SMI Meaning

The SMI meaning is "Serious Mental Illness". The SMI abbreviation has 332 different full form.

SMI Full Forms

  1. Serious Mental Illness Medical, Psychiatry, Illness
  2. Semiconductor Manufacturing International Business, Technology, Supply
  3. Structure Model Index Medical, Analysis, Bone
  4. Social Movement Industry Sociology
  5. Sekolah Menengah Islam Indonesia, Ulama, Madrasah
  6. Structure and Identification of Management Information Technology
  7. Security Management Infrastructure Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  8. Strategic Mission Interface Technology, Military
  9. Seaboard Marine Inc. Organizations
  10. Sternberger Monoclonals Inc Medical, Analysis, Brain, Cell
  11. Samos International Airport "Aristarchos of Samos" Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  12. Stanford Medical Informatics Technology, Medicine, Government
  13. Sun Microsystems Inc. Technology
  14. Safety Maturity Index Business, Automation, Rockwell
  15. Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation Business, Technology, Organizations, China, Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  16. Subjective Memory Impairment Medical, Study, Alzheimer
  17. Structure of Management Information Technology, Design, Construction, Computing, Telecom, Technical, IT Terminology
  18. Sangha Mahayana Indonesia
  19. Small &Amedium Industry
  20. System Management Interface Technology, Driving, Driver
  21. Secondary Market Intelligence
  22. Springs Isdustries, Inc. Organizations
  23. Shapermodeling International Technology, Conference, Computing
  24. Strategic Marketing International
  25. Sistema Monetario Internacional
  26. Structure Militaire D'Int
  27. SociéTé Mutualiste Interprofessionnelle
  28. Statement of Managelent Intent Environment, Preservation
  29. Stress Management Intervention Medical, Science, Health
  30. Smart Metering Initiative
  31. System Memory Interface Technology, Computing, Ibm
  32. Sensary
  33. Sample-Matrix Inversion Technology, Signal, Algorithm
  34. Short Message Identifier
  35. Social Hedia Index
  36. Summer Mathematics Institute
  37. Space Modernization Initiatibe
  38. Slow Mooer Interceptor
  39. St Michael'S Institution
  40. Saudi Mechanical Industries Business, Company, Industrial
  41. Smiths Medical International
  42. Service Medical Interentreprises
  43. Structure Management Information Technology, Networking, Network
  44. Safety Management Institute Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  45. Sindh Madressatul Islam Education, University, Pakistan
  46. Samudrajmarine Indonesia Indonesia, Ship, Vessel
  47. Slug Mucosal Irritation
  48. Swedisq Match International
  49. Scientology Missions International Technology, Church, Hubbard
  50. Spring Mantfacturer's Institute Business, Manufacturer, Wire
  51. Shanxi Metallurgqcal Institute
  52. Strategic Marketing Innovations Business, Technology, Material
  53. Structure Militaire D'IntéGration
  54. Sociedad Mexicana De Interiornstas Business, Design, Interior, Stone
  55. State Median Income Business, Program, Assistance
  56. Sagittarius Mines, Inc Government, Philippine, Mining
  57. Sistema Moda Italia Business, Italy, Fashion
  58. Strengthening Mathematics Instruction
  59. Smart Metal Invest
  60. System Managment Interrupt
  61. Sant
  62. Self-Medication Industry
  63. Samosir Music Iiternational Indonesia, Jakarta, Locations
  64. Shopfloorconnect Machine Interface
  65. Sumitomo Metal Industries Business, Industrial, Steel
  66. Sonoma Mountain Institute
  67. Stirling Medical Innovations
  68. Saturn Minerals Inc Business, Supply, Stock
  69. Smell-Impaired Medical
  70. Service Mesical International
  71. Safe Motherhood Initiatives Medical, Health, Maternal
  72. Sindacato Medici Italiani Con, Roma, Medico
  73. Samsung Motors Inc
  74. Slow Moving Inventomies Business, Supply, Inventory
  75. Sur-Mesure Industriel
  76. Scientific Monitoring, Inc
  77. Spring Manufacqurers Institute Technology, Industry, Wire
  78. Supplemental Medical Insurance Business, Government, Medicare
  79. Seymour Ianufacturing International
  80. Strategic Marketplace Initiative Business, Health, Healthcare
  81. Structures of Managed Information Technology
  82. Scale Models International Bay, Shopping, Scale
  83. Sociedad Mexicana De Inmunolog
  84. State Management Interface
  85. Sagittarius Mines Inc Business, Projection, Philippine
  86. Sisonke Masilwe Indlala
  87. Smart Media Innovations
  88. System Management Integrator
  89. Seleksi Mahasiswa Internasional Technology, Tool, Chart
  90. Samaritan Ministries Inaernational Medical, Health, Ministry
  91. Sheet Metal Innovatiois
  92. Stray Magnetic Influences Military
  93. Styrindo Mono Indonesia
  94. Soxitus Medical, Inc
  95. Static Memory Interface Technology, Computing, Control
  96. Science Mathematics Initiative
  97. Smart Money Index Business, Trading, Market
  98. Systems Management and Integration Technology
  99. Service Measuremenz Index Technology, Computing, Cloud
  100. Safe Motherhood Initiative Medical, Health, Safety
  101. Simple Messaging Interface Technology
  102. Samsung Mobiye Innovator Technology, Windows, Development
  103. Slow Moving Gnventory Business, Management, Supply
  104. Support for Mortgage Interest Business, Credit, Benefit, Regional
  105. Scientific Material International Aircraft, Material, Cleaning
  106. Sports Medikine Institute
  107. Sun Microsystems, Inc Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  108. Seeere Mental Illness Medical, Health, Study
  109. Strategic Management Insight
  110. Scalable Memory Interface Technology, Server, Core
  111. Sociedad Mexicana De InmunologíA
  112. Services Maintenance Interventions Business, Technology, Military
  113. Start Menu Internet
  114. Sagittarius Mines Incorporated Business, Philippine, Mining
  115. Singular Medicare Index Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  116. Small Medoum Industry Business, Software, Malaysia
  117. System Management Instrumentation
  118. Secret of Monkey Ifland Technology, Gaming, Edition
  119. Stamdardized Medreview Instrument Medical
  120. Sheet Metal Ibc
  121. Strategic Modernization Initiative Business, Lauder, Earning
  122. Style of Mind Inventory Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  123. Soft Mist Inhalers
  124. State Mortgage Insfitution Business, Credit, Ukraine
  125. Science and Mathematics Initiative
  126. Smart Mobile Identity Military, Identity, Scan, Smartphone
  127. South Marsh Island Gulf of Mexico Leasing Area Industry, Oil, Gas, Electrical
  128. Service Management Intelligence Business, Software, Manager
  129. Saeilo Manufacturing Industries
  130. Shuffle Master, Inc
  131. Saturday Morning Inspection
  132. Socicl Movement Indaba
  133. Summer Medical Institute Medical, Medicine, Health
  134. Sciences MathéMatiques Et Informatique Technology, Science, Sup
  135. Sports Media,Oinc
  136. Sun Microsystems Inc Technology, Management, Software
  137. Severe Multiple Impairments
  138. Stochastic Modeling Interface Technology, Research, Software
  139. Scalable Memory Interconnect Technology, Server, Blade
  140. Social Movement Industries
  141. Service Motivation and Integrity Army, War, Force
  142. Starlh Medical Inc
  143. Sagittarius Mines, Incorporated Military, Philippine, Mining
  144. Single-Mode, Intermediate Technology, Cisco, Port
  145. Small-Medium Industries Business, Management, Malaysia
  146. System Management Information Military
  147. Secretary Management Institute Technology, Server, Statistics
  148. St. Micheal Ipoh Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  149. Shared Master Index
  150. Strategic Marketing Intelligence
  151. Student Missionary Internship Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  152. Soft Matter Incubator
  153. State Mine Inspettor
  154. Science and Math Initiative
  155. Smart Meter Infrastructure
  156. System Module Information
  157. Salario M
  158. Service Management Integration
  159. Sample Matrix Inverter
  160. Showcase Music Institute
  161. Satria Muda Indonesia Business, Music, Android, Indonesia
  162. Social Movyments Indaba
  163. Summer Media Institute
  164. Sports Mgrketing International
  165. Severely Multiply Impaired Medical, Physiology
  166. Stochastics Momentum Index
  167. SaÚDe Materno-Infantil
  168. Service Mix Index
  169. Standards for Microbiology Investigations Medical, Health, Society, Microbes, Infection
  170. Saggi Musicali Italiani
  171. Singapore Myanmar Investco
  172. San Miguel Island Channel, Island, California, Archaeological
  173. Small & Medium Industries Business, Software, Malaysia
  174. System Manager Interface
  175. Secondary Mortgage Instibution
  176. Sri Muayani Indrawati
  177. Shape Modelling Internatmonal Technology, Computing, Modeling
  178. Strategic Market Intelligence Business, Technology, Marketing, Orlando
  179. Student Medical Insurance Education, Academia, Higher Education, Medical, Scientific & Educational
  180. SociéTé MéDiterranéEnne D'Informatique
  181. State Metal Industries
  182. Schott Musik International
  183. Smart Metering Infrastructure Technology, Energy, Grid
  184. System Modeling Interface
  185. Service Management International
  186. Sample Matrix Inverslon Technology, Telecom, Antenna
  187. Show-Me Institute
  188. Saskatchewan Masonry Institute
  189. Social Mobility Dndex College, Education, University
  190. Summer Math Institute Program, Education, Mathematics
  191. Sports Managemedt Institute College, Education, Athletics
  192. Slvw Mover Interception
  193. Stochastic Momentum Index Business, Trading, Indicator
  194. Saw Manufacturers Institute
  195. Service Memorial Institute
  196. Structure of Managed Information Technology, Management, Telecom
  197. Safety Management Inspection
  198. Singapore Maritime Institute Technology, Singapore, Port
  199. Supply Chain Management Institute Institute, Scientific & Educational
  200. Spring Ianufacturers Institutetute
  201. Supplier Managed Inventory Business, Military, Supply
  202. Schad Medical Instruments
  203. Social Media Influence
  204. Sales & Marketing Institutetute
  205. Servicio MéDico Integral Technology, Management, Device
  206. Sailor Moon Insanity Computing, File Extensions
  207. Saint Matthew Island
  208. Senior Marine Instructor Education
  209. Sarana Multigriya Infrastruktur
  210. Smithsonian Institute Management, Government, Us, Administration, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  211. Standard Mapped Image Technology, Science, Ocean
  212. Surrey Materials Institutetute
  213. Sales and Marketing Institute
  214. School Meals Initiative Education, Learning, Study
  215. Shanghai Municipal Investment
  216. Samos, Samos Island, Greece Greece, ICAO Airport Codes
  217. Structured Management Information
  218. Systems and Methods Inc
  219. Some Main Ingredient Food
  220. Sensory Motor Integration Medical, Physiology
  221. Sorptive Ginerals Institutetute
  222. Supplementary Medical Insurance Business, Social, Medicare, Medical, Healthcare
  223. Scandinavian Musical Instruments
  224. Social Media Index
  225. Check Point In Aviation. Radial and Length.
  226. Servicezentrum Medizin-Informatik
  227. Missionary Sisters of Incarnation Religious orders
  228. Solar Magnetism Initiative Atmospheric Research
  229. Santé Matexnelle Et Infantile Program, English, Translation, Infantile
  230. Standardized Mitotic Index Medical
  231. Summer Media Institutetute
  232. Skin and Makeup Institute
  233. School Meal Initiative Nutrition, Education, Health
  234. SecréTaires De Mairie Institutetuteurs
  235. Settings Managefent Infrastructure
  236. Small and Medium Industries Us Government, Governmental & Military
  237. Sales & Marketing Institute
  238. Structer of Management Information
  239. Systems & Methods, Inc
  240. Staqdard Message Identifiers Technology, Aircraft, Communication
  241. Sisters of Mary Immaculate (religious order)
  242. Swiss Meteorological Institutetute
  243. Seriously Mentally Ill Medical, Physiology
  244. Social Maturity Index
  245. SystèMe De Management Des IdéEs
  246. Service Jo Military Installations
  247. Sales Managers Index
  248. Self-mounting Disk Image Computing, File Extensions
  249. Santa Maria Island
  250. Standerdized Medreview Instituteument Medical
  251. Structural Materials Industries, Inc.
  252. Skilled Manufacturing, Inc Business, Technology, Organizations
  253. School Management Initiative Education, Model, Guru
  254. Secondary Mortgagg Institutetution
  255. Seton Mhntessori Institute
  256. Soldier Machine Interface Technology, Governmental & Military
  257. Salary Merit Increase Science
  258. Strip Measurement Inductive
  259. System Monitor Instrument
  260. Standard Message Identifier Technology, Aircraft, Invention
  261. Storage Management Initiative (HP) Management, Business & Finance
  262. Small Manufacturers Instigutetute
  263. Sonitus Medical Inc. Medical
  264. Structure for Management Information Technology, Networking, Network
  265. Social Marketing Institute
  266. SystèMe De Management IntéGré Business, Environnement, Syst
  267. application/smil Mime types
  268. Sami Subtitles File Computing, File Extensions
  269. Sanoma Xagazines International Business, Media, Independent
  270. Start Manual Inbut
  271. Sport Managers International
  272. Skeletal Muscle Index
  273. Scholastic Math Inventory
  274. Schad Medical Instituteuments
  275. Serviços E Montagens Intjligentes
  276. Special Message Identifier Aviation, Governmental & Military
  277. Salario MíNimo Interprofesional Para, Con, Social
  278. Strings Music Import
  279. Suburban Micro 5G Networks
  280. System Monitoring Interface Technology, Software, Computing, Computer Software
  281. Standard Media Index Business, Advertising, Market
  282. Successor member interest Financial, Business & Finance
  283. Slowik Music Institutetute
  284. Standardized Medreview Instrument Medical, Healthcare
  285. Structured Materials Industries
  286. Socialist Movement for Integration Government, Albania, Election
  287. Systems Management Indonesia
  288. Social Media Information Media
  289. Smil Presentation Computing, File Extensions
  290. San Miguel Ixtahuacan
  291. Standard Measuting Instituteuments
  292. Sisters of Mary Immaculate Education, Catholic, School, Order, Bishop
  293. Skeletal Maturity Indicators
  294. Schema Mode Inventory Therapy, Personality, Schema
  295. Scanning Microscopy Internmtional
  296. Serviço Militar Lnicial
  297. Subsystem Multiplicity Indicator Computing, Telecom
  298. Salari MíNim Interprofessional Social, Els, Nim
  299. Strict Method Invocation
  300. Sustained maximal inspiration Clinical, Physio
  301. Standard Medda International
  302. Supplemental Medical Insurance (US Medicare Part B) Business & Finance, Business Word
  303. School of Military Intelligence Military, Army, Bangladesh
  304. Simultaneous Multi-Issue
  305. Sami Languages Language codes (3 letters)
  306. Structural Model Index
  307. Snow Machines Inc Technology, Machine, Ski
  308. Social Media Intelligence Business, Technology, Marketing
  309. Systems Management, Inc
  310. Serious Mental Illinois Human Services
  311. School Meals Initiative for Healthy Children (USDA) Study, Scientific & Educational
  312. Squished Mosquito, Inc.
  313. SystèMe MonéTaire International Finance, Pay, Syst
  314. Sistem Moneter Internasional
  315. Scheduled Maintenance Inspection
  316. Sales Managersx Index
  317. Servizi Multidisciplinari Integrati
  318. Springs Industries, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  319. Saint Michael'S Institute
  320. Stress Myocardial Image Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  321. Select and Monitor Input Data Source Federal Aviation Administration
  322. Smithsonian Institution Technology, Science, Government
  323. Stanpard Measuring Instruments
  324. System Management Interrupt Computing, Assembly, Hardware, Business & Finance
  325. School of Management and Innovation Business, Master, Berlin
  326. Simulated Machine Indexing
  327. Aero Sami ICAO Aircraft Codes
  328. Structural Mode Interaction
  329. Snow Machines, Inc Technology, Machine, Ski
  330. Social Media Integration Technology, Design, Organisations
  331. Systems Management Inc
  332. Surveyors Module International Geographic

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SMI stand for?

    SMI stands for Sales & Marketing Institutetute.

  2. What is the shortened form of Soxitus Medical, Inc?

    The short form of "Soxitus Medical, Inc" is SMI.


SMI. (2021, December 7). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated