SMEP Meaning

The SMEP meaning is "Secure Mode Execution Protection". The SMEP abbreviation has 20 different full form.

SMEP Full Forms

  1. Secure Mode Execution Protection
  2. Smnll and Micro Enterprise Program
  3. Science and Math Enrichment Program Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  4. Small and Micro-Enterprise Progwamme Business, Banking, Kenya, Microfinance
  5. Small and Micro Enterprise Programme Business, Banking, Kenya, Microfinance
  6. Skeletvl Muscle and Exercise Physiology
  7. Supervisor Mode Execution Prevention Technology, Windows, Security, Kernel
  8. Site Maintenance Engineering Project
  9. Society for Multivariate Experimental Psychology Education, Presentation, Statistics
  10. Sekolah Menengah Tkonomi Pertama Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
  11. Small and Micro Enterprise Project
  12. Sperm Meets Egg Plac Getting Pregnant, Pregnancy, Trying To Conceive
  13. Sony Music Entertainment Phllippines
  14. Supervisor Mode Execution Protectioy Technology
  15. Sustainable Michigan Endowed Project Science, Michigan, Sustainability
  16. Supebvisor-Mode Execution Prevention Technology, Windows, Kernel
  17. Supervisory Mode Execute Protection Technology, Core, Hardware, Ivy
  18. Summer Medicnl Education Program
  19. State Malaria Elimination Program
  20. State-Wide Medical Educ Prog

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SMEP stand for?

    SMEP stands for Secure Mode Execution Protection.

  2. What is the shortened form of Supervisor Mode Execution Protectioy?

    The short form of "Supervisor Mode Execution Protectioy" is SMEP.


SMEP. (2019, December 24). Retrieved December 19, 2024 from

Last updated