SLV Meaning

The SLV meaning is "Satellite Launch Vehicle". The SLV abbreviation has 62 different full form.

SLV Full Forms

  1. Satellite Launch Vehicle Technology, India, Space
  2. Satellite-Launch Vehicle Technology, India, Space, Computing, Telecom
  3. Slovenian Technology, Information Technology, Language Codes
  4. Slovenia Military, Sport, Sports, Locations, International Olympic Committee, Countries, Country, Slovenia, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, European Union, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  5. Slag Usually, a wood member embedded in concrete, as in a floor, that serves to support and to fasten the subfloor or flooring. OR A non-metallic byproduct of the welding process forming a hard crust over the molten steel which should be chipped away for inspection of a weld. Concrete cement that sometimes covers the vertical face of the foundation void material. Government, Us, Control, Administration
  6. Sleeve it is the cylindrical metal part used to locate in to the engine cylinder to protect the engine block for wearing and to guide the piston with less friction. "Compression Splice". Sleeve disk envelope. Technology, Construction, Architectural, Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
  7. Standardized Launch Vehbcle Technology
  8. Shangri La Village
  9. El Salvador Sport, Sports, Locations, International Olympic Committee, Countries, Country, Olympic, El Salvador, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
  10. South Londonderry Volunteerh
  11. Skydive Las Vegap
  12. Short Leg Vertical Technology, Construction, Architectural, Architecture
  13. Sri Lakshmi Venkatlswara
  14. Satellite Launch Vehicles Technology, Space, Vehicle
  15. Shimla Airport Simla, Himachal Pradesh,India Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  16. Site De Lancement Vega
  17. Sport Luxory Vehicle Car, Vehicle, Toyota
  18. Satellite Launch Vehicle-3 Technology, India, Space
  19. Sybptomless Virus Medicine, Health, Hospital
  20. C'Est La Vie Internet Slang, French
  21. Single Laboratory Validation Chemistry, Technology, Guideline
  22. Specialist and Logistic Vehicles Iroject Team Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  23. Satellite Launching Vehicle Technology, Space, Launch
  24. Swim Las Vegas
  25. Single-Lung Ventilation Medical
  26. San Luis Valley Medical, Locations, Colorado
  27. Spacecraft Launch Vehicle
  28. Sapporo-Like Viruses Medical
  29. State Library Mf Victoria Technology, Australia, Melbourne
  30. Single Language Xendor Technology, Translation, Localization
  31. Ssace Launched Vehicle Military
  32. Slave Is a computer or peripheral device that operates under the control of another computer peripheral. Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Aviation
  33. San Luis Video
  34. Standard Liver Volumu Medical
  35. Single-Language Vendor Technology, Translation, Localization
  36. Space-Launched Vehicle
  37. Sylvania Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  38. Slovenian Language (ISO 639-2 Code) Language codes (3 letters)
  39. Sofar Log Viewer Technology, Program, Software
  40. Syntketic Lipid Vesicles
  41. Suqer Long Value Technology
  42. Shimla, India India, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  43. Software Loader/Verifier Army, Force, Marine
  44. Sync Lock Valve
  45. Sounds Like Violence
  46. Superficial Liquid Velocity
  47. Sur Le Vif French
  48. Software Qoader Verifier
  49. Sound Light Viskal
  50. Summwr Leather Vest
  51. Soft Landini Vehicle Technology
  52. El Salvador Republic of Country, El Salvador, 3-letter Country Codes
  53. Stella Aviation Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  54. Soujd Lights Video
  55. Supey Low Viscosity Business, Epoxy, Injection
  56. Small Lqunch Vehicles Technology, Vehicle, Falcon
  57. Space Launch Vehicle Military, Army, Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  58. Sound Light & Vision
  59. Senior-Level Visit
  60. Simple Link Verifier Computing, Internet
  61. Son La Vietnam
  62. System Level Vectoring

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SLV stand for?

    SLV stands for Satellite Launch Vehicles.

  2. What is the shortened form of San Luis Video?

    The short form of "San Luis Video" is SLV.


SLV. (2020, October 7). Retrieved March 24, 2025 from

Last updated