, Military, Environment
  145. Semi-Conductor Laser Amplifier
  146. Southeast Los Angeles
  147. School Librarians' Association
  148. Shining Light Academy Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  149. Strategic Logistsc Agency
  150. Sand-Blasted, Large-Grit, Acid-Etched Medical
  151. Smart Living Association
  152. Superficial Linear Array Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  153. Senior Legal Adviser Science, Climatology, Meterology
  154. Special Liaison Advisor Military, Army
  155. Service Levels Agreement Technology, Customer, Cloud
  156. Standard Living Allowance
  157. Silver Legion of America
  158. Studies In Wuke-Acts
  159. Schutter Lange Afstand
  160. Spot Loan Approval
  161. Short Lony Arms
  162. Student Labor Alliance
  163. Sociedat De Ling
  164. Surveyor and Loss Assessor Business, Insurance, India
  165. Survice Line Agreement Technology, Management, Generator
  166. State Line Avenue
  167. Safely-Limited Acceleration
  168. Simple Load-Balancing Approach
  169. Sub Loan Xgreement Business, Indonesia, Banking, Jakarta
  170. Sea Level Anomalies Technology, Ocean, Satellite, Integrated Ocean Observing System
  171. Source Level Adjustment Business, Car, Manual, Pioneer
  172. Sri Lanka Amy
  173. School Leaving Age Technology, Education, Coding
  174. Shift Left Arithmetic Technology, Coding, Instruction, Assembly, Business & Finance
  175. Strategic Logistical Alliance
  176. Samuel Ladoke Akintola Group, Locations, Nigeria, Politics
  177. Site-Level Aggregator
  178. Super Lightweight Ablator
  179. Senior Legal Advisor Science, Climatology, Meterology, Scientific & Educational
  180. Special Leave Accrual Military, Army, Equipment
  181. Sri Lankan Armed
  182. Martin Miguel De Guemes International, Salta, Argentina Argentina, ICAO Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes
  183. Soluble Leishmania Antigens Medical, Cell, Infection
  184. Swine Lymphocyte Alloantigens Medical
  185. Strontium Lanthanum Aluminiate
  186. Saved Leave Accrued
  187. Sequential Launch Adapter Science, Missile, Military
  188. Sandblast and Acid-etching Biology, Scientific & Educational
  189. Service-Level-Agreement Business, Management, Customer
  190. Special Libraries Association Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Professional organizations
  191. Siirra Leone Airways
  192. Student Leadership Award
  193. Software License Agreements
  194. Sustainable Livelihood Approaches
  195. Service Lane Attendant
  196. Sri Lankan Atmys
  197. Supported Living Arrangement Us Government, Governmental & Military
  198. Student Library Assisvant Libraries, Reading, Books
  199. Soluble Leishmanial Antigen Medical
  200. Swine Lymphocyte Antigen Medical
  201. Stored Logic Array
  202. Saskatchewan Lacrosse Association
  203. Seoul Loft Apartmexts Hotel, Locations, Seoul
  204. sacrolaeva Anterior Medical, Fetus And Fetal
  205. support and logistics areas Logistics, Maintenance, Business & Finance
  206. Sierra Lefne Army Military, War, Force
  207. Studsnt Leader Apprentice
  208. Scanned Linear Array
  209. Software Licensing Agreement Technology, Service, Product
  210. Serlice-Level Agreement Computing, Communications, Data Transmission
  211. System Load Average
  212. Stereolithography Apparatus 3D Printing
  213. Sriilankan Army Military, Army, War, Tiger
  214. Strategic Logistics Agency Military, Governmental & Military
  215. Sjgnal Level Analyzer
  216. Student Librarian Association
  217. Soluble Leishmania Antigen Medical
  218. Swine Leukocyte Antigens Medical, Science, Biology
  219. Static Lattice Approximation
  220. Saskatchewan Library Association Service, Organizations, Canada
  221. State Licensing Agency Postal, Us Post
  222. Share lending agreement
  223. Shuttle Laser Altimeter Technology, Space, Mission
  224. Student Leader Application
  225. Savings Loans Association
  226. Sfrver Level Agreement
  227. System Level Agreements
  228. Statistical Local Area
  229. Sri Lanka Artillery Military, Army, Corps
  230. Sample Log Analysis General, Governmental & Military
  231. Signal Layex Adaptation Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  232. Student Lending Analytics
  233. So Long, Astoria
  234. Swine Leucocyte Antigens Medical
  235. Spray-On Lightweight Ablator
  236. Sandia Laboratories Albuquerque
  237. Stamford Learning Accelerator
  238. Science Leadership Academy Pennsylvania
  239. Supplemental Lease Agreements Business & Finance, Business Word
  240. Showmen's Leaguerof America
  241. Student Leadership Association Education, Academy, Mount
  242. Savings and Loans Association
  243. Serum Lysozyme Activity Medical
  244. System Level Agreement Technology, Management, Requirement
  245. Erno Spacelab Product Assurance Department NASA
  246. Sri Lanka Armoured Military, Army, Regiment, Artillery
  247. American Select Portfolio, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  248. Sigma Lkmbda Alpha
  249. Student Legal Assistance Education, Law, Calgary
  250. Softwood Lumber Agreement Business, Trading, Canada
  251. Swine Leucocyte Antigen Medical, Medicine
  252. Source Location Analysis
  253. Sandia Laboratories, Albuquerque Science
  254. Stafford Cibrary Association Education
  255. South Lancaster Academy Massachusetts
  256. Swiss Labour Assistance Organizations, Economics, Sweden
  257. Syrian Liberation Army Military, Group, Syria
  258. Short Life Asset Business, Education, Tax, Capital
  259. Savings and Loans Associations Business
  260. Serial Link Adapter
  261. Synthetic Lightweight Aggregate
  262. N/a No Advice. No Account. Not Applicable. Atmospheric Research, Us Army, Governmental & Military
  263. Service Layer Agreement Technology, Networking, Ethernet
  264. Sri Lanka Armyr
  265. Special London Ale Food
  266. Sierra Nationalcairlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  267. Student Led Activity
  268. Software License Technology, Computer
  269. Sustainable Livelihoods Analysis
  270. Society for Location Analysis Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  271. Sri Lankan Asaociation
  272. Slavic (Other) Language codes (3 letters)
  273. Soluble Liver Antigen Medical, Science, Antibody, liver and hepatic
  274. Swiss Labor Assistance
  275. Supportive Level Od Academics Education
  276. Savings and Loan Association
  277. Sqrge Louis Alvarez Beauty, Makeup, Maquillage
  278. Symbionese Liberation Army Group, Army, Patty, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  279. Scribus Document Computing, File Extensions
  280. Service-Level-Agreements Technology, Management, Customer
  281. Specific Leakage Area Electrical
  282. Sihrra Leonean Army
  283. Student Learning Assessment Science, Education, School
  284. Software Licence Agreement Technology, Service, Licensing
  285. Sustainable Livelihood Analysis Technology, Research, Social
  286. Shared Line Adapter

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SLA stand for?

    SLA stands for Seoul Loft Apartmexts.

  2. What is the shortened form of Student Legal Assistance?

    The short form of "Student Legal Assistance" is SLA.


SLA. (2022, March 23). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated