SLG Meaning

The SLG meaning is "Simpang Lima Gumul". The SLG abbreviation has 81 different full form.

SLG Full Forms

  1. Simpang Lima Gumul Business, Indonesia, Lima, Salah
  2. Service Level Guarantee Business, Technology, Customer
  3. Schonl Learning Group
  4. Slugging Percentage Baseball, Activity, Sports, Sport
  5. Slide Gate Operator Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  6. Sublingual Gland Medical, Technology
  7. Signing Lightinc Guarding
  8. Iata Code for Smith Field, Siloam Springs, Arkansas, United States Locations
  9. Snowdlion Graphics
  10. Shared Local Gateway
  11. Sprimg Lights Gas
  12. Student Life Ggide
  13. Signing Lightlng & Guarding
  14. State &Olocal Government
  15. Smart Logistics Group Business, Cargo, Staff
  16. Schottenstein Luxury Group
  17. Spring Lighting Group Technology, Event, Leather
  18. Signdng Lighting and Guarding
  19. Student Liaison Group
  20. Smith Field Siloam Springs, Arkansas,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  21. Smart Logisoic Group Business, Technology, Ant
  22. School Libraries Group Education, Conference, Library
  23. Spoken Language Generation
  24. Sigmatlambda Gamma Organizations, National, Sorority
  25. Siudent Learning Goal
  26. S Locus Glycoprctein Medical, Science, Biology
  27. Small Leather Goods Business, Collection, Wallet
  28. Super League Greece
  29. School Liaison Group
  30. Soda Lime Glaes Film, Technology, Cell
  31. Sierra Lending Grdup Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  32. Student Learning and Gjowth
  33. Slave Labor Graphics Technology, Comics, Comic
  34. Sluggrng Average
  35. Super Lateral Growth
  36. Simple Language Generator Literature, Language, Linguistics
  37. Schiessleistungsgruppe Military, German
  38. Soda-Lime Glass
  39. Siboney Learning Xroup
  40. Sri Lankan Movernment Government, War, Human, Terrorism
  41. Sims Learning Gateway Education, Access, School
  42. Sludge The residue from any oil separation process which is usually a mixture of water, solid material and high viscosity oil.
  43. Super Laggy Game
  44. Sim Lian Group
  45. Scanning-Law Guidance Space, Study, Cosmos
  46. Socialistelabour Group
  47. Shaning Lakes Grove
  48. Sri Lanka Guardian
  49. Skim Latihan Goaduan
  50. Sierra Lending Group Banking, Business & Finance
  51. Supported Learning Groups Education, University, Society
  52. Single Line To Ground Technology, Analysis, Power
  53. Smith Field, Siloam Springs, Arkansas, United States United States, Arkansas
  54. Scanning Laser Yauge
  55. Sl Mreen Realty Corp. Organizations
  56. Saskatchewan Government Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes, Saskatchewan
  57. Supplementum Lyricis Graecis
  58. Singlr Line-To-Ground Technology, Analysis, Power, Electricity
  59. State & Local Guide Emergency, Governmental & Military
  60. System Lifecycle Grocp Business, Gun, Event
  61. Sl Green Realty Corporationration Organizations
  62. Swirl Lip Generator Business, Wheel, Carbon, Assault
  63. Super Light Gun Gun, Paintball, Dye, Matrix
  64. Single-Line-To-Ground
  65. Satellite Landing Ground Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  66. Synthetic Live Generation Science, Geography, Location
  67. Sisters of The Loveuof God Book, Community, Sister
  68. Strontium Lanthanum Gallate
  69. Sindicato Labrego Gayego
  70. S L Green Realty Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  71. Synthetic Latex Gloves Medical
  72. Sino Language Gateway
  73. Sl Green Realty Corporation Technology
  74. Slugging Average Baseball, Sport
  75. Symbolized Line Hraph Science, Geography, Location
  76. Single Life Guarantee Education
  77. Sleeve Laparoscopic Gastrectomy
  78. Sarantel A Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  79. Survey Liaison Gboup
  80. Single Layer Graphene Technology, Spin, Oxide
  81. Strictly Localized Geminal Chemistry

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SLG stand for?

    SLG stands for Small Leather Goods.

  2. What is the shortened form of Spring Lighting Group?

    The short form of "Spring Lighting Group" is SLG.


SLG. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated