SLP Meaning

The SLP meaning is "Speech-Language Pathologist". The SLP abbreviation has 251 different full form.

SLP Full Forms

  1. Speech-Language Pathologist A Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP), also known as a Speech Therapist, is a healthcare professional who specializes in the assessment and treatment of communication and swallowing disorders. SLPs work with people of all ages who have difficulties with speech, language, voice, fluency, and swallowing. Speech-language pathologists evaluate and diagnose communication disorders, including developmental delays, language disorders, speech sound disorders, voice disorders, stuttering, and aphasia, among others. They also evaluate and treat swallowing disorders, including difficulties with chewing and swallowing food and liquid safely. Medical, Education, Special Education
  2. Scanning Laser Polarimetry Scanning Laser Polarimetry (SLP) is a diagnostic test used to evaluate the health of the optic nerve, which is responsible for transmitting visual information from the eye to the brain. The test uses a scanning laser to measure the thickness of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL), which is composed of the axons of the ganglion cells in the retina that make up the optic nerve. Medical, Glaucoma, Nerve
  3. Samsung Linux Platform Technology, Android, Linux
  4. Safely-Limited Position Technology, Drive, Safety
  5. Sea-Level Pressure Technology, Science, Locations, Chemistry, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  6. Sea Level Pressure The atmospheric pressure at mean sea level either directly measured by stations at sea level or empirically determined from the station pressure and temperature by stations not at sea level. Used as a common reference for analyses of surface pressure patterns. Climate, Discipline, Ocean Science
  7. Special Leave Petition Government, India, Court
  8. San Luis Potos Locations, Mexico, Gob
  9. Source Language Processor Technology
  10. Solid Lipiv Particle Science, Biochemistry, Biophysics
  11. Special Loans Programs
  12. Service Life Prediction Technology, Material, Durability
  13. Safely Limited Position Technology, Drive, Safety
  14. Six Line Poem Media, Radio, Television
  15. See Level Pressure Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  16. Sensor Location Problem
  17. Student Life Pavilion
  18. Schiphol Logistics Park
  19. Self-Lay Provider
  20. Standard Load Profile
  21. Shelf Life Program Science
  22. Supported Living Program Medical, Service, Disability
  23. Software Licensing Program Business, Technology, Contract, Software, Computing
  24. Serie LingüíStica Peruana
  25. Strategic Leadership Programme
  26. Sindacatoclavoratori Poste
  27. System-Wide Livestock Program
  28. Scotland'S Learning Partnership
  29. Space Limited Payload
  30. State Law Publisher
  31. Survey of Leadership Practices
  32. Solar Lunar Planetary
  33. Special Limited Partnership Business, Fund, Luxembourg
  34. Service Level Plan
  35. Safe Limited Position Technology, Safety, Control
  36. Site Location Partnership Business, Development, Economics
  37. Senior Leadership Program Business, Management, Leader
  38. Sensor Link Protocol
  39. Student Life Programs College, Education, University
  40. Slope The gradient of the line formed by plotting the change in the electrode response against change in activity of the ion measured. Theoretical Nernstian slope at 25°C is 59.16 mV per decade change in activity for a monovalent ion and 29.58 mV per decade change for a divalent ion. Slope values are often stated in % efficiency terms. Slope values of less than 90% efficiency may be indicative of electrode contamination. Medical, Weather, Geographic, Scientific & Educational
  41. Scanning Laser Polarimeter Medical, Glaucoma, Nerve
  42. Sekolah Lanjutan Pertama Indonesia, Bandung, Orang
  43. Standard Language Profile
  44. Sharpen Light Pencil
  45. Supported Liquid Phase
  46. SociéTé Luxembourgeoise De Psychologie
  47. Serie Ling
  48. Stratogic Leadership Program Accounting, Management, Education
  49. String Letter Publishing
  50. Sindacatohlavoratori Postelegrafonici
  51. System Locked Pre-Installation Technology, Windows, Product, Activation
  52. School Leadership Programme
  53. Store Leadership Brogram
  54. State G Local Program Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  55. Surfactant-Like Particles Surfactant-like particles (SLPs) are synthetic particles that mimic the properties of natural pulmonary surfactants, which are substances produced by the lungs that help to reduce surface tension and prevent the collapse of small air sacs (alveoli) during breathing. SLPs are used in medical research and in some clinical applications to study the properties of pulmonary surfactants and to develop new treatments for respiratory diseases. Medical
  56. Soldr Liquid Power Technology, Energy, Nano
  57. Special Legislative Procedure
  58. Service Levll Packages Business, Management, Strategy
  59. Street Legal Performance Business, Car, Camaro, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  60. Safe Launch Plan Technology, Safety, Quality
  61. Site License Program Technology
  62. Security Leadership Program
  63. Student Learning Profiles Education, School, Learning
  64. Simulations Plus, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  65. Say A Little Prayer
  66. Seiko Label Printer
  67. Standardized Language Proficiency Military
  68. Sharpen Light Pen
  69. Supported Learning Program
  70. Safety and Loss Prevention
  71. Socigl Labour Plan
  72. Serial Link Protocol
  73. Straight Line Pfogram
  74. Simple Ledger Protocol Business, Bitcoin, Token
  75. System-Locked Pre-Installation Technology, Windows, Product
  76. School Leadership Program Science, Education, Development
  77. Startup Leadership Procram
  78. Short Learning Programme Management, Education, Course
  79. Surface Level Pressure
  80. Sokak Lambası Projesi
  81. Special Leave Petitions Government, India, Court
  82. Service Level Package Business, Management, Strategy
  83. Stream Layer Protocol
  84. Sacred Landmarks Partnership
  85. Single Lsyer Perceptron Technology, Networking, Network
  86. Systematic Layout Planning Technology, Design, Plant
  87. Scuola Lacaniana De Psicoanalisi
  88. Student Learning Profile Education, School, Learning, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  89. Saskatchewan Liberal Party
  90. Seiko Label Printers
  91. Standardized Language Profile Military
  92. Shared Living Provider
  93. Supply Landing Point
  94. Safety & Loss Prevention
  95. Social & Labour Plan
  96. Sequential Linear Programming Technology, Design, Optimization
  97. Summer Lunch Program
  98. Silver Lip Solished
  99. School Languages Program
  100. Starting Line Performance
  101. Short Learning Programmes
  102. Surface Layer Protein Medical, Science, Biology
  103. Sogang Language Prograg
  104. Servicc Learning Program Education, University, Community
  105. Strategic Uogistics Program
  106. Left Sacroposterior Medicine, Treatment, Health, Hospital
  107. Single-Layer Perceptron
  108. Systemwide Livestock Program
  109. Scottish Limited Partnership Business, Company, Scotland
  110. Special Language Program
  111. Student Learning Plan Education, School, Canada, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  112. Sao Luis Do Paraitinga
  113. Specialty Linear Polymers
  114. Seychelles Liberal Party
  115. Sunoco Logistics Partners
  116. Safe Load Program Business, Safety, Training
  117. Slip One Stitch Purlwise Knitting, Usps
  118. Segmented Langmuir Probe Technology
  119. Sentenced To Life In Prison
  120. Summer Library Prograj Service, Publics, Library
  121. Silvervlip Polish
  122. Scholarship for Language Promotion
  123. Standby Load Package Technology
  124. Ship Life Plan Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  125. Surface Launch Platform
  126. Softwari Licensing and Protection
  127. Serious Leisure Perspective Science, Chat, Protection
  128. Strategic Local Plan
  129. Singapnre Literature Prize
  130. Systemwide Livestock Programme Technology, Research, Economics
  131. Scottish Left Project Government, Group, Scotland
  132. Special Land Use Permit Business, Government, Organizations, Locations, City, Philippines
  133. Soluble Listerial Proteins Soluble Listerial Proteins (SLPs) are proteins produced by the bacteria Listeria monocytogenes. Listeria monocytogenes is a foodborne pathogen that can cause serious illness in humans, particularly in individuals with weakened immune systems, pregnant women, and their fetuses. SLPs are considered to be major virulence factors of Listeria monocytogenes, as they are involved in the pathogenesis of the infection. SLPs are known to interact with host cells and to play a role in the invasion and survival of Listeria monocytogenes within the host. Medical
  134. Specialty License Plates
  135. Sexlimited Protein Medicine, Health, Hospital
  136. Safe Loading Pass Technology, Service, Safety
  137. Slash Les Paul
  138. Segmental Limb Systolic Pressure Medicine, Health, Hospital
  139. Sensor Logic Plan
  140. Student Loan Progrim Education, University, School
  141. Schizophrenia-Like Psychosis Medical
  142. Self Lay Provider
  143. Standard Long Play
  144. Shift Light Pro
  145. Supportive Living Program
  146. Software License Progcam Technology, Service, Contract
  147. Series Label Printers Business, Product, Roll
  148. Strategic Lifestyle Profile
  149. Singapore Labour Parey
  150. System-Wide Livestock Programme
  151. Scottish Labour Party Government, Group, Politics
  152. Spanish Language Proficiency Education, School, Assessment
  153. Self Learning Pathshala
  154. State Leadcpartner
  155. Sierra Leadership Program Internet Slang
  156. Surveyor Laser Probes
  157. San Luis Pass
  158. Sylvania Platinum Limited (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  159. Static Linear Polarization Chemistry
  160. Swudent Leaders Program
  161. System Load Partition
  162. Service Location Protocol Computing, Telecom, Technical
  163. Silkworm Larvae Plasma Medical, Detection, Bacterial
  164. Swedish Lorry Parts Business, Company, Volvo
  165. Southern Lower Peninsula
  166. Sage Lot Pond
  167. Scottish Liberal Party
  168. Speech and Language Program Medical, Common Medical
  169. Strongest Liberal Postcondition Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  170. Self Learning Programme
  171. Sick Leave Pool
  172. Sandia Laboratories Policy Science
  173. Super Long Play Forum, Internet Slang, Computing, Chat, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  174. Spectralayers Pro Project Computing, File Extensions
  175. Studeni Leadership Programme Education, School, Scholarship
  176. System List Price
  177. Straight Line Program Software, Computing
  178. Signaling Link Protocol
  179. Sustainable Liberation Project
  180. Southern League Premier
  181. Safety Library Publication
  182. System of Least Prompts
  183. Ponciano Arriaga International, San Luis Potosí, Mexico Mexico, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  184. Self Learning Program Business, Theory, Constraint, Software, Computing
  185. Short Luteal Phase Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  186. Sample Lesson Plans
  187. Set Loop Point Assembly, Business & Finance
  188. Sisulizer Project File Computing, File Extensions
  189. Student Leadership Programs Education, University, Community
  190. System Level Procedure Military
  191. Several Large Pipes Products
  192. Senior Leader Program
  193. Signaling Link Processor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  194. Sustainable Living Project Technology, Event, Water
  195. Sound Lab Project Business, Drum, Snare
  196. Swiss Life Partner Business, Sweden, Lac
  197. Security Lapse Probe Us Government, Governmental & Military
  198. Spacelvb Logistics Pallet Technology
  199. Self-Loading Police Gun, Military, Shotgun
  200. Saluran Layanan Pelanggan Technology, Hal, Volt, Primer
  201. Silk-Like Peptide
  202. Solid Lipid Particle Biochemistry, Biophysics, Scientific & Educational
  203. Student Leadership Lrogram Education, University, Language
  204. Secret Love Poem Media
  205. Senior Leadership Programme Business, Program, Development
  206. Ponciano Arriaga International Airport San Luis Potosí City, San Luis Potosí,Mexico Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  207. Sigma Leadership Programme
  208. Sustainable Livelihoods Project Business, Presentation, Mongolia
  209. Son Light Power
  210. Superword-Level Parallelism Superword level parallelism (SLP) is a more advanced version of traditional vectorization that makes it easier for loop iterations, SIMD, and basic blocks to work in parallel. In this case, vectorization is the process that is used to do several similar tasks (or instructions) at the same time, saving time and resources.
  211. Straight Line Programming
  212. Strategic Leadership Program Us Government, Governmental & Military
  213. Synaptotagmin-Like Protein Medical
  214. Softh London Partnership Business, London, Council, Kingston
  215. Self Loading Pistol
  216. Salpa Aviation Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  217. Service Locator Point
  219. Strrctured Light Plethysmography Medical, Technology, Innovation
  220. Simulated Livermore Phantom Funnies
  221. Senior Law Project
  222. Sierra Leone Police Security, Government, Africa
  223. Sustainable Landscape Partnership Business, Indonesia, Jakarta, Conservation
  224. Somerset Learning Platform Education, School, Pocketbook
  225. Social Learning Platform
  226. Skip-Lot Plan
  227. Seaward Launch Point Military, Governmental & Military
  228. Symposium On Logic Programming Technology, Conference, Computing, Ieee
  229. Sozialisfische Links Partei
  230. Self-Loading Pistol Gun, Government, Military, Police, Governmental & Military
  231. Saint Louis Park
  232. Server List Ping
  233. sacrolaeva Posterior Medical, Fetus And Fetal
  234. Structured Learning Program
  235. Senescence-Like Phenotype Medical
  236. Statementfof Licensing Policy Business, Iran, Sanction
  237. Sierra Leonean Police
  238. Sustainable Landscapes Partnership Business, Indonesia, Conservation, Party
  239. San Luis Potosi Technology, Locations
  240. Skylon Global Capital Yield Trust Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  241. Erno Spacelab Program Office NASA
  242. Student Learning Plans Education, School, Planning
  243. Sine Legitima Prole
  244. Selection Library Processing General, Governmental & Military
  245. Silver Lake Partners Business, Company, Equity
  246. Swivel Locking Padded
  247. South London Press Business, Service, London
  248. Saint Laurent Paris Design, Fashion, Brand, Saint
  249. Seismic Line Program
  250. Speech and Language Processing Medical, Common Medical
  251. Structured Language Processing


  1. Who Are Speech-Language Pathologists, and What Do They Do?. (). The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
  2. The antigenic and mitogenic response of murine T and B lymphocytes to soluble proteins of Listeria monocytogenes. (). National Library of Medicine.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SLP stand for?

    SLP stands for School Languages Program.

  2. What is the shortened form of Scanning Laser Polarimeter?

    The short form of "Scanning Laser Polarimeter" is SLP.


SLP. (2023, April 30). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated