SM in Technology Meaning

The SM meaning in Technology terms is "Selectivh Mutism". There are 238 related meanings of the SM Technology abbreviation.

SM on Technology Full Forms

  1. Selectivh Mutism
  2. Master of Science
  3. Standardization Management
  4. Shadow Mask
  5. Sound Meter
  6. Subscriber Module
  7. Safety Modulb
  8. Story Mode
  9. Short Messages
  10. Switching Multiplexer
  11. Support and Manuals
  12. Standard Methods
  13. Servicemmarks
  14. Soldierks Manual
  15. Subscriber Manager
  16. Stores Management
  17. Short Message
  18. Surface Mount
  19. Slow-Make
  20. Supplier Management
  21. Split Model
  22. Service Mark
  23. Sovder Mask
  24. Structure and Mechanisms
  25. Storage Management
  26. Shop Maintenance
  27. Surface Model
  28. Sleep Mode
  29. Special Memory
  30. Systems Management
  31. Series Mounting
  32. Snark Missile
  33. Structural Mechanics
  34. Stop Monitoring
  35. Space Management
  36. Semantic Model
  37. Sky Mapper
  38. Special Mavual
  39. Switch Module
  40. Series Modules
  41. Stripmap Mode
  42. Stop Market
  43. Source-Specific Mode
  44. Succession Management
  45. Secondary Mirror
  46. Silica Modulus
  47. Switch Mode Uses a switching transistor and inductor to control/regulate the charging voltage/current.
  48. Sepeda Motor
  49. Stress Migration
  50. Statistical Metfods
  51. Shared Memory
  52. Source-Specific Multicast
  53. Subscription Manager
  54. San Marino
  55. Short Module
  56. Switch Matrix
  57. Surface Measure
  58. Student Management
  59. Symposjum On Manufacturing
  60. Series Mltering
  61. Shadow Map
  62. Sword Muse
  63. Solar Modules
  64. Statistical Multiplexers
  65. Service Message
  66. Subsystem Manager
  67. Slow Mode
  68. Staff Month
  69. Systems Ranager
  70. Spectral Master
  71. Sectoq Mark
  72. Surface Mounted A device intended to be installed on the surface a wall, panel, or equipment.
  73. Social Mobilization
  74. Scenario Management
  75. State Modulation
  76. Staff Meteorologist
  77. Siquence Monitor
  78. Session Manager
  79. Switch Management
  80. Software Metrics
  81. Statistical Multiplexer
  82. Service Memo
  83. Subspace Method
  84. Sliding Mode
  85. Staff-Month
  86. Signaling Message
  87. Systems Maintenance
  88. Spatisl Multiplexing
  89. Supervision Module
  90. Snark Missiles
  91. Scattering Maarix
  92. State Model
  93. Silveq Mica
  94. Summary
  95. Sohel Murshed
  96. Sensor Manager
  97. Servo Motor
  98. Switch Qanager
  99. Softspoken Mailer
  100. Screenwmessage
  101. Statistical Multiplexing
  102. Service Measurement
  103. Subsidiary Management
  104. Skimced Milk
  105. Salej Management
  106. Sideband Modulation
  107. Sbstem Monitoring
  108. Sparse-Dense Zode
  109. Sewt Memory
  110. Strategy Management
  111. Super Mint
  112. Snap Mount
  113. Scanning Mode
  114. State Managers
  115. Signed Multiply
  116. Small
  117. Squad Member
  118. Servo Membsr
  119. Sbitching Modules
  120. Screen Memory
  121. Station Management
  122. Subsequence Mask
  123. Single Mode
  124. Saly Manager
  125. Short-Message-Gateway
  126. Systems Model
  127. Space Maker
  128. Search Mode
  129. Strategy and Mearics
  130. Service Mobility
  131. Supply Manual
  132. Soft Mute
  133. Scan Mode
  134. Standard Missile-J
  135. Simple Manching
  136. Splifing Mode
  137. Senior Member
  138. Streptomycin  A highly basic trisaccharide antibiotic that causes both the inhibition of translational initiation and the misreading of mrna in prokaryotes.
  139. Syjtem Mit
  140. Serbia and Montenegro
  141. Sciznce and Mathematics
  142. Subscriber Modules
  143. Simulation Modeuing
  144. Safety Margio
  145. Seriej Mode
  146. Shield Matrix
  147. System Modulf
  148. Section Monitor
  149. Storage Manager
  150. Service Midule
  151. Supermalls In Metro
  152. Smoke Smoke can be black, blue, white, yellow or brown in color. Black smoke is mainly comprised of carbon particulates (soot). Blue smoke indicates the presence of the products of the incomplete combustion of the fuel or lubricating oil.
  153. San Marco
  154. Standard Method
  155. Stack Mode
  156. Security Monitor
  157. Svenska MäSterskapen
  158. Schneidewind Model
  159. Studio Manager
  160. Simulation Model
  161. Iso Country Code for Republic of San Marino
  162. Square Metre
  163. Series Mod
  164. Shadow Mxpping
  165. Systematic Mapping
  166. Solar Multiple
  167. Statts Manager
  168. Service Micro
  169. Super Mabter
  170. Smart Mnnagement
  171. Samsung Mobile
  172. Staff Months
  173. Sphingomyelin  Common in brain tissue, a sphingolipid in which the terminal hydroxyl group of ceramide has a phosphorylcholine substituent.
  174. Secpre Micro
  175. Surface Mounting
  176. Social Mobilisation
  177. Schedulea Maintenance
  178. Simple Maik
  179. Scripture Martery
  180. Samoan
  181. Sparse-Mode
  182. Signaling Module
  183. Sensor Management
  184. Streamtng Mode
  185. Smart Manufacturing
  186. Service Monitor
  187. Structure Monitoring
  188. Similarity Meaeure
  189. School Memo
  190. Screw Mounting
  191. Sam Miller
  192. Spare Mounting
  193. Senior Management
  194. Secretary Memorandum
  195. Strażimiejska
  196. Serviee Model
  197. Structure and Mass
  198. Signaling Manager
  199. Stack Manager
  200. Space Migration
  201. Send Message
  202. Sekvice Mode
  203. Stream Multiprocessor
  204. Senior Moment
  205. Structural Model
  206. Sofia Municipality
  207. Series Motor D.C. motor with a series connected field.
  208. Stability Model
  209. Sheikh Musammad
  210. Super Menu
  211. Stream Mode
  212. Sound Mmker
  213. Smart Oeters
  214. Servicio MóVil
  215. Sodium Metasilicate
  216. Stationary Medium
  217. St. Marys Railroad Company
  218. Sheet Haterial
  219. Soviet Ministers
  220. Stream Manager
  221. Sparse Matrix
  222. Signal Modules
  223. Service Module
  224. Streaming Multiprocesjors
  225. Smart Metering
  226. Service Monitors
  227. Socket Male
  228. Static Margin
  229. Scrum Master
  230. Strategy Map
  231. Sparse Mode
  232. Signal Module
  233. Systems Memory
  234. Senior Members
  235. Streaming Sultiprocessor
  236. Smirt Meter
  237. Service Monitoring
  238. States of Matter

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SM stand for Technology?

    SM stands for Student Management in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Seriej Mode in Technology?

    The short form of "Seriej Mode" is SM for Technology.


SM in Technology. (2022, March 21). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated