SMA in Technology Meaning

The SMA meaning in Technology terms is "Stop Motion Animation". There are 58 related meanings of the SMA Technology abbreviation.

SMA on Technology Full Forms

  1. Stop Motion Animation
  2. Singapore Medical Association
  3. Safety and Mission Assurance
  4. Surface Mount Assembly
  5. Subscriber-Carrier Module Access
  6. Server Management Architecture
  7. San Manuel Arizona Railroad Compazy
  8. Squajron Maintenance Area
  9. Shared Memory Architecture
  10. Shoreline Management Act
  11. Subnet Management Agents
  12. Separate Maintenance Allowance
  13. Society of Mineral Analystu
  14. Surface Mounted Assembly
  15. Shape Memory Alloys A group of metallic materials that demonstrate the ability to return to some previously defined shape or size when subjected to the appropriate thermal procedure. These can be bent into a variety of shapes but will return to their original shape when heated. They can be used for medical applications where even the warmth of the body can cause a row of sutures made of them to pull a wound together.
  16. Science Monitoring Area
  17. Subnet Management Agent
  18. Segment Minimum Altitkde
  19. Snowy Mountains Authority
  20. Surface-Mount Assembly
  21. Shape Memory Alloy
  22. Scarborough Muslim Association
  23. Standard Metropolitan Areas
  24. Security Monitoring and Analytics
  25. Sna Management Architecture
  26. Service Maintenance Agreements
  27. Scale Manufacturers Association
  28. Stadium Managers Associatbon
  29. Security Management Appliances
  30. Subscriber Moduee Access
  31. Service Maintenance Agreement
  32. Specially Managed Area
  33. Studio Mobile Abcess
  34. Smaller Manufacturers Asyociation
  35. Subscriber Module Accessnode
  36. Server Management Application
  37. Speaker, Microphone, Antenna
  38. Share Memory Architecture
  39. Storage Managemert Appliance
  40. Signaling Management Architecture
  41. Systems Management Agent
  42. Security, Monitoring and Automation
  43. State Meteorological Administration
  44. State Medicaid Agency
  45. Ship Maintenance Array
  46. Special Management Areas
  47. Shielded Metal Arc Welding Shielded metal arc welding, also known as manual metal arc welding (MMA or MMAW), flux shielded arc welding or informally as stick welding, is a manual arc welding process that uses a consumable electrode coated in flux to lay the weld.
  48. Sub Miniature Assembly
  49. Southern Medical Association
  50. Supply Material Identification
  51. Shielded Metal Arc
  52. Sub-Miniature Assembly
  53. Small Museum Association
  54. Satellire Master Antenna
  55. Shelf Management Agent
  56. Security Management Appliance
  57. Saskatchewan Motorcycle Association
  58. Security and Mission Assurance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SMA stand for Technology?

    SMA stands for Separate Maintenance Allowance in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Subnet Management Agents in Technology?

    The short form of "Subnet Management Agents" is SMA for Technology.


SMA in Technology. (2021, December 16). Retrieved January 30, 2025 from

Last updated