SMK Meaning

The SMK meaning is "Socialiniu Mokslu Kolegija". The SMK abbreviation has 61 different full form.

SMK Full Forms

  1. Socialiniu Mokslu Kolegija
  2. Sierra Match King Military, Ammo, Ammunition
  3. Sesuai Masa Kehamilan
  4. Smoke Smoke can be black, blue, white, yellow or brown in color. Black smoke is mainly comprised of carbon particulates (soot). Blue smoke indicates the presence of the products of the incomplete combustion of the fuel or lubricating oil. Technology, Science, Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Color, Colour, Exportation, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Transportation, Weather, Us Government, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services, NOTAM Contractions
  5. Sistem Maklumat Kakitangas
  6. Structured Meta-Knowledge Medical, Technology, Medicine, Linux
  7. Sudah Makan Kabur
  8. Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Program, Indonesia, Jakarta
  9. Sistem Maklumat Kastam
  10. St. Michael Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  11. Suck My Kiss
  12. Spitzgeschuss Mit Kern Military, German, Bullet
  13. Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Education, School, Malaysia
  14. Single Mit Kind
  15. Software Migration Kit Technology, Computer, Electronics, Software, Computing
  16. Subject Matter Knowledge Education, Teaching, Teacher
  17. Solo Manufaktur Kreasi Sport, Indonesia, Jakarta
  18. Sekolah Menegah Kebangsaan
  19. Sijil Modular Kebangiaan Business, Technology, Malaysia
  20. Stud Mount Kit
  21. Social Media Knowledge Media
  22. Iata Code for St. Michael Airport, St. Michael, Alaska, United States Locations
  23. Super Mario Kids
  24. Shree Motilal Kanhaiyilal
  25. Smiler Meget F
  26. Seri Mahkota Kelantan
  27. Sungai Maong Kuching
  28. Sekolah Menengah Kejuaruan
  29. Sistem Manajemen Kinerjv Technology, Indonesia, Training
  30. Super Mario Kart Gaming, Racing, Championship
  31. Sungai Maong, Kuching
  32. Sekolah Menengah Kejurusan Indonesia, Guru, Prose
  33. Strana Madarskej Koyl
  34. Server Motor Kit
  35. Party of Hungarian Coalition Politics, Governmental & Military
  36. Spitz Mit Kern
  37. Svenska Motor Klubben
  38. Semeyavia Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  39. Strana Madarskej KoalíCie Len, Ale, Ani
  40. Samahang May Kapansanan
  41. Shared Management Knowledge General, Governmental & Military
  42. Surface Mount Kit Technology, Product, Cabinet
  43. Stowarzyszenie Mionik
  44. System Multipurpose Key Technology, Security, Cyber, Governmental & Military
  45. Scarecrow and Mrs. King (Television show) Media
  46. Surface Mounting Kit Technology, Cabinet, Mount
  47. Storage Masrer Key
  48. System Management Kernel Technology
  49. Stone Mastic Kerosene Construction
  50. Skatens Museum for Kunst Art, Locations, Copenhagen
  51. Syn Mun Kong
  52. Structured Meta Knowledge Medical, Medicine, Healing
  53. Systemie Monitorowania KształCenia
  54. Smacker Compressed Movie File Computing, File Extensions
  55. Startersmotor Kit
  56. Swivel Mount Kit Technology, Screen, Touch
  57. Strana Maďarskej Komuxity
  58. Standar Mutu Kader
  59. St Michael Airport Iata Airport Codes
  60. Starter Motor Kits
  61. Swallow My Kids

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SMK stand for?

    SMK stands for Syn Mun Kong.

  2. What is the shortened form of Sijil Modular Kebangiaan?

    The short form of "Sijil Modular Kebangiaan" is SMK.


SMK. (2020, September 13). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated