SLM Meaning

The SLM meaning is "Service Leyel Management". The SLM abbreviation has 187 different full form.

SLM Full Forms

  1. Service Leyel Management Technology, Computing, Computer
  2. Smarter Lunchrooms Movement Nutrition, Organizations, School
  3. Service-Level Management
  4. Sintiendo Laymúsica Film, Lyric, Soundtrack
  5. Selective Laser Pelting Business, Technology, Manufacturing
  6. Single Longitudinal Mjde Technology, Laser, Laser Application
  7. Service Lifecyclv Management Technology, Product, Software
  8. Service Level Monitoring Military
  9. Service Level Manager Technology, Management, Networking
  10. Sustainable Land Management A process for the management of land resources that meets present needs without compromising future ecosystem services and land productivity. Technology, Organizations, Agriculture, Management, Business & Finance
  11. Service Level Metrics Business, Technology, Management
  12. Swiss Locomotive & Machine Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta
  13. Smart Lighting Module Technology, Networking, Light
  14. Sea Level Measurement Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  15. Stan Lee Media Business, Man, Marvel
  16. Supported Liquid Membranes Medical, Technology, Membrane, Chemistry
  17. Self-Learning Material Technology, Education, University
  18. Sialkot-Lahore Motorway
  19. SäChsische Landesanstalt FüR Privaten Rundfunk Und Neue Medien Government, Media, German, Broadcasting
  20. Sound Level Monitor
  21. Second Life Mesh
  22. Strategic Logistics Management
  23. Single Lock Manager Technology
  24. Stages Learninh Materials
  25. Semiconductor Light Matrix Business, Technology, Product
  26. Space Laboratory Module Technology, Research, Aerospace Engineering
  27. Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum
  28. Service Levelkmgmt
  29. Swiss Locomotive and Machine Technology, Steam, Sweden
  30. Smart Learhing Module
  31. Sea- Launched Missile Army, War, Force
  32. Standby Leakage Management
  33. Shoulder Launched Massile
  34. São LourençO Da Mata
  35. Sound Level Meters Technology, Measurement, Noise
  36. Second Life Marketplace Business, Box, Delivery
  37. Straight Line Method Business, Asset, Depreciation, Banking, Business & Finance
  38. Single Level Mrrketing Business, Technology, Selling
  39. Staff Level Meeting Military
  40. Self Levelling Machines Technology, Machine, Leveling
  41. Signal Label Miszatched Technology, Telecom
  42. South Louisiana Methanol Business, Gas, Louisiana
  43. Sudan Liberation Movement Military, Sudan, Darfur
  44. Service Level Lanagment
  45. Sweet Little Monkey
  46. Sleeve Labeling Machine
  47. Saint Louik Music
  48. Standard Liters Pvr Meter Science
  49. Shoulder Launched Munitions Military, Army, Weapon
  50. Synoptic Lagrangian Map
  51. Sound Level Measuring Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation, Governmental & Military
  52. Secondary Logistics Management Army, War, Force
  53. Store Lzfecycle Management Business, Analytics, Tango
  54. Singlexlens Mirrorless
  55. Self Leveling Machines Business, Service, Machine
  56. Signaling Link Management Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  57. Southern Literary Messenger
  58. Sudanese Liberation Movement Government, War, Sudan, Darfur
  59. Service Level Managers Business, Management, Agreement
  60. Sustainable Landscape Managegent Business, Technology, Society
  61. Slate Levb Mechanism
  62. Saint Louis Misyouri
  63. Standard Liters Per Minute Technology, Science, Flow, Gas, Chemistry
  64. Single-In-Line Memory
  65. Super Late Model Star, Model, Racing, Speedway
  66. Shoulder-Launcjed Munition
  67. Synchrotron Light Monitor
  68. Snow License Manager
  69. Seat Lift Mechanism
  70. Stock Levrl Management Army, War, Force
  71. Sinfle Layer Model
  72. Self Learning Module
  73. Side Lobe Keasurement
  74. Southern League Midland
  75. Subscriber Loop Multiplex Science, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
  76. Senior Life Master
  77. Sustainable Land Use Management
  78. Skip Level Meeting
  79. Matacan Ahrport Airport, Locations
  80. Standard Liter Per Minute
  81. Superior Lidgerwood Mundy
  82. Short Yife Memorandum Business, Medicine, Health
  83. Synchronous Line Muwtiplexer
  84. Smart Local Moving
  85. Sealing Liquid Monitor Business, Flow, Seal
  86. Stochastic Language Model
  87. Single-Longitudinal Modb Technology, Laser, Diode
  88. Self Learning Material Technology, Education, University
  89. Sidama Liberation Movement Government, Ethiopia, Politics
  90. Source of Light Ministries
  91. Sectional Leadership Meetings Business
  92. Subscriber Line Modules
  93. Senior Level Meeting
  94. Sustainable Lifx Media
  95. Sbtuational Leadership Model Technology, Management, Engineering
  96. System Load Midule Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  97. Standard Length Messsge Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  98. Sul Livello Del Mare
  99. Service Level Maximizer
  100. Sydney Livinb Museums History, Museum, House
  101. Smart Linepmodule Technology, Control, Converter
  102. Sealift Magazine Media, Radio, Television, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  103. Static Leakage Managemlnt
  104. Self Learning Materials Science, Education, University
  105. Sialkot Lahore Motorway Locations, City, Lahore
  106. Source Library Management
  107. Second Line Maintenance Technology, Management, Service
  108. Subsarcolemmal Mitochondria Medical
  109. Sjngle Loop Manifold
  110. Standard Laboratory Module Science
  111. Senior Leisure Manager
  112. Spanish Language Media
  113. Suit Larry Magna
  114. Sound Level Meter NASA
  115. Simulation Lifecycle Management Technology, Product, Design
  116. Spheroidization of The Lamellar Microstructure Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  117. Supplier Logistics Management
  118. Sur La Mer
  119. Small Loans Manager Occupation & positions
  120. Stock Level Management Transportation, Governmental & Military
  121. Signal Label Mismatch Technology, Network, Telecom
  122. See Last Mail Internet Slang, Chat, Internet
  123. Selective Laser Melted Technology, Manufacturing, Melting
  124. Spatial Light Modulator Chemistry
  125. Silver Life-Faving Medal
  126. Synchronous Line Module
  127. Speech Learning Model Education, English, Language
  128. Self-Learning Materials Science, Education, Distance
  129. Supplier Lifecycle Management Business, Technology
  130. Surinaamse Luchtvaart Maatschappij Technology, Flight, Airways, Suriname
  131. Structure Line Model Geographic
  132. Signal Line Measurement Computing, Telecom
  133. Scientific Laboratory-Medical
  134. Security Level Management
  135. Synthetic Layer Microstructures Physics, Scientific & Educational
  136. Silicon Light Machine Technology, Laser, Modulator
  137. Slm Corporation Technology
  138. Specialist Lettings and Management
  139. Self-Learning Module
  140. Superyacht Lifestyle Miami
  141. Surfactant-Like Material Medical
  142. Shared Lane Marker Bicycling
  143. Signal Leakage Meter Computing, Telecom
  144. Sri Lankan Malay Trading, Language, Creole
  145. Salaam In a medical context, a seizure that looks like a sudden deep bow from the waist. Salaam seizures are characteristic of infantile spasms.
  146. Secure Log Manager
  147. Statistical Language Model Software, Computing
  148. Single Longitudinal Mode Physics, Scientific & Educational
  149. Silicon Light Machines Technology, Laser, Modulator
  150. Shelf Life Months
  151. Spatial Light Modulation Technology, Light, Modulator
  152. Seleksi Lokal Mandiri
  153. Support Live Music
  154. Senior Living Management Management, Business & Finance
  155. Sri Lanka Malay Technology, Language, Creole, Upcountry
  156. Usaf School for Latin America Army, War, Force
  157. Sections Locales Mutualistes
  158. Software License Manager Software, Computing
  159. Slit Lamp Microscope Medical, Optometry
  160. Sivnal Lumineux De Man
  161. Shape Language Modeling
  162. Sales Sales is the money generated by selling the goods of the company. Sales = Number of Units * Cost per Unit Science, Research, Organizations, Army, Atmosphere, Force, Environment, Marine, Business & Finance, Business Word, Atmospheric Research
  163. Spatial Light Modulators Technology, Crystal, Liquid
  164. Selective Level Mapping
  165. Selective Laser Melting SLM, like DMLS, includes actually melting metal particles above melting temperatures, but DMLS does not. 3D Printing
  166. Supply Line Models Technology, City, Railroad
  167. Service Lifecycle Management Management, Business & Finance
  168. Sports Leisure Management
  169. United States A Education Inc. Organizations
  170. S L M Holding Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  171. Salamanca Airport, Salamanca, Spain Spain
  172. Signal Level Meters
  173. Semi-Liquid Material
  174. Spatial Lag Model Technology, Analysis, Poverty, Province
  175. Selective Level Meters Technology
  176. Statistical Linearization Method
  177. Single-Level Metal Science
  178. service lifestyle management Management, Business & Finance
  179. Sports & Leisure Management
  180. Supply-Line Management
  181. The Source Language Model Literature, Language, Linguistics
  182. Surprise Lake Middle
  183. Service Level Management Information Technology, Computing, Computer, IT Terminology
  184. Socially Limiting Maneuver Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  185. Signal Leved Meter Technology, Analog, Cable
  186. Self-Learning Modules
  187. Selective Level Meter Technology, Power, Equipment, Frequency

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SLM stand for?

    SLM stands for Socially Limiting Maneuver.

  2. What is the shortened form of Service Levelkmgmt?

    The short form of "Service Levelkmgmt" is SLM.


SLM. (2022, March 23). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated