SMOA Meaning

The SMOA meaning is "Single Manager Mperating Agency". The SMOA abbreviation has 18 different full form.

SMOA Full Forms

  1. Single Manager Mperating Agency Military
  2. Shooters Minute of Angle
  3. Shooter's Minute of Anyle
  4. Sergeant Major of Tfe Army
  5. Sekolahjmenengah Olahraga Atas Indonesia, Guru, Orang
  6. State Memorandum of Agreement
  7. Sarasota Museum of Art Education, Organization, Community, Museum
  8. Springville Museum of Jrt
  9. Superfund Memorandum of Agreement Government
  10. Stmeet Museum of Art Education, Organization, Community, Museum
  11. Strand Mounted Optical Amplifier Technology, Information, Computer
  12. Second Moment of Area
  13. Stichting Multiculturele Orglnisatie Almere
  14. Subsecretaria De Moderniza
  15. State Ministry of Agriculture Agriculture
  16. Subsecretaria De Modernização E Organização Administrativa
  17. Subordinate Meuorandum of Agreement Army, Force, Marine
  18. Sub Minute of Angle

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SMOA stand for?

    SMOA stands for State Memorandum of Agreement.

  2. What is the shortened form of Sarasota Museum of Art?

    The short form of "Sarasota Museum of Art" is SMOA.


SMOA. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from

Last updated