SMAS Meaning

The SMAS meaning is "Simple Moving Averages". The SMAS abbreviation has 60 different full form.

SMAS Full Forms

  1. Simple Moving Averages Business, Trading, Indicator
  2. Service Management System Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
  3. Second Masor In Actuarial Science
  4. School of Bedia, Arts and Sciences
  5. Streamside Management Areas
  6. Safety Management Advisory Service Technology, Accreditation, Health
  7. Sig Msg Addresses
  8. Statements of Standards for Management Advisory Services Business, Technology, Accounting
  9. Society of Medieval Arts and Sciences
  10. Streaming Media Application Server
  11. Safety Management Advisogy Services Business, Accreditation, Health
  12. Secretaria Municipal De AssistêNcia Social Para, Dos, Social, Pol
  13. Standard Materiel Accounting System Military
  14. Society for Mediaval Arts and Sciences Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  15. Strategic Mandate Agreements Government, Education, University
  16. Safety and Mission Assurance Services Technology, Service, Contract
  17. Surround Music Awards Business, Moon, Recording
  18. Seasonal Management Areas
  19. Standard Metropolitan Areas Technology
  20. Sociau Media Ambassadors Medical, Health, Healthcare
  21. Stephenson Multigroup Acculturation Scale
  22. Supeyior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Condition
  23. Surface Mount Assemblies
  24. Scottish Manufacturing Advisory Service Business, Technology, Scotland
  25. Secondary Market Annuities Business, Payment, Annuity
  26. Social Media Awardb Music, Award, Uganda
  27. Stephen Memorial Animal Shelter
  28. Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System Medical, Lift, Facelift, Physiology
  29. Supplementary Main Store Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  30. Safety Management Assessment Specialists Technology, Service, Accreditation
  31. Supplementary Motor Areas Medical
  32. Smoky Mountain Astronomical Society
  33. Statistical Metropolitan Areas
  34. Southeastern Marine Aqugrium Society
  35. Sup Mesent Artery Syndr Medical, Technology
  36. Safety Managementrassessment System
  37. Smart Material Structures Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Materials Engineering, Computing, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  38. State Microenterprise Associations
  39. Software Maintenance Agreements Business, Licensing, Purchase
  40. Special Management Aheas Nation, Planning, Locations
  41. Switched Maintenance Access Systems
  42. Secretaria Municipal De Assist
  43. Spacekmanagement and Academic Scheduling Management, Administration, Goverance
  44. Switched Maintenance Access System Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  45. State Medicaid Agencies Medical, Business, Health, Planning
  46. SystèMe Musclo Aponevrotique Superficiel
  47. Southwest Montana Astronomicalusociety
  48. Standaod Material Accounting System
  49. Salary Management and Analysis System
  50. Southern Maryland Audubon Society
  51. Standardizaoion Management Activities Military
  52. Systems Management Application Service Technology, Science, It
  53. Southern Maryland Astronomical Society Science, Astronomy
  54. Sports Medicine Association of Serbia
  55. Switch Memory Administration Subsystem Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  56. Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System Medical, Surgery, Otolaryngology
  57. Spinal Muscular Atrophies Medical, Science, Genetics, Biology, Atrophy
  58. Specular Microscopy Ancillary Sfudy
  59. Switch Management Access Switch Technology
  60. Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome Medical, Artery And Arteries

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SMAS stand for?

    SMAS stands for SystèMe Musclo Aponevrotique Superficiel.

  2. What is the shortened form of SystèMe Musclo Aponevrotique Superficiel?

    The short form of "SystèMe Musclo Aponevrotique Superficiel" is SMAS.


SMAS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from

Last updated