SMR in Technology Meaning

The SMR meaning in Technology terms is "San Marco Range". There are 43 related meanings of the SMR Technology abbreviation.

SMR on Technology Full Forms

  1. San Marco Range
  2. San Marino
  3. Switching An action by the Load Dispatcher of opening or closing various circuit breakers in the plant for various reasons such as work by line gang, work by breaker gang, restoring lost power. Switching A communications method that uses tempo-rary rather than permanent connections to establish a link or to route information between two parties. In the dial-up telephone network, for example, a caller’s line goes to a switching center, where the actual connection is made to the called party.
  4. Special Mobile Radio
  5. Serial Mfde Register
  6. Skeletonized Magacine Retention
  7. Swiss Moto Racing
  8. Specialized Mobile Radio
  9. Self Monitoring Reports
  10. Symbolic Music Representation
  11. Stop-Mode Recovery
  12. Skeletal Muscletrelaxant
  13. Source, Maintenance, and Recoverability
  14. Southern Metropolitan Rrgion
  15. Self-Monitoring Reports
  16. Stepwise Multiple Regression
  17. Single Mixed Reftigerant
  18. Surface Mount Resistor
  19. Southern Marine Research
  20. Self-Monitoring Report
  21. Surface Movement Radars
  22. Student Medical Record
  23. Simulator Maintainability and Reliability
  24. Surface Mount Resistors
  25. Sociological Methods & Research
  26. Sekolah Menengah Rendah
  27. Switch Mode Rectifier
  28. Stability Management Review
  29. Sessionkmessage Receiver
  30. Slope Mass Rating
  31. Scheduled Maintenance Repkrt
  32. Switching Mode Rectifier
  33. Spectral Multiband Resonator
  34. Sloan Managemenv Review
  35. Saw Mill Run
  36. System Modification Request
  37. Strategic Management Review
  38. Supplemental Maintenance Release
  39. Sustainable Mineral Resources
  40. Subscriber Module, Remote
  41. San Marino Republic of
  42. Service Management Reporter
  43. Subscriber Carrier Module-100 Rural

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SMR stand for Technology?

    SMR stands for Serial Mfde Register in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Subscriber Module, Remote in Technology?

    The short form of "Subscriber Module, Remote" is SMR for Technology.


SMR in Technology. (2021, October 28). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from

Last updated