SLAM Meaning

The SLAM meaning is "Shock Level and Maintain". The SLAM abbreviation has 127 different full form.

SLAM Full Forms

  1. Shock Level and Maintain
  2. Scuba Lifesaving Accident Management Science, Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Scientific & Educational
  3. Scanning Laser Acoustic Microscopy Technology, Science, Material, Chemistry
  4. Sports As A Laboratory Assessment Model Sport, Sports, Concussion
  5. State Library, Archives and Museum Locations, Alaska, Library
  6. Save Live Australias Music
  7. Simultaneous Localisation and Map
  8. Spirituality Leadership and Management Religion
  9. Streb Lab for Action Mechanics Art, Arts, Dance, Lab
  10. Semantic Learning Applications In Multimedia Technology, Computing, Recognition
  11. Simulation Language for Analogue Modeling Science
  12. Sports, Leadership, Arts and Management
  13. Super Logistical Annihilation Maneuvers Army, War, Force
  14. Sex, Love, and Marketing Media, Radio, Television
  15. State Library, Archives, and Museum Locations, Archive, Alaska
  16. Selectable Lightweight Attack Munition Military, Weapon, Steam
  17. Simultaneous Localization and Map
  18. Society'S League Against Molestation
  19. Strategic Low Altitude Missile
  20. Self Localization and Mapping Technology, Robot, Robotics
  21. Spoken Language Access To Multimedia
  22. Super Large Action Madness
  23. Service Life Assessment Method
  24. State Library Archives and Museum Technology, Archive, Alaska
  25. Save Live Australia'S Music
  26. Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping Technology, Robot, Localization
  27. Storage Lifecycle Automation Management
  28. Scalable Location-Aware Monitoring
  29. Social Location Annotation Mobile
  30. Spoken-Language Access To Multimedia
  31. Super-Longrange Accelerated Mass
  32. Service Level Agreement Model
  33. State Libraries, Archives & Museums
  34. Systemic Lupus Activity Measure Medical, Disease, Erythematosus
  35. Simulation Languaje for Alternative Modeling
  36. Supplemental Laboratory Application Modules Technology
  37. Stop Looking At Me Corps, Terror, Rotterdam
  38. Scalable Location Aware Monitoring
  39. Social, Location, Annotation, Mobile
  40. Sports Leadership and Management Education, School, Miami, Management, Business & Finance
  41. Summer Learning and More
  42. Service Level Agreement Monitoring Technology, Management, Foundation
  43. State Libraries, Archives & Museum
  44. Space-Launched Air Missile Technology
  45. Simulation Language for Alternative Modelling
  46. Staccs Lan Military
  47. Supersonic Low-Altitude Missile Technology, Projection, Pluto
  48. Stop Look Assess Manage Building, Engineering, Construction
  49. Save Lives and Money
  50. Sobriety, Learning, and Motivation Design, School, Addiction
  51. Simultaneous Localization and Mapping Technology, Organizations, Robot, Map
  52. Sport Leadership and Management Education, School, Charter
  53. Suburban Lodges of America, Inc. Organizations
  54. Service Level Agreement Management Technology, Networking, Network
  55. State and Local Air Monitoring
  56. Signaling Lymphocyte Activation Molecule Medical, Family, Cell, Receptor
  57. Synergies Langues Arts Musique
  58. Simulation Language for Alternative Modeling Technology, Computing, Projection
  59. Sports Leisure Arts and Music
  60. Supersonic Low Altitude Missile Technology, Science, Pluto
  61. Shf Link Analysis Model Science
  62. Statewide Library Archives Museum
  63. Save Live Australian Music Australia, Music, Melbourne, Rally
  64. Small Line Array Module
  65. Spirituality, Leadership and Management Business, Education, Organizations
  66. Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer
  67. Service Level Agreement Manager
  68. Standoff Land Attack Missile-Expanded
  69. Side Load Arrest Mechanism Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  70. Simulation Language for Analogue Modelling Technology, Science, Arts, Entertainment
  71. Sports Leadership Arts and Management
  72. Super Low Administrative Mortgage Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  73. Shareholder Limited Authorized Margin
  74. Single-Layer Aluminum Metallization
  75. Standoff Land Attack Missiles Missile, Military, Harpoon, Slam
  76. Support Local Arts Magazine
  77. Signaling Lymphocyte Activating Molecule Medical, Science, Biology
  78. Sweat Like A Mother
  79. Station Logistics and Maintainability Logistics, Maintenance, Business & Finance
  80. Stand-Off Land Attack Missile-Extended
  81. Symmetrically Loaded Acoustic Module Technology, Speaker, Wireless
  82. Singles Living and Ministering Religion
  83. Single-Layer Aluminum Metallized
  84. Standoff Land-Attack Missile Military, Targeting, Harpoon
  85. Support Local Art and Music
  86. Signaling Lymphocyte Activation Molecules
  87. Site Logging and Monitoring Security, Governmental & Military
  88. Systemic Lupus Activity Measurement
  89. Stand-Off Land Attack Missile-Expanded Military, Targeting, Standoff
  90. Symbolic Language Adapted for Microcomputers
  91. Association of Volleyball Professionals Military
  92. Students Living A Mission Religion
  93. Side-Load Arrest Mechanism
  94. Stadoff Land Attack Missle Technology
  95. Support List Allowance Master Technology
  96. Signaling Lymphocytic Activation Molecule Medical, Science, Cell, Biomedical, Immunology, Microbiology
  97. Standoff Land Attack Missile (Navy) Army, Governmental & Military
  98. Student Life At Melbpoly
  99. Stand-Off Land Attack Missiles
  100. Swiss Life Asset Management
  101. Simplified Laparoscopic Abdominal Morcellation
  102. Support Local Arts and Music Performing arts
  103. Selectable Lighweight Attack Munition
  104. Staccs Lan Management System Army, War, Force
  105. Short-Range Layered Atmospheric Model
  106. Scanning Laser Acoustic Microscope Computing, Telecom
  107. Strategic Low-Altitude Missile
  108. Stand-Off Land Attack Missile Military, Harpoon, Standoff, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  109. Sweet Lovely Adorable Memories Organization, Union, Institution
  110. Simple Look Ahead Maximizer
  111. Supporting Local Alternative Music Music
  112. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Activity Measure Medicine, Health, Hospital
  113. Shock Limitation and Absorption Mechanism
  114. Syntactic Language Abstraction Method Software, Computing, General, Governmental & Military
  115. South London Art Map Technology, London, Event
  116. Standoff Land-Attack Missiles
  117. Suspected of Living Above Means Government
  118. Signalling Lymphocyte Activation Molecule Medical, Family, Cell, Receptor, Human genome
  119. Something Like Another Monday Funnies
  120. Software, Languages, Analysis, and Modeling Software, Computing
  121. Sobriety, Learning and Motivation Recovery, Education, School, Addict
  122. Standoff Land Attack Missle
  123. Support Local Artists and Musicians
  124. Signaling Lymphocyte-Activation Molecule
  125. Surviving Life After Maryland Funnies
  126. Syndicat De La Librairie Ancienne Et Moderne Book, France, Expert
  127. The Sovereign Lord and Me Religion

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SLAM stand for?

    SLAM stands for Save Live Australias Music.

  2. What is the shortened form of State and Local Air Monitoring?

    The short form of "State and Local Air Monitoring" is SLAM.


SLAM. (2021, September 22). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from

Last updated