SMH Meaning

The SMH meaning is "Shakes My Head". The SMH abbreviation has 94 different full form.

SMH Full Forms

  1. Shakes My Head Texting, Internet, Online Slang, Forum, Computing, Social Media, Sms, Blogging, Email, Online, Im, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
  2. Shake My Head Internet Slang, Music, Shaking
  3. Swiss Money Holding
  4. Safi Milli HasıLayı Para, Turkish, Mill
  5. Smithair Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  6. Students Managed Hostel Education, Scholarship, Andhra
  7. School of Medicine Anq Health Medical, Health, Child
  8. Spherical Microzave Holography
  9. Stole My Heart Song, Internet, Love
  10. Severe Multiply Handicapped Education
  11. Sutter Memorial Hospital
  12. Safi Milli HasıLa
  13. Small Myers Hughes
  14. Student Managed Hostel Education, Scholarship, Matric
  15. School Mold Help Medical, Health, Autism
  16. Svci
  17. Stock Market History
  18. Severe Mental Handicap
  19. Sex Might Help Sex, Weight, Mark, Stretch
  20. Small Mammak House Education, Organization, Community, Museum
  21. Strongyloidiasis With Massive Hyperinfection Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  22. Shenandoah Memorial Hospital
  23. School Mental Healgh Medical, Student, Research
  24. Societyzfor Military History Military, War, History
  25. Spoedeisende Medische Hulp
  26. Severely Mentally Handicapped Education
  27. Saint-Martin-D'HèRes
  28. Smxll & Medium Housing
  29. Strong Memorial Hospital Medical, Medicine, Education
  30. Shawnee Mission Health
  31. Schoolcraft Memorial Hospital
  32. Societe De Microelectronique Et D'Horlogerie Business, Group, Swatch, Sweden
  33. Spoedeisende Gedische Hulpverlening
  34. Sequoyah Memorial Hospital
  35. Slover Mountain Higa Education
  36. Strongest Meaning Hypothesis
  37. Shore Memorial Hospital
  38. System Management Homepage Technology, Security, Hewlett-Packard
  39. Saint Mary'S Hospital
  40. Sociedad Mexicana Dll Hidrógeno
  41. Sepeda Motor Honda Technology, Honda, Dealer
  42. Spine Messaging Handler
  43. Stringfellow Memorial Hospital
  44. Sharp Memorial Hospital
  45. Sydney Morning Herald Australia, Organizations, Newspaper, Media
  46. Saint Mary'S Hall Education, High School, San Antonio, Texas
  47. Smoky Mountain Harley
  48. Student Math Handbook
  49. Sciences Du Mouvemont Humain
  50. Spine Message Hagdler
  51. Streaming Media Hosting
  52. Shakin My Head Music, Feat, Song, Head
  53. Scratching My Head Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  54. Short Message Handler
  55. SıNai MüLkiyet Hakları Turkish, Patent, Prof
  56. Suisse De Microelectronique Et D'Horlogerie
  57. Sapmanga Airport Sapmanga, Papua New Guinea Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  58. Simply Magical Healer
  59. Sindikat Metalaca Hrvatske
  60. Society for Military History Military, Army, History, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  61. Shoppa'S Material Handling
  62. Systems Material Handling Technology, Replacement, Forklift
  63. Studio Museum of Harlem Art, Museum, Artist
  64. Silicon Mountain Holdings
  65. Schnelle Medizinische Hilfe German, War, Fur, Berlin
  66. Surrey Memorial Hospital Medical, Health, Care
  67. Semiconductor HOLDRs (ETF) Computing, Nyse symbols
  68. System Management Home
  69. Studio Museum Harlem
  70. Signal Manhole Building, Engineering, Construction
  71. Sarasota Memorial Hospital Medical, Business, Health
  72. Surface Microhardness Medical
  73. Shoot My Horse Funnies
  74. Systems Management Homepage Technology, Security, Vulnerability
  75. Studio Museum In Harlem
  76. Steam manhole The Finance and Administrative Services
  77. Signalling Message Handling Technology
  78. Salvamento MaríTimo Humanitario
  79. Super Million Hair
  80. Speare Memorial Hospital
  81. Student Mental Health Service, Education, School
  82. Screening for Mental Health, Inc. Medical
  83. Sierra Mountain High Education
  84. Sacrament Most Holy Religion
  85. Summersville Memorial Hospital
  86. Slidell Memorial Hospital
  87. Spatial Mismatch Hypothesis
  88. Sapmanga Airport, Sapmanga, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Papua New Guinea
  89. Shotgun Microphone Holder
  90. Single Mothers Houston
  91. Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin
  92. Shaking My Head Slang, Texting, Chat, Internet, Social Media, Snapchat
  93. Single Myb Histone Medical, Science, Biology
  94. Spalax Major Histocompatibility Medical, Science, Biology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SMH stand for?

    SMH stands for Spine Message Hagdler.

  2. What is the shortened form of Safi Milli HasıLa?

    The short form of "Safi Milli HasıLa" is SMH.


SMH. (2021, October 17). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated