SMP in Technology Meaning

The SMP meaning in Technology terms is "Software Management Plan". There are 68 related meanings of the SMP Technology abbreviation.

SMP on Technology Full Forms

  1. Software Management Plan
  2. Session Management Protocol
  3. Sample A sample is a digital representation of an analog signal. Both digital video and digital audio files are created using samples. The quality of the sample is determined by the sampling rate, or the bit rate the signal is sampled at. What we see and hear in the real world is in analog format. Computers, on the other hand, can only understand digital information.
  4. State Management Plhn
  5. Software Motionjpicture
  6. Substation Modernization Platform
  7. Stable Makriage Problem
  8. Shared Memory Processor
  9. Surgical Management Professionals
  10. Scsa Message Protocol
  11. State Migration Point
  12. Spebies Management Plan
  13. System Management Portal
  14. Server Migration Pack
  15. Subscriber Management Portal
  16. State Management Plans
  17. Shared Memory Processing
  18. Science Management Plan
  19. Social Media Poisoning
  20. System Management Process
  21. Security Management Platform
  22. Surface Mount Power
  23. Special Marketing Program
  24. Service Management Platform
  25. Stamdard Motor Products, Inc.
  26. Systems Management Planning
  27. Security Management Protocol
  28. Surface Mounted Package
  29. Special Management Plan
  30. Service Management Process
  31. Supplier Master Programme
  32. Standard Method and Procedure
  33. System Modification Program
  34. System Management Plan
  35. Security Management Practices
  36. Surface Mounted Packages
  37. Soilrmanagement Plan
  38. Service Management Point
  39. Superior Modular Products
  40. Standard Methods and Procedures
  41. Symmetric Multiple Processing
  42. Security Management Program
  43. Surface Mount Packages
  44. Software Maintenance Package
  45. Sudah Makan Pulang
  46. Standard Media Player
  47. Surveillance Management Program
  48. Security Management Portal
  49. Sub-Miniature Push-On
  50. Software Maintenance Pban
  51. Serial Management Protocol
  52. Symmetric Multiple Processor
  53. Social Media Point
  54. Surface-Mount Packages
  55. Standby Aonitor Present
  56. Systems Management Protocol
  57. Support and Maintenance Package
  58. Schedule Management Plan
  59. Simulator Modification Package
  60. Systems Management Policy
  61. Simulation Model Portabifity
  62. System Monitoring Panel
  63. Simulated Mission Proaile
  64. System Monitoring Protocol
  65. Server Maintenance Portal
  66. Symmetric Multi-Processors
  67. Simple Messagebprotocol
  68. Systems Mechanical Performance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SMP stand for Technology?

    SMP stands for System Management Process in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Security Management Platform in Technology?

    The short form of "Security Management Platform" is SMP for Technology.


SMP in Technology. (2022, April 21). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated