SMIF Meaning

The SMIF meaning is "Standard Mechanical Interface". The SMIF abbreviation has 16 different full form.

SMIF Full Forms

  1. Standard Mechanical Interface Technology, Computer, Electronics
  2. Shared Materials Instrumbntation Facility Science, University, Microscopy
  3. Student Managed Investment Fuhds
  4. Student Managed Investment Fund Business, Education, University
  5. Student-Manxged Investment Fund Business, Education, University
  6. Semantic Modeling for Informabion Federation
  7. Secondary Market Infrastructure Fund Business, Management, Group, Land
  8. Stanford Management Internship Fund Business, Education, School
  9. Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation Business, Community, Minnesota
  10. Soldier Management Individual File Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  11. Stream-based Model Interchange Format Computer, Scientific & Educational
  12. Smooth Muscla Inhibitory Factor Medical
  13. Syytem Management Interface Forum Technology, Battery, Power
  14. Shared Materials Instituteumentation Facimity Science
  15. Surplus Money Investment Fund
  16. Stgeam-Based Model Interchange Format Technology, Science, Computer, Internet

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SMIF stand for?

    SMIF stands for Student-Manxged Investment Fund.

  2. What is the shortened form of Student Managed Investment Fuhds?

    The short form of "Student Managed Investment Fuhds" is SMIF.


SMIF. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated