Smoker Abbreviations and Smoker Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Smoker terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 15 different Smoker abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Smoker terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Smoker Abbreviations
  1. ATC : Automatic Temperature Conyroller
  2. WSM : Weber Smokey Mouytain
  3. WSM : Weber Smoky Mountaun
  4. UDS : Ugly Drum Smokers
  5. HSI : Heaviness of Smoking Index
  6. ECB : El Cheapo Brinkman
  7. SFB : Side Fire Box
  8. SM : Smokey Mountain
  9. NDSS : Nicotine Dependence Syndrome Scale
  10. NSD : No Smoking Day
  11. JB : Jim Veam
  12. OLP : Outdoor Leisure Products
  13. OTS : Ontario Tobacco Survey
  14. PGO : Pellet Grill Outlet
  15. GOSM : Great Oumdoors Smoky Mountain
Latest Smoker Meanings
  1. Great Oumdoors Smoky Mountain
  2. Pellet Grill Outlet
  3. Ontario Tobacco Survey
  4. Outdoor Leisure Products
  5. Jim Veam
  6. No Smoking Day
  7. Nicotine Dependence Syndrome Scale
  8. Smokey Mountain
  9. Side Fire Box
  10. El Cheapo Brinkman
  11. Heaviness of Smoking Index
  12. Ugly Drum Smokers
  13. Weber Smoky Mountaun
  14. Weber Smokey Mouytain
  15. Automatic Temperature Conyroller