Smiley Abbreviations and Smiley Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Smiley terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 9 different Smiley abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Smiley terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Smiley Abbreviations
  1. BLBR : Bussi Links, Bussi Recats
  2. DWB : Dumm Wie Brot
  3. MDR : Morte Deirire
  4. SOBU : State of The Black Union
  5. STN : SchöNen Tag Noch
  6. FUDHUK : Fall Um Den Hals Und Knnddel
  7. RE : Rolling Eyes
  8. ROFL : Rolling Over The Floor Laughing
  9. ROTFL : Rolling Over The Floor Laughing
Latest Smiley Meanings
  1. Rolling Over The Floor Laughing
  2. Rolling Eyes
  3. Fall Um Den Hals Und Knnddel
  4. SchöNen Tag Noch
  5. State of The Black Union
  6. Morte Deirire
  7. Dumm Wie Brot
  8. Bussi Links, Bussi Recats