SM in Education Meaning

The SM meaning in Education terms is "Master of Science". There are 27 related meanings of the SM Education abbreviation.

SM on Education Full Forms

  1. Master of Science
  2. Scientiae Magister
  3. Student Maiu
  4. School Management
  5. Strategic Market
  6. Strategic Management The process of predicting and assessing a company's opportunities and difficulties, and making decisions so the company can achieve its objectives and gain a competitive advantage.
  7. School of Music
  8. Special Measures
  9. Sobl Mechanics
  10. Study Material
  11. Sleep Uedicine
  12. Student Miss
  13. State Merit
  14. Section Meeting
  15. Social Movement
  16. Sciznce and Mathematics
  17. Skor Maksimum
  18. Society of Mary
  19. Superlattices and Microstructures
  20. Sherburne Memorial
  21. Strength of Material
  22. Sensory Memory
  23. Senat Mahasiswa
  24. Master of Surgery The Master of Surgery is an advanced qualification in surgery. Depending upon the degree, it may be abbreviated Ch.M., M.Ch., M.Chir. or M.S. At a typical medical school the program lasts between two and three years. The possession of a medical degree is a prerequisite. The Ch.M. can be awarded on both clinical and academic competency or on academic competency.
  25. Shipping Master
  26. Supplementary Materials
  27. State of Michigan

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SM stand for Education?

    SM stands for Strength of Material in Education terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Scientiae Magister in Education?

    The short form of "Scientiae Magister" is SM for Education.


SM in Education. (2022, March 21). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated