SMILE Meaning

The SMILE meaning is "Spiritually Minded Is Life Eternal". The SMILE abbreviation has 76 different full form.

SMILE Full Forms

  1. Spiritually Minded Is Life Eternal Conference, Family, Fun, Christ, Idea, Life, Mastery
  2. Serious Mental Illness Life Enhancement
  3. Support, Motivate, and Improve Lives Everyday
  4. Sharing Magic In Love Everywhere
  5. Social Media In The Large Enterprise
  6. Science & Math Investigative Learning Experiences Science, Education, Teaching
  7. Structural Modeling, Inference and Learning Engine
  8. Sensory Motor Integration Andolanguage Enrichment Literature, Language, Linguistics
  9. Super Metroid Integrated Level Editor
  10. Social Media In Large Enterprises Organizations, London, Enterprise
  11. Schools Museums Internet Learning Education Education, Organization, Community, Museum
  12. Structural Modeling, Inference, and Learning Engine Technology, Networking, Network
  13. Sensory Mltor Instructional Leadership Experience
  14. Sunderland Managed Interactive Learning Environment
  15. Social Media In Learning and Education Education, Projection, Internet, Media
  16. School Museums Internet Learning Education Education, Organization, Community, Museum
  17. Stress Moderation Impacting Lupus With Exercise
  18. So Much Improvement With A Little Exercise Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  19. Sensational Moms In Local Euclid Organization, Union, Institution
  20. Structured Methods In Language Education
  21. Social Media The Internet and Law Enforcement Technology, Conference, Police, Media
  22. Sahil Miglani Institute & Lab of Entertainment
  23. Strategies for Managing An Independent Learning Environment
  24. Solution Mapping Intelligent Learning Environment Development, Learning, Study
  25. Seniors Managing Independent Living Easily
  26. Structure Meaning Imagery Language Effect Literature, Language, Linguistics
  27. Social Media, The Internet and Law Enforcement
  28. Supportive Multi-User Interactive Learning Environment
  29. Services Maximizing Independent Living and Empowerment Medical
  30. Stop Making It Loud Everyone Organization, Union, Institution
  31. Social Mind for Intelligently Learning Emotions
  32. Science and Math Investigative Learning Experiences Science, Program, Education
  33. Structure Meaning Imagery Language and Effect Literature, Language, Linguistics
  34. Smart Mobile Interactive Learning Environments
  35. Supporting Medical Innovation for Life Enhancement
  36. Sweet Memories In Lip Expression Education, Message, Love, Hindi, Funnies
  37. Stimulating Motivating Imaginative Learning Environment Development, Learning, Study
  38. Social Media Intelligence and Learning Environment Education, Networking, Tool
  39. Science & Math Investigative Learning Experience
  40. Structure, Meaning, Imagery, Language, Effect Science, Literacy
  41. Self Motivation In Lasting Endorphins Medical, Physiology
  42. Southwestern Michigan Interconnect for Learning Experience Development, Learning, Study
  43. Sweet Mile In Life to Enjoy Funnies
  44. Start Making It Liveable for Everyone
  45. Survival of Myocardial Infarction, Long-Term Evaluation
  46. Siteowners Making Internet Life Easier Computing, Internet
  47. SystèMe Multi-Agent, Interaction, Langage, Evolution
  48. Sound Vocabulary Meaningful Sentences Innovative Lovable English Literature, Language, Linguistics
  49. Swiss Market Index-Linked Issue Technology, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  50. Stanford Mobile Inquiry-Based Learning Environment Student, Technology, Education
  51. Survival of Myocardial Infarction Long-Term Evaluation Medical, Patient, Study
  52. Support Management Information Love and Encouragement Religion
  53. Swiss Market Index Linked Issue Business, Technology, Finance
  54. So Much Improvement With A Little Exercise Program Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Healing
  55. Stanford Medicine Information Learning Environment
  56. Stanford Medicine Information and Learning Environment
  57. Sub-Micron Laser Experiment
  58. Special Ministry In Lay Evangelism Religion
  59. Sweet Memory In Lip Expression Horse, Expression, Message
  60. Surface Layer Mixed Experiment Atmospheric Research
  61. Standard Medical Intervention and Long-Term Exercise
  62. Sport Management Institute for Leadership Excellence Management, Administration, Goverance
  63. Start Making It Iivable for Everyone
  64. Surround Me In Love Eternal Religion
  65. Sweet Memories In Lips Expression English, Horse, Love
  66. Sensory Motor Instructive Leadership Experience Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  67. Slideshow Maker In Linux Environment
  68. Specific Molecular Identification of Life Experiment
  69. Support Meaningful Involvement Love and Education Religion
  70. Sustaining Mechanism and Initiative for Livelihood and Employment Organization, Union, Institution
  71. Subjective Multidimensional Interactive Laughter Evaluation Medical, Physiology
  72. Significant Milestone Integration Lateral Evaluation
  73. Special Magic In Living Everyday City, Letter, Generator, Magic
  74. Serving Many In Life Everyday Religion
  75. Sustainability, Mobility, Innovation, Lifestyle and Economy Technology, City, Congress
  76. Showing Miracle In Little Effort Funny, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SMILE stand for?

    SMILE stands for Significant Milestone Integration Lateral Evaluation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Stanford Medicine Information Learning Environment?

    The short form of "Stanford Medicine Information Learning Environment" is SMILE.


SMILE. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from

Last updated