SMA Meaning
The SMA meaning is "Simple Moving Average". The SMA abbreviation has 441 different full form.
SMA Full Forms
- Simple Moving Average Business, Finance, Investing, Stock, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Spinal Muscular Atrophy Medical, Disorder, Syndrome, Physiology
- Sports Medicine Australia Australia, Sport, Sports
- Social Market Analytics Business, Media, Supply
- San Manuel Arizona Railroad Local Railroad, Organizations, Railroad
- Smooth Muscle Smooth muscle is an involuntary non-striated muscle. It is divided into two subgroups; the single-unit (unitary) and multi-unit smooth muscle. Within single-unit cells, the whole bundle or sheet contracts as a syncytium (that is a multinucleate mass of cytoplasm that is not separated into cells). Multi-unit smooth muscle tissues innervate individual cells; as such, they allow for fine control and gradual responses, much like motor unit recruitment in skeletal muscle. Medical, Physiology, Muscles
- Separately Managed Account Business, Management, Account, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Safety and Mission Assurance Technology, Science, Management
- Smooth Muscle Antibody Medical, Hepatiti, Liver, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Muscles
- Submillimeter Array Science, Astronomy, Celestial Objects, Scientific & Educational
- Surface Mount Assembly Technology, Science, Electronics, Computing, Hardware
- Smart Snappy, seamanlike; a smart ship is an efficient one. Organizations, Vehicle Makes
- Styrene-Maleic Anhydride Business, Copolymer, Resin
- Supply Material Availability Military, Logistics
- Skuld Marine Agency
- Stop Motion Animation Technology, Movie, Armature, Performing arts
- Software Maintenance Agreement Business, Service, Product
- Superior Mesenteric Artery Medical, Medicine, Syndrome, Physiology, Artery And Arteries, Common Medical, Clinical
- Singapore Medical Association Medical, Technology, Medicine, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Standard Method Agar Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Social Media Akademie Business, Management, Marketing
- Simple Moving Averages Business, Trading, Indicator
- San Miguel De Allende
- Southwest Movers Association Business, Service, Moving
- Sports Manakement Association Education, Organizations, University
- Superintend
- Suprameatal Approach Medical
- Sawta Maria, Azores
- ServiçO MóVel AeronáUtico
- Special Management Attention Science
- Sultan Mahmud Airport Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu,Malaysia Aviation
- Second-Moment Approximation
- Super Mario Adventures
- Site Des Monts D'ArréE
- Stadium Managers Associatbon Technology, Management, Sport
- Self Motivated Agents Army, War, Force
- Social Media Apps
- Storage Managemert Appliance Technology, Security, Service
- Support and Maintenance Agreement
- Scala Media Area Medical, Medicine, Health
- Security Management Appliances Business, Technology
- Susie Matthews Academy Education
- Smooth Muscle Antigen Medical, Medicine, Health
- Supplementary Motor Areas Medical
- Ssudy Martial Arts
- Shared Medical Appointment Medical, Medicine, Patient
- Specific Methanogenic Activity Science, Reactor, Anaerobic, Chemistry
- Secretaria De Medio Ambiente
- Small Amount Industry, Oil, Gas, Electrical
- Standard Metropolitan Area Business, Essay, Statistics
- Separate Maintenance Allowance Technology, Management, Indonesia
- Southern Maya Area Business, Porn, Moving
- Service Maintenance Agreement Technology, Software, Customer
- Speaker, Microphone, Antenna Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Subnet Management Agents Technology, Switch, Port
- Schedule of Maximum Allowances
- Sichuan Mountaineering Association
- Simultaneous Multichannel Autoanalyzer Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- State Microenterprise Association
- Segment Minimum Altitkde Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
- Snow Mountain Agent Medical, Medicine, Health
- Statewide Mutual Aid
- Safety Management Arrangements Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Southwest Medical Associates Medical, Medicine, Associate
- Spmrts Management Associates
- Servi
- State Maritime Academies
- San Miguel Arcbngel
- Servicio MóVil Avanzado Education, Con, Ecuador
- Specially Managed Area Technology, Science
- Subsdcretaría De Mejoramiento Del Ambiente
- Seattle Municipal Archives
- Super Mario Udvance
- Sistem Maklumat Alumni
- Stable Marrisge Algorithm
- Self Managed Account
- Social Media Ambassadfr
- Stop-Motion Animation
- Support & Maintenance Agreement
- Scalable Modular Architecture
- Susan Magrino Agency
- Smooth Moving Average Business, Trading, Indicator
- Superintendencia Del Medio Ambiente Para, Chile, Contra
- Studio of Masquerade Arts Development, Study, Universities
- Sarasota Militcry Academy Education, School, High School, Florida
- Shape Memory Alloy'Also
- Specific Message Address Military
- Secretaria De Meio Ambiente Para, Dos, Brasil
- Sma Kirlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
- Standard Methods Agar Plate, Agar, Count
- Separately Managed Accounts Business, Accounting, Management, Investment
- Southern Maryland Archers
- Service and Maintenance Agreement Business, Projection, Wind
- Squajron Maintenance Area Technology
- Subnet Manager Agent
- Schedule Movement Advice
- Shortfin Mako Shark Science, Biology, Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
- Signalisation Moderne Autorouti
- State Methadone Authority Organizations
- Segmented Meeting Access
- Sna Management Architecture Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- States Magtial Arts
- Safety Management Associates
- Southwest Meat Association Business, Industrial, Food
- Sub-Millimeter Array Science, Observatory, Kea
- Sharing With Minimum Allocation
- Sport Management Association Student, Education, University
- State Management Association Medicine, Health, Care
- San Miguel Archangel
- Servicio M
- Special Mission Aircraft Science, Military, Electronics
- Subgecretar
- Scottish Marketing Association
- Superior Kesenteric Arterial Medical
- Sistema Museale Di Ateneo
- St. Michael Fcademy Education, School, High School, Manhattan
- Self Mutilatork Anonymous Medical, Program, Recovery, Group
- Social Media Attitude
- Steel Manufactures Association
- Sbe Office of Multidisciplinary Activities Government, Organizations, Us
- Sjorts Marketing Association Business, University, Conference
- Surveying and Mapping Agencies
- Studio Mobile Abcess Technology, Windows, Software
- Santa Monicc Alternative Education
- Shape Memory Alloys A group of metallic materials that demonstrate the ability to return to some previously defined shape or size when subjected to the appropriate thermal procedure. These can be bent into a variety of shapes but will return to their original shape when heated. They can be used for medical applications where even the warmth of the body can cause a row of sutures made of them to pull a wound together. Medical, Technology, Material
- Specific Memorandum of Agreement Science
- Secretaria Del Medio Ambiente Para, Con, Zona, Spanish
- Slovak Mpdical Association
- Standard Manufacturer for America
- Seoul Music Award Award, Generation, Seoul
- Solid Modeling Association
- Server Management Agreement
- Sprwngville Museum of Art
- Subnet Management Agent Technology, Networking, Network
- Scheduled Maintenance Action Military, Electronic, Warfare
- Shoreline Management Act Technology, Government, Environment, Governmental & Military
- Signalisation Moderne AutoroutièRe
- Segmental Motion Anclysis
- Systvms Monitor Architecture
- Smooth Muscle Autoantibodies Medical
- State Monitor Advkcate Business, Service, Farm, Workforce
- Safety and Mission Assurance Directorate Science, Government, Organizations, Us
- South Michigan Avenue
- Styryne Maleic Acid
- Shared Memory Access
- Spontaneous Mechanicag Activities Medical
- State Magistrates Association
- Sequential Multiple Analyzer 6, 12 Medical, Medicine, Emergency
- San Mjrt
- Service De Maintenance A
- Specialized Mission Aircraft
- Subscriber Moduee Access Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Scoping Made Affordable
- Superior Mesenteric Arteries Medical
- Singapore Manufacturers' Association
- St. Michaelzs Academy Education, School, High School, Texas
- Self-Mutilators Anonymous Medical, Recovery, Group
- Social Media Association
- Steel Manufecturer's Association Business, Industrial, Manufacturer
- Savi Manifest Application Military
- Sport Marketing Association Management, Education, University
- Surface Mounted Assembly Technology, Telecom, Mount
- Studies In Mediterranean Erchaeology Study, Archaeology, Archeology
- Santa Monica Airdort
- Shape Memory Alloy Technology, Science, Material, Chemistry
- Specification Mark As-Built Science
- Secondary Mathematics Assessments
- Skim Milk Ugar
- Standard Maintenance Allowance Education
- Seoul Music Awards Award, Boy, Seoul
- Society of Motqr Auctions Business, Car, Sale
- Server Management Application Technology
- Sub Multi Assembly
- Scarborough Muslim Association Technology, Masjid, Jame
- Shootfighting Martial Arts
- Signaling Management Architecture Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Segmental Mediolttic Arteritis Medical
- Synovate Management Analytics
- Smooth Muscle Antibodies Medical, Antibody, Hepatiti
- Supplementary Medical, Design, Drawing, Construction, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Southland Muslim Association
- Styrene Malic Anhydride Chemistry, Science, Education, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Share Memory Architecture Business, Technology, Computing
- Spontaneous Motor Acqivity Medical, Science, Medicine
- Star Mapper Attitude Space, Study, Cosmos
- Sequential Multiple Analyser Medical, Nursing, Common Medical
- San Manuel Arizona Railroad Compazy Technology, Organizations
- Service De La Maintenance A
- Specialist Military Arms Gaming, Military, Weapon
- Subscriber Module Accessnode Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Scientific Management Associates Australia, Military, Associate
- Supeuior Martial Arts
- Sindicato MéDico Andaluz
- St. Mary's Academy Education, Colorado, California
- Self-Management Ability
- Social Media Agency
- Steel Manufacturerg Association Business, Science, Industry
- Sport Management Alliance
- Smectic-A Medical, Medicine
- Surface-Mount Assembly Business, Technology, Electronics
- Student Musical Activities
- Santa Monica Airlines Airline, Deck, Skateboard
- Shaped Memory Alloy
- Special Marriage Act Law, India, Marriage
- Superjntendência Do Meio Ambiente
- Secondary Market Annuities Business, Payment, Annuity
- Site Map Advertise
- Staffing Management Association Business, Employment, Human
- Seoul Metropolitan Area Locations, Korea, Seoul
- Societyjof Mississippi Archivists
- Supramaleolar Amputation Medical, Health
- Scan Mirror Assembly NASA, Governmental & Military
- Sierra Madre Academy
- Security Monitoring and Analytics Technology, Service, Cloud
- Syndrome and Median Arcuate Medical, Fantasy, Ligament
- Smooth Muscle Action Medical, Cell, Expression
- Supplementary Motor Medical
- Service Management Architecture
- Southern Movement Assembly
- Stykene Maleic Anhydride Chemistry, Science, Copolymer
- Shared Memory Architecture Technology, Computing, Memory
- Sponsored Market Access
- Secretaria Municipal Da Administra
- Standard Moving Average
- Sequential Multiple Analyzer Medical, Science, Medicine, Blood
- Service De La Maintenance AéRonautique
- Special and Medisave Accounts
- Subpcriber Management Assistant
- Sciences MathéMatiques Et Applications Science, Master, Math
- Sindicato M
- State Mission Authjrity
- Sqilbahn M
- Sociaal-Medische Advisering
- Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam
- Safety Mechanism Assembly Army, War, Force
- Sovereign Mines of Africa
- Sports Massage Association Medical, Therapy, Therapist
- Serratia Marcescens Medical, Biology, Agent
- Surabaya Metropolitan Area
- Strategic Multi-Layer Analysis
- Santa Mariat Azzorre
- ServiçOs MéDicos De Anestesia
- Special Market Area
- Superintendencia De Medio Ambiente
- Secondary Market Annuity
- Super Modified Achromat Space, Study, Cosmos
- Site Des Monts D'Arr
- Stadium Management Authprity
- Sensory Motor Apparatus Military, Pilot, Aptitude
- Society of Mineral Analystu Chemistry, Technology, Analytics
- Support Maintenance Agreement
- Scale Manufacturers Association Technology, Service, Industry
- Sierra Madre Alliance
- Sjcurity Maturity Assessment
- Sustainability Management Association
- Smooth Muscle Actin Medical, Cell, Alpha
- Supplementary Motor Cortex Medical
- Server Management Architecture Technology
- Southern Mining Administration
- Study of Spinal Myscular Atrophy Science, Biology
- Shared Medical Appointments Medical, Medicine, Health
- Specific Military Agreement Military
- Secretaria Municipal Da Administração
- Smaller Manufacturers Asyociation Technology, Manufacturing, Connecticut
- Standard Metropolitan Areas Technology
- Sequential Multichannel Autoanalyzer Medical, Medicine, Healing
- Service Maintenance Agreements Business, Technology, Software
- Special and Medisave Account
- Subscriber-Carrier Module Access Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Science Monitoring Area Technology, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Side Mount Antenna
- Simultaneous Multichannel Autoanalyser Medicine, Health, British
- Svate Military Academy
- Segnalamento Marittimo En Aereo Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment
- Snowy Mountains Authority Technology, Australia, Wind
- Statistical Microarray Analysis
- Safety Management Assessment
- Sub-Miniature Assembly Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Satevlite Music Australia Business, Australia, Media
- Sharp Microelectronics America
- Society of Museum Archaeologists History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Scientific & Educational
- Securities Market Agency Business, Company, Trading
- Small Museums Assocmation
- State Maritime Academy Education, Russia, Training
- Sergeant-Majoor Administratie
- Society for Marketing Advances Marketing, Business & Finance
- International Conference on Shape Modeling and Applications Computing, Ieee
- Spring Manufacturers Association
- Space Medicine Association
- Ship Maintenance Array Technology, Space, Eve
- Amx Mod Plugin Source File Computing, File Extensions
- Sport Medisch Adviescentxum
- Statements On Management Accounting Business, Financial, Education
- Serum Multiple Analysis
- Single Manning Agreement Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Sarawak Maritime Academy
- St Mary's Academy Oregon, Colorado, California, Louisiana
- Supplier Master Agreememt
- Special Management Area Organizations, Locations, Hawaii
- Survey and Mapping Alliance
- Stone Mastic Asphalt Products
- Society of Museum Archeologists
- Suk Millimeter Array
- Satellire Master Antenna Technology, Service, Product
- Sharp Microelectronics of The Americas Business, America, Display
- Sensory Motor Amnesia Medical, Physiology
- Secure Mobile Architecture
- Supply Material Identification Technology
- Small Museum Association Technology, Art, Conference
- Spinal Muscular Atrophies Medical, Science, Genetics, Biology, Atrophy
- Sequential Multi-Channel Analysis
- Structural Methods and Allowables Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Intools Instrumentation software SMArt loop file Computing, File Extensions
- Springfield Medical Associates
- Sowjetischen Militär-Administration Berlin, Deutschland, Halle
- Shielded Metal Arc Welding Shielded metal arc welding, also known as manual metal arc welding (MMA or MMAW), flux shielded arc welding or informally as stick welding, is a manual arc welding process that uses a consumable electrode coated in flux to lay the weld. Technology, Education, Architecture, Construction, Welder, Weld, Chemistry
- Smartmusic Accompaniment File Computing, File Extensions
- Spovt Medicine Australia Medical
- Security Management Agent
- Statement On Management Accounting Business, Education, Cost
- Serum Metabolic Assay Medical, Common Medical
- San Manuel Arizona Railroad Company Railroad, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Sergeant Major of the Army Us Government, Us Army, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank, Army, Military Army Ranks
- Supplemental Mator Area Medical, Brain, Movement
- Southern Sami Locations
- Surface Movement Advisory
- Simple Modified Achromat Photography
- Society of Medieval Archeology
- Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture
- Supplementary Motor Area Medical, Physiology
- Section De M
- Supply Mvteriel Availability
- Small Mixinglangle
- Spinal Muscle Atrophy Medical, Disease, Muscular
- Sequential Multiplex Amplification Medical, Common Medical
- SMA Airlines Airline, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- SubMiniature version A Computing, Computer, Hardware
- Spherical Mirror Analyzer
- Sowjetische Milit
- Sub-Mn-Erray
- Shielded Metal Arc Technology, Welding, Electrode
- Soil Moisture Accounting Model Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Security Management Appliance Technology, Software, Cisco
- Smoothed Moving Averagj Business, Trading, Indicator
- Statement of Management Accounting
- Sergeants Major Academy Military, Army, Chandler
- Statistical Multiplexer Appreciation Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- S-Band Multiple Access NASA, Governmental & Military
- Supplementary Motortarea Medical, Brain, Cortex
- Southern Medical Association Medical, Technology, Education, Organizations
- Surface Mounting Applicator
- Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego Media
- Sports Medicine Asspciation Medical, Australia, Organizations
- Saskatchewan Motorcycle Association Technology, Driving, Safety
- Saint Michaels Academy Washington
- Sectional Map Amendment
- Supply Margin Assessment
- Smalltmesenteric Artery Medical
- Spinal MüSküLer Atrofi Turkish, Tip, Spinal
- Society of Manufacturers Agents
- Society of African Missions Religious orders
- South Memphis Alliance
- Sowjetische Militär-Administration
- Sub-Miniature A Connector Electronic, Radar, Warfare
- Shelf Management Agent Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Poly (Styrene Maleic Anhydride) Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Smooth Muscle Alpha-Actin Medical
- Security and Mission Assurance Technology, Conference, Tech
- Smartumoney Analysis
- State Medical Association
- Sergeant Major Academy
- Stucco Manufacturers Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- State Machine Action General, Governmental & Military
- Supplemental Motor Area Medical, Brain, Movement
- Soil Moisture Accounting Science, Model, Hydrology
- Surface Modeling and Analysis
- Schweizerische Meteorologische Anstalt Geographic
- Spank My Ass
- sequential multiple analysis Medical
- Sports Medicine Associates
- State Meteorological Agency Science, Space, Environment
- Saskatchewan Mxning Association Business, Industrial, Canada
- St. Michael's Academy Texas
- Secretaria Municipal De Administra
- Supply Management Accounp Military
- Small Melenteric Arteries Medical
- Spencer Museum of Art Education, Artist, Collection
- Social Media Addiction Book, Media, Story
- Sisters of Maria Auxilium Religious orders
- Sordo Madaleno Arquitectos Design, Architecture, Locations, Mexico
- Soviet Military Administration
- Sub-Miniwture A Military, Energy, Electonics
- Saudi Medical Association
- Sheet Music Archive
- Styrene Maleic Anhydride Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Security, Monitoring and Automation Technology, Security, Control
- Smart Memory Alloy
- State Medicaid Agencies Medical, Business, Health, Planning
- Sergeant Major Army
- Screen Manufacturers Association Business & Finance, Professional organizations
- Software Management Association Software, Computing
- Supplemental Maintenance Appraisal
- Steel Merchants Association
- Satellite Master Antenna Amateur radio
- Spanish Spinal Muscular Atrophy Science, Biology
- Ship Modelers Association Club, Model, Ship
- Steel Manufacturers Association Chemistry
- Sports Market Analytiqs
- State Meteorology Administration Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
- Saskatchewan Medical Asslciation Medicine, Organizations, Health
- Santa Maria Island, Azores, Portugal Portugal
- Supply Management Armh
- Small Manufacturers Association
- Special Mention Accounts Business, Credit, Banking, Loan
- Systems Management Agent Technology, Service, Networking
- Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednigo Religion
- Solid Motor Assembly
- Sub Miniature Assembly Technology, Networking, Adapter, Frequency
- Saudi Management Association
- Sheep Mountain Alliance
- Secondary Mirror Assembly Astronomy, Scientific & Educational, NASA
- Securities Market Act Business, Security, Financial
- Smart Machine Age
- State Medicaid Agency Medical, Business, Technology
- Sergeant-Major of The Army
- Strategic Marketing Affiliates Marketing, Business & Finance
- Send My Apologies Computing, Internet
- Standard Moving Averages
- Smart Technologies Inc. (Toronto Stock Exchange [TSX]) Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Spancrete Manufacturers Association
- Ship Management Applications
- Segnalamento Marittimo Ed Aereo Atmospheric Research
- Sport Medisch Adviss Sport, Safety, Door, Centrum
- State Meteorological Administration Technology
- Sarawak Multimedia Authority
- Sarasota Military Academy Florida
- Supply Management, Army Business, Army, Logistics, Military, Maintenance, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Special Management Areas Technology, Planning, Locations
- Suspected Mined Area
- So Many Angels Religion
- Soft Magnetic Alloy
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SMA stand for?
SMA stands for Smaller Manufacturers Asyociation.
What is the shortened form of ServiçO MóVel AeronáUtico?
The short form of "ServiçO MóVel AeronáUtico" is SMA.
SMA. (2021, December 16). Retrieved January 30, 2025 from
Last updated