SMRT Meaning

The SMRT meaning is "Signal Message Rate Timing". The SMRT abbreviation has 34 different full form.

SMRT Full Forms

  1. Signal Message Rate Timing Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  2. Smart Snappy, seamanlike; a smart ship is an efficient one. Organizations, Vehicle Makes
  3. Single-Molecule Real-Time Science, Bioscience, Sequencing
  4. Substance Misuse Research Team
  5. Sampling Modeling and Research Technology
  6. Silencing Mediator of Retinoic and Thyroid
  7. Sub Megabase Resolution Tiling
  8. Safety On The Mass Rapid Transit
  9. Silencing Mediator for Retinoid and Thyroid Media
  10. Single Molecule, Real Time
  11. Stein Mart, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  12. Signal Management and Retiming Tool Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  13. Single Molecule Real-Time Science, Bioscience, Sequencing
  14. Southern Marlins Racing Team
  15. Seoul Metropolitan Rapid Transit Organizations, Corporation, Seoul
  16. Single Molecule, Real-Time Science, Sequencing, Molecule
  17. Section for Magnetic Resonance Technologists of The International Society for Magnetic Resonance In Medical, Technology
  18. Single Molecule Real Time Science, Bioscience, Sequencing
  19. Section for Magnetic Resonance Technologists Medical, Science, Medicine, Education
  20. Sub-Megabase Resolution Tiling
  21. Spontaneous Muscle Release Technique Medical, Therapy, Massage, Therapist
  22. Story Memory Recall Test
  23. Special Medical Response Team
  24. Stoic Mindfulness and Resilience Training Education, Philosophy, Stoicism
  25. Southern Maryland Rapid Transit
  26. State Medical Response Team
  27. Singapore Mass Rapid Transit Transportation, Governmental & Military
  28. State Medical Review Team
  29. Singapore Metro Rail Transit Transportation, Governmental & Military
  30. Swaledxle Mountain Rescue Team Organizations, Style, Yorkshire
  31. Standard Minimum Rules for The Treatment
  32. Stein Mart, Inc. Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  33. Surface-Mount and Reflow Tnchnology Technology, Telecom
  34. Sport Management, Recreation, and Tourism

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does SMRT stand for?

    SMRT stands for Single Molecule Real Time.

  2. What is the shortened form of State Medical Review Team?

    The short form of "State Medical Review Team" is SMRT.


SMRT. (2020, August 29). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from

Last updated