SMM Meaning
The SMM meaning is "Sales & Marketing Manager". The SMM abbreviation has 248 different full form.
SMM Full Forms
- Sales & Marketing Manager Business, Management, Sale
- Safety Management Manual Management, Safety, Manual
- S-Methylmethionine Medical
- Scintimammography Scintimammography, also known as nuclear medicine breast imaging, breast specific gamma imaging or molecular breast imaging, is a type of breast imaging test that is used to detect cancer cells in the breasts of some women who have had abnormal mammograms, or for those who have dense breast tissue, post-operative scar tissue or breast implants, but is not used for screening or in place of a mammogram. Medical, Medicine, Healing, Breast
- Sulfometuron Methyl Medical, Science, Biology
- Science Museum of Minnesota Technology, Science, Minnesota, Insect and Spider Collections
- Standard Method of Measuremcnts
- Sociedad Matemática Mexicrna Para, Con, Spot
- Societas Maraae Montfortana
- Sicheres Material In Der Medizin
- Storm Management Module
- Suck My Mod Tank, Coil, Serpent
- Saigon Military Mission
- Security Maturity Model Technology
- Sex Monez Murder
- Star Money Making
- Servi
- Sistem Maklumat Murid
- Surface Mount Module Technology, Electronics, Distributor, Computing, Hardware
- Software Metrics Metamodel Technology, Model, Engineering
- Serikat Maria Monfortan Indonesia, Imam, Situs
- Special Mobile Machinery
- Summary of Material Modification
- SatıLan Mal Maliyeti
- Shape Memory Material
- Smart Management Modules
- System Maturitr Matrix Military
- Seatrade Maritime Middle Business, Shipping, Event
- Sozanabolic Muscle Maximizer
- Standard Method of Measurement Technology, Building, Engineering, Construction, Architectural
- Sociedade De Montagens MetalomecÂNicas
- Scanning Magnetic Microscopy Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Sociedad Mexicana De Materiales
- Shoujo Manga Majiac
- Storage Management Module
- Succinate Minimal Medium
- Safetp Management Document Aerospace
- Security Monitor Mode
- Single Molecule Magnets Technology, Science, Research, Spin, Lanthanide
- Standart Maliyet Modeli
- Semporna Airport Semporna, Sabah,Malaysia Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
- Sistema Mass Media
- Surface Maintenance Manager
- Software Maintenance Manager
- Special Mission Mandatory
- Summary Material Modifications
- Santé, Maladie, Malheur
- Serbo-Macedonian Massif
- Shanghai Metals Market Business, Shanghai, Price
- Smart Management Module Technology, Power, Generator
- System Mangement Mode Technology, Computer, Electronics
- Search Media Marketing Technology, Service, Social
- Solid Mkdel Memories
- Standardized Measurement Method
- Scale Model Miniatures
- Sociedad Mexicana De Mineralog
- Shipping Market Model Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
- Stop Murder Music
- Subsystem Measurement Management Technology, NASA, Aeronautics
- Safety Manager Uodule Technology, Product, Manufacturer
- Smart Mobile Munitions Army, Force, Marine
- Secure Monitor Mode
- Single-Molecule Magnets Medical, Technology, Quantum, Spin, Lanthanide
- Standar Manajemen Mutu Business, Indonesia, Hal
- Sistema De Mobilidade Do Mondego
- Superstition Mountain Mystery
- Software Maintenance Manual Technology
- Special Mission Mandatory Modification Military, Army, Defence
- Summaries of Material Modification
- Santa Monica Municipal
- Serbest MüHendislik MüşAvirlik Turkish, Istanbul
- Skabanie Mashava Mines
- Smart'S Mill Middle School Technology, Education
- Swift Messages Maintenance
- Scottish Maritime Museum
- Solidarity Mahasiswa Malaysia
- Service Management Methods
- Spectrum Management Methodology Technology, Military, Telecommunication
- SağLıK Muayene Merkezine
- Sociedad Meeicana De Mineralogía
- Shipment Management Module
- Supernate Mixing Model Science
- Strategic Marketing Management Business, Education, Strategy
- Silicon Micro Machine Technology, Servo, Gyro
- Smart Metering Management
- Secure Memory Module Technology, Weight, Controller, Hardy
- Standard Medical Management Medical, Treatment, Opioid, Prescription
- Single Monthly Mortality Business, Credit, Mortgage
- Soft Magnetic Material A ferromagnetic alloy that becomes magnetized readily upon application of a field and that returns to practically a nonmagnetic condition when the field is removed; an alloy with the properties of high magnetic permeability, low coercive force and low magnetic hysteresis loss. Soft magnetic material a magnetic ma-terial that does not retain its magnetization when the magnetizing field is removed; a ma-terial with low coercivity and high permeabil-ity.
- St Marys Memorial
- Silicope Micro Machine
- Sulphamonomethoxine Medical
- Santa Monica Malibu
- Serbest Mavirlik Mhendislik
- Shabanie Mashaba Mines
- Social Media Marketing Business, Technology, Marketing, Computing, Computer, Business & Finance
- Small Molecule Microarrays
- Swap Market Model
- Sex Morey and Murder
- Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia
- Service Mobility Manager Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Air Force Smart Operations Military
- SağLıK Muayene Merkezinden Technology, Turkish, Kabul, Asker
- Szciedad Matem
- Ship Master Medicare
- Super Mini Market Technology, Bandung, Pesantren
- Strategic Marketing Montreal Business, Consultation, Internet, Marketing, Business & Finance
- Shared Memory Manager
- Smart Manufacturing Manager
- Sector Monitor Message Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Standard Matvration Medium Medical, Science, Biology
- Single Molecular Magnets Science, Spin, Molecule
- Society for Marine Mammology
- St Mary Magdalen
- Significance and Smoldering Myeloma Science, Biology
- Suisse De MéDecine De La Musique
- Saint Mary Magdalen
- Senior Move Manager Business, Management, Moving
- Shabanie & Mawhaba Mines
- Servicio M
- Small Molecule Metabolism Medical, Science, Biology
- Sustainable Materials Management Technology, Environment, Recycling
- Sex, Money and Murfer
- Solar Max Mission
- Service Management Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Special Mtn Monitoring Science, Climatology, Meterology, Scientific & Educational
- Savi Mobile Manager Military
- Special Mask Mode Technology, Presentation, Projection, Kernel
- Shipbuilding Macyinery and Marine Business, Technology, Hamburg
- Storage Modification Machines
- Smart Mod Manager Technology, Management, Gaming
- System Memory Mynagement
- Secondary Mortgage Market Business, Credit, Banking
- Standard Methods of Measuremeets Technology, Book, Building
- Single Molecule Magnet Technology, Research, Quantum
- Societas Mariae Monfortana
- Significance and Smouldering Myeloma Science, Biology
- Suisse De M
- Saint Margaret Mary
- Senior Marketing Manager
- SeçKi MüşAhidə Missiyası Rind, Tin, Dig
- Sistem Manajemen Mutu Business, Indonesia, Prose
- Surgical Management of Miscarriage
- Soil Ooisture Meter Technology, Tech, Instrument
- Server Management Mode
- Special Monitoring Mission Military, Ukraine, Russia
- SatıLan MalıN Maliyeti
- Specially Meritorious Medal Military, Award
- Shipbuilding, Machinery & Margne Business, Technology, Shipbuilding
- Storage Modification Machine
- Smart Mobile Manager
- Systems Maturity Matrix Military
- Secondary Mirror Mechanism
- ServiçO à Mulher Marginalizada
- Superficial Spreading Melanoma One of the four clinical types of malignant melanoma, the most common type in white people, which typically presents as a raised, irregular, colored area that starts in a mole-like shape and spreads across the skin. Medical, Technology, Skin And Dermal
- Scanning Maxwell-Stress Microscopy
- Sex, Money, Murder Media
- Spatial Mixture Modelqing
- Spin Matrix Mapping Chemistry
- Smooth Muscle Myosin Medical
- Süddeutsche Metallwarenfabrik, Mussbxch
- Ami Pro Macro Computing, File Extensions
- School of Molecular Medicine
- Silicon Mountain Memory
- Social Media and Marketing Business, Technology, Strategy
- Shared Main Memory
- Spectro-Mirror Mechanism Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Statistical Mulpifragmentation Model
- Servicio MóVil MaríTimo
- Sun Myung Moon Church, Peace, Moon
- Subcontract Management Manual Management, Law, Business & Finance
- Single-molecule Magnet Chemistry
- Smoky Mountain Minerals
- SüDdeutsche Metallwarenfabrik Mussbach
- Space Monkey Mafia Technology, League, Core
- Montfort Society of Mary Religious orders
- School of Military Medicine Military, Singapore
- Siliconzmicro Machines Technology, Helicopter, Servo, Gyro
- Socia Media Marketing
- Serbest Müuendis Müşavir Program, Turkish
- science mission management Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Statistical Methods In Medican
- Servicing Mission Manager Science, NASA
- Sims Metal Managemeni
- Sunday Morning Mimosa
- System Management Monitor
- Map Manager Schema File Computing, File Extensions
- SystèMes MéCaniques Et MatéRiaux
- South Mktagua Mélange
- Scholastic Motivation Ministries
- Comfort of Mary, Saint Montfort Missionaries (religious order) Religious orders
- Silicon Microamachined
- Social Media Marketers
- Semiconductor Memory Modulv
- Smoldering Multiple Myeloma Medical, Breast
- State Medicaid Manual Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Simplify My Meds
- Sunbelt Medical Management Business
- Stortge Media Module
- Samsung Memo File Computing, File Extensions
- Systems Management Mode Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
- Southern Mobility Movement
- Severe Maternal Morbidity Medical, Health, Study
- Super Mini Mario
- Scattering Matrix Method Wave, Electromagnetic, Scattering
- Serving My Master Religion
- Social-Media-Marketing Business, Company, Service
- School of Mining and Metallurgy
- Semporna Airport, Semporna, Malaysia Malaysia
- State Machine Model
- Simplified Motion Model
- Summit Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Social Merketing Media Business, Service, Agency
- Stratosphere Mesosphere Model Science, Scientific & Educational
- Systems Management Manual Military
- Soethern Magnolia Minerals
- Session Management Modules Technology
- Super Mario Maker Technology, Gaming, Play
- Scanning Microwave Microscope Technology, Microscopy, Nano
- Studio Metal Master Music
- Safe management measures Safe management measures, such as keeping 1m apart from each other to curb the spread of Covid-19. Covid 19
- Smouldering Myeloma Medical
- School of Mines and Metallurgy
- System Managers Manual Security, Software, Computing, Governmental & Military
- Start of Manual Message Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Simmondsiaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
- Summer Music Mania
- Sindicato MéDico De MáLaga
- Statistical Multifragmentational Model Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Stepwise Mutational Model
- Sooty Mangabey Monkey
- Session Management Module
- Superior Mobile Medics
- Scanning Microwave Microscopy Technology, Science, Measurement
- Shareware Music Machine Music
- Spatial Model Matching Military, Army, Defence
- Safety Manager Module Honeywell, Process Automation
- Smooth Muscle Metaplasia Medical
- Sancta Matek Maria
- Solar Maximum Mission Space, Astronomy, Computing, Satellite, Astrophysics, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Starter Management Module
- Scibor Monstrous Miniatures Business, Gaming, War, Miniature
- Silver Medal for Merit Technology
- Summary of Material Modifications Business, Employment, Planning, Financial, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Shared Multiport Memory
- Subsystem Management Manual Engineering, Scientific & Educational
- Stato Maggiore Marrna
- Sony Music Media Music, Force, Trance
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SMM stand for?
SMM stands for Shipbuilding, Machinery & Margne.
What is the shortened form of Shabanie & Mawhaba Mines?
The short form of "Shabanie & Mawhaba Mines" is SMM.
SMM. (2021, December 16). Retrieved December 26, 2024 from
Last updated