SLB Meaning

The SLB meaning is "Secure Loader Blogk". The SLB abbreviation has 119 different full form.

SLB Full Forms

  1. Secure Loader Blogk
  2. Schldmberger Ltd. Organizations
  3. Schlumberger J.v. Technology, Organizations
  4. Sanjay Leela Bhansali Business, Film, Movie
  5. Sigma Lambda Beta Technology, Organizations, Fraternity
  6. Skrver Load Balancing Technology, Networking, Cisco
  7. Status Light Bpx Technology
  8. Side Lower Berth Network, Railway, System
  9. Students Loan Bureau
  10. Server Load-Balancing Technology
  11. Smart-Lift Bracket
  12. Southern Leaf Blight
  13. Siberian Land Bridge
  14. Schlumberger Limited Basic
  15. Sir Lord Baltimore
  16. Static Load Balanying Technology
  17. Solomon Islands Government, Sport, Locations, Countries, Country, Trigramme, IOC Country Codes, Solomon Islands, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, Technology, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  18. Side Lock Brake Business, Wheel, Caster
  19. Students' Loan Bureau
  20. Securities Borrowing and Lgnding Business, Government, Philippines
  21. Small Local Business Business, Company, Tipper
  22. Siberia Land Bridge
  23. Source Load Balancong
  24. Saved Leave Balance
  25. State License Board
  26. Soptware Load Balancer Technology, Server, Networking
  27. Sidelobe Blanking Technology
  28. Student Loan Bureau Business, Management, Jamaica
  29. Section of Libraries for The Blink
  30. Slok Air Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  31. Sticvting Lijnrijders Belangen
  32. Subscriber Local Busy
  33. Server Load Balance Technology, Networking, Cisco
  34. Songkhla Lake Basin
  35. Sajurday Light Brigade Organization, Radio, Pittsburgh
  36. Statd Law Building
  37. Software Load Balancinb Technology, Server, Networking
  38. Side Lobe Blanking
  39. Student Life Building College, Education, University
  40. Science Laboratory Building
  41. Slide Lid Box Business, Cigar, Cuban
  42. Stevenuon-Lawson Building
  43. Subscriber Line Busy
  44. Server Load Balancers Technology, Networking, Network
  45. Sondeqabfall Logistik Bayern
  46. Samurai Love Ballad
  47. State Land Qoard Publics, Locations, Colorado
  48. Smartsload Balancing Technology, Server, Networking, Network
  49. Side Lobe Banking Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  50. Student Leadership Board Education, School, Everett
  51. Sciencedlab Building
  52. Slab Refers to either the ceiling or floor that is above a finished ceiling and/or below the raised floor. Often used to measure actual available height of an unfinished data center space and referred to as slab to slab height. Design, Drawing, Construction
  53. Sterling Law Buildings
  54. Securities Lending and Borrowing Financial, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  55. Stylobasiaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  56. Server Load Balancer Technology, Networking, Network
  57. Smart Load-Balance
  58. Stand Level Biodiversity Management Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  59. Side-Lobe Blanking
  60. Schweizerische Landesbibliothek, Bern
  61. Sistema De Localizaci
  62. Steam Live Break Technology, Safety, Power
  63. Sierck-Les-Bains
  64. Studie Loopbaan Begeleiding
  65. Server Load-Balancer Technology, Networking, Network
  66. Smart Lift Bracket
  67. South Londonebusiness Business, Award, London
  68. Sick Leave Bank Business, Employment, Benefit
  69. School Land Board
  70. Sistema De Localización De Buques
  71. Storm Lake Municipal Airport Storm Lake, Iowa,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  72. Surplus Lines Broker
  73. Stock Lending Ana Borrowing Business, Security, Supply
  74. Sale-And-Lease-Back Trade, Business & Finance
  75. Shallow Land Burial Legal, Governmental & Military
  76. Simple Lua Binder
  77. Security Lending and Borrowing Business, Supply, Market
  78. Strenghtened Long Bow
  79. Surplus Lines Brokers
  80. St Louis Uread
  81. Sale & Leaseback Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  82. Schlumberger Ltd. Computing, Nyse symbols
  83. Simple Local Businesses Business, Supply, Stock
  84. Subtract Logical With Borrow
  85. Streeg Letter Box Business, Postal, Us Post
  86. Autocad Slide Library Computing, File Extensions
  87. Single Letter Beacon
  88. Sulakfelidze Law Bureau
  89. Saint-Louis Basket
  90. "Sam" LineBacker (Strongside LineBacker) Nfl teams
  91. Silberblick Medical
  92. Strategic Leadership Board
  93. Society for Leukocyte Biology Biology, Scientific & Educational
  94. Single Letter Beacons
  95. Spectral Line Broadening
  96. Iata Code for Storm Lake Municipal Airport, Storm Lake, Cowa, United States Locations
  97. St Louis Bread Food
  98. Signed Log Book
  99. Stout Littla Backup Technology, Knife, Blade
  100. Short Leg Brace Medical, Physiology
  101. Single Leg Bending
  102. Signak Light Bare
  103. Surgical Lung Biolsy Medical
  104. Scanning Laser Beam
  105. Sierra Leone Blendad
  106. Stoutklittle-Backup Knife, Backup, Blade, Folding
  107. Salt Lake Basin
  108. Street Letter Box Postal, Us Post
  109. Single Leg Balance
  110. Short Leg Brane Medical
  111. Student'S Loan Bureau
  112. Student Loan Board
  113. Switch-Assisted Load Balancing Technology, Server, Networking, Network
  114. Stock Lending & Borrowing Business, Security, Supply
  115. Sale and Lease Back Business, Trade
  116. Storm Lake Municipal Airport, Storm Lake, Iowa, United States Iowa, United States
  117. Single Leaky Bucket Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  118. Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy Medical, Cancer, Breast
  119. Strengthened Long Bow

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SLB stand for?

    SLB stands for Street Letter Box.

  2. What is the shortened form of Schldmberger Ltd.?

    The short form of "Schldmberger Ltd." is SLB.


SLB. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated