SMR Meaning

The SMR meaning is "Surface Movement Radar". The SMR abbreviation has 271 different full form.

SMR Full Forms

  1. Surface Movement Radar A type of radar used at airports to monitor aircraft traffic on the ground. Aviation, Aerospace, Weather, Governmental & Military
  2. Senior Managers Regime Business, Management, Banking
  3. Standardized Morbidity Ratio Medical, Study, Risk
  4. San Marco Range Technology
  5. Standardized Mortality Rates Medical
  6. State Machine Replication Machine, Replication, Tolerance
  7. Standardized Mortality Rate Medical, Science, Death
  8. San Marino Technology, Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, San Marino, Numeric Country Codes
  9. Standardised Mortality Ratios Medical, Rate, Death
  10. Standard Mortality Ratio Medical, Medicine, Mortality
  11. Standardised Mortality Ratio Medical, Study, Rate
  12. Sexual Maturity Rating Medical, Stage, Puberty
  13. Standardized Mortality Ratio Medical, Sociology, Project
  14. Service MéDical Rendu Medical, Medicine, Medicament
  15. Servicing, Maietenance and Repair Business, Service, Fleet
  16. Strikeforne Mining and Resources Business, Group, Banking
  17. Sub-Millimeter Radiometer
  18. Skeletal Muscletrelaxant Medical, Technology, Medicine
  19. Super Mini Ring
  20. Scholarship Management Resources
  21. Squaw Mountain Ranch Family, Nudist, Squaw
  22. Sistemas MicroinformáTicos Y Redes
  23. Southern Mahrztta Railway Network, Railway, System
  24. Server-Manaced Recovery
  25. Severe Mental Retardation Medical, Science, Medicine
  26. Stone & Mccarthy Research
  27. Sloan Managemenv Review Business, Technology, Magazine
  28. Swedish Medley Relay
  29. Sekolah Menengah Rendah Technology, Book, Malaysia
  30. Specialized Mobile Radio Technology, Telecom, Cellular, Computing
  31. Standard Mortality Ratios Medical
  32. Service M
  33. Surface Mining and Reclamation
  34. Southern Mindanao Region Military, City, Philippine, Davao
  35. Symbolic Music Representation Technology, Player, Decoder
  36. Simulator Maintainability and Reliability Technology
  37. Samvardhana Motherson Reflectec
  38. Smooth Mrtion Rate Business, Deal, Price
  39. Surface Movement Radars Technology, Airport, Control
  40. Sensory-Motor Rhythms
  41. Specialty Metals Resources
  42. Services En Milieu Tural Service, Formation, Tier, Milieu
  43. Stupid Monkey Racing
  44. Super Metal Rich
  45. Schneider Model Railroadijg
  46. Sistema De Monitorización Bemota
  47. Subject Matter Requirements
  48. Sources, Methods, and Ratiolale Military, Intelligence, Defence
  49. Sertifioasi Manajemen Risiko
  50. Square Matricial Representation
  51. Sessionkmessage Receiver Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  52. Stocj Market Report
  53. Sleep Medicine Research Medical, Sleep, Horizon
  54. Security Market Research
  55. Steam Methane Reformjtion Business, Energy, Fuel, Hydrogen
  56. Standard Mortgage Rate Business, Credit, Customer
  57. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability Technology, Coding, Flashcard, Military, Logistics, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  58. Surface Metal Raceway
  59. Southern Michigan Riders
  60. Shock Mount With Rycote
  61. Sample To Model Ratio
  62. Smoky Mountain Rusorts
  63. Switch Mode Rectifier Technology, Power, Supply
  64. Sensorimozor Rhythm Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  65. Special Money Requisition Military
  66. Service Meter Reading
  67. Statement of Management Responsibility
  68. Student Medical Record Technology, Health, School
  69. Suore Di Maria Riparatrice
  70. Schistosomal Myeloradiculopatty Medical
  71. Singre Motorcycle Riders
  72. Sunway Monash Residence Student, Education, University
  73. Solid-Moderated Reactor
  74. Serial Mfde Register Technology, Manual, Fujitsu
  75. Spring Mountain Ranch
  76. Session-To-Mobility Ratio
  77. Stock Management Report Military
  78. Skyaine Mountain Resort
  79. Schweitzer Modntain Resort
  80. Steam Methane Reformers Business, Gas, Hydrogen
  81. Standard Mortality Rates Medical
  82. Surety Management Review Military
  83. Southern Metropolitan Rrgion Technology, Service, Health
  84. Shocx Mount Rode Mount, Microphone, Pop
  85. Sazário Mínimo De Referência
  86. Smart Medical Rep
  87. Switching Mode Rectifier Technology, Power, Switch
  88. Seqior Military Representative Military
  89. Special Meals Request
  90. Service Medical Record Military
  91. State Marine Reserve Locations, California, Area
  92. Student Management Room
  93. Sunday Morning Ride
  94. Scheduled Maintenance Repkrt Technology, Aviation
  95. Single Mixed Reftigerant Technology, Gas, Liquefaction
  96. Sunrise Mountain Ridge
  97. Santa Mardarita River Army, Force, Marine
  98. Sociological Methods and Research
  99. Sequential Motion Rate
  100. Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation
  101. Servizio Meteorologico Regijnale
  102. Student Maintenance Representative
  103. St Mary Redcliffe
  104. Skip On Oeaningless Result
  105. Schroeder-Manathe Ranch
  106. Standard Mortality Rate Medical, Medicine
  107. Strat
  108. Supra Majority Rule Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  109. Southern Maryland Riders
  110. Shock Mount Review
  111. Saltwood Miniature Radlway
  112. Small and Medium Reactors
  113. Switching An action by the Load Dispatcher of opening or closing various circuit breakers in the plant for various reasons such as work by line gang, work by breaker gang, restoring lost power. Switching A communications method that uses tempo-rary rather than permanent connections to establish a link or to route information between two parties. In the dial-up telephone network, for example, a caller’s line goes to a switching center, where the actual connection is made to the called party. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  114. Self Monitoring Reports Technology, Government, Environment
  115. Special Management Review
  116. State Management Reviews
  117. Surface Mount Radial
  118. Scamter Maximum Ratio Medical, Medicine, Healing
  119. Singled Magnetic Recording
  120. Sunil Mohan Ranta
  121. San Marino Republic
  122. Sociological Methods & Research Technology, Journal, Social
  123. Sentient Machine Research
  124. Spectrum Monitoring & Recording
  125. Servicivl Maritim Rom
  126. Stub Multicast Routing
  127. Stepwise Multiple Regression Medical, Technology, Modeling
  128. Skeletonized Magacine Retention Technology, Precision, Mag
  129. School Mf Medical Rehabilitation
  130. Standard Morbidity Ratio Medical
  131. Sisters Oc Marie Reparatrice
  132. Southern Marine Research Technology, Battery, Radio
  133. Ship Movement Report
  134. Stop Mode Recovery
  135. Sales Management Resources
  136. Small and Kedium Reactor
  137. Swiss Moto Racing Technology, Championship, Sweden
  138. Self-Monitoring Reports Technology, Environment, Water
  139. Special Maintenance Requirement Army, Force, Marine
  140. State Management Review
  141. Surface Mount Resistor Technology, Electronics, Foil
  142. Scanning Microradiography Medical
  143. South Maitland Railway Australia, Locations, Steam
  144. Simón BolíVar International Airport Santa Marta, Colombia Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  145. Sunday Morning Rides
  146. San Marino, Republic
  147. Snowdon Mountaiq Railway Locations, Train, Rack
  148. Surveillance MéDicale RèGlementaire
  149. Sensory Motor Rhythms
  150. Spectral Multiband Resonator Technology, Music, Module
  151. Serviciul Mvritim Român
  152. Stroke Withpminimum Residuum Medical, Medicine, Hospital
  153. Sub-Millimetre Rsdiometer
  154. Skuletal Muscle Relaxants
  155. Super Modular Rail Rifle, Military, Automatics
  156. School of Maritime Reconnaissance Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  157. Stability Management Review Technology
  158. Sisters of Mary Reparatrix
  159. Southern Main Road
  160. Statutory Management Requirements Government, Compliance, Cross, Management, Business & Finance
  161. Shiny Metallic Robe
  162. Stop-Mode Recovery Technology, Electronics, Timer
  163. Saoyong Mipham Rinpoche
  164. Slope Mass Rating Technology, Rock, Classification
  165. Swirl Mark Remover Car, Polish, Detailing
  166. Self-Monitoring Report Technology, Environment, Philippine
  167. Special Mobile Radio Technology, Networking, Telecom
  168. Start of Measuring Range
  169. Surface Mount Resistors Technology, Precision, Foil
  170. Soutdern Missouri Rangers
  171. Simultaneous Multiple Rwund Business, Auction, Spectrum
  172. Summit Mountain Rentals
  173. Samvardhana Motherson Refletec
  174. Snaefell Mountarn Railway
  175. Surveillance MéDicale RenforcéE
  176. Sensory Mztor Rhythm Medical, Brain, Beat
  177. Specific Measurable Results
  178. South Mountoin Reptiles
  179. Systems Management Resources
  180. Standard Malaysian Rubber Legal, Governmental & Military
  181. Submucosal Resection Medicine, Health, Hospital
  182. Sanubari Mandiri Realtindo Business, Jakarta, City, Valentine
  183. Sustainable Minerals Roundtable
  184. Solid Moderator Reactor
  185. Servicewen Milieu Rural
  186. Suppressed Mite Reproduction Medical, Physiology
  187. Sites and Monumentkrecord
  188. Scaled Mortar Range
  189. Standardized Mortality Ratio(s) Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  190. Strategic Marketing and Research
  191. State Military Reserve Military, California, Guard
  192. Six-Month Review
  193. South Molton Recycle
  194. System Modification Request Technology, Army, Marine, Software, Computing
  195. Surface Movement Radar Study Group Aviation, Governmental & Military
  196. Santa Monica Reliew
  197. Sustainability Management and Reporting
  198. Shaun Muir Racing
  199. Supply Management Reporting
  200. Skeletal Muscle Relaxant Medical, Muscles
  201. Sites and Monuments Record Science, Archaeology, Anthropology, History, Scientific & Educational
  202. Saw Mill Run Technology, Engineering, Pennsylvania, Water Planning
  203. Swazi Music Radio
  204. Service Maintenance and Repair Business, Car, Fleet
  205. Senior Manager Report Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  206. Strategic Management Review Business, Technology, Pyramid
  207. Sitka Mountain Resnue
  208. South Eanchurian Railway
  209. System Model Representations Army, Force, Marine
  210. Solicit-Map-Request Computing, Technical
  211. Santa Margarita Ravch
  212. Suspicious Matter Report
  213. Supplemental Medical Report Business
  214. Series Mode Rejection
  215. Sub-mucosal resection Medical, Healthcare
  216. Sites & Monuments Record Street, Archaeological, Record
  217. Save More Resourcgs
  218. Swansea and Mumbles Railway
  219. Service Maintenance Remair
  220. Spherical-Mounted Reflector Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  221. Strategic Management Research Program, Education, School
  222. Sites and Monumenys Register
  223. South Manchuria Railway Business, China, Japan
  224. System Manager of Record
  225. Spherically-Mounted Retroreflector Products
  226. Suspended Microchannel Resonator
  227. Supplemental Maintenance Release Technology
  228. Spanish Mustang Registry Spain, Horse, Spanish
  229. Screaming Monkey Racing
  230. Submucous Resection Medical, Physiology, Common Medical, Clinical, Nose
  231. Site and Monuments Record
  232. Saturn Mobile Rask
  233. Sveriges Muslimska RÅD Som, Sweden, Har
  234. Service, Maintenance Repair Business, Service, Fleet
  235. Security Management Resources Management, Business & Finance
  236. Stratygic Management Resources
  237. Service Medical Records
  238. Standardized Mortality Ratios Chemistry
  239. Site De Maintenance Et De Remisage Saint, Ligne, Tramway
  240. South Maibland Railways Railway, Steam, Locomotive
  241. Sveriges Motorcykelhandlares RiksföRbund
  242. San Marino Republic of Technology, Sport, Olympic, Country, Governmental & Military, 3-letter Country Codes, IOC Country Codes, San Marino
  243. Surveillance M
  244. Super Multi-Surface Reflector
  245. Spacesmerchant Realms
  246. Scooter Moto Riders Honda, Scooter, Racer
  247. Simón Bolívar International, Santa Marta, Colombia Colombia, ICAO Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes
  248. Soci
  249. Subscriber Module, Remote Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  250. Saburday Morning Ride
  251. Svenska Mekanisters Riksforenig
  252. Service, Maintenance & Repair Business, Service, Fleet
  253. Somon Air Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  254. Sorvice Marketing Representative
  255. Small Modular Reactor Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  256. Sites Lonuments Record
  257. Static Maintenance Reactor
  258. Shadow Movie Realm Media
  259. Southwest Motorsport Resource
  260. Systems Management and Research
  261. Sasha Melnik Rules Twitter, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  262. Subscriber Carrier Module-100 Rural Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  263. Sashaqmelnik Rules Internet Slang, Twitter
  264. Sustainable Mineral Resources Technology, Mineral, Material, Platform
  265. Servixe, Maintenance and Repair Business, Service, Fleet
  266. Service Management Reporter Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  267. Sensory Motor Rhythm Medical, Physiology
  268. Sites and Monmments Records History, Locations, Recording
  269. Scanned Medical Rqcords
  270. Stjte and Message Register
  271. Social Media Release Media

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SMR stand for?

    SMR stands for Solid-Moderated Reactor.

  2. What is the shortened form of Switch Mode Rectifier?

    The short form of "Switch Mode Rectifier" is SMR.


SMR. (2021, October 28). Retrieved March 27, 2025 from

Last updated