SN Meaning
The SN meaning is "Snatch". The SN abbreviation has 483 different full form.
SN Full Forms
- Snatch Fairlead or thumb cleat having a spring strip across the mouth. Sport, Workout, Crossfit
- Subscriber Number Microsoft, Technology, Computing, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Second Nature Business, Product, Music
- Simple Nebwork
- Safety Nzt Business, Product, Netting
- Special Needs Science, Education, Children, Medical, Disability
- Smbscriber Network Technology
- Scrub Nurse Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Silkonaturals Makeup, Silk, Naturals
- Sucramento Northern Organizations, Locations, Railway
- Specialuneed
- Standardsjnorway Business, Technology, Norway
- Scott Niedermayer Sport, Hockey, Card
- Standard Deviation A statistical quantity used to describe the variation of a measurable attribute about some average value. A deployment of the IBM Endpoint Manager that applies to workgroups and to enterprises with a single administrative domain. It is intended for a setting in which all Client computers have direct access to a single internal server. The standard deviation is a statistical measure of precision. Medical, Agriculture, Disability, Computing, Telecom, Rail Transport, Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, Common Medical, Fda, Federal Aviation Administration, NANP Modeling Commitee
- Side Note Forum, Technology, Love
- Sacratento News
- Svuth Neighbor
- Sitb Navigation
- Standard Numler Business, Technology, Component
- Scope Notes Technology, Library, Structure
- Supermarket News Business, Food, Retail
- Short Kotice
- Servicio Nacionaf
- Southern Nevada
- Single Node Technology, Database, Server
- Stabroek News
- Scope Note The component of a classification system that describes the functions, uses and content of the records that are to be classified together, in Administrative Records Classification System and Operational Records Classification Systems, each primary has a scope note. A scope note describes the administrative or operational function to which the records relate and provides a general statement about the record types and media covered. Technology, Science, Relationship
- Suln Textile
- Short Normal Medical, Science, Porn, Oil
- Supernova A supernova is a cataclysmic explosion caused when a star exhausts its fuel and ends its life. Supernovae are the most powerful forces in the universe. All of the heavy elements were created in supernova explosions. Science, Astronomy, Celestial Object, Scientific & Educational
- Source Name Technology, Education, Server
- Singlejneedle Medical
- Sample Number Technology, Research, Control, Projection, NANP Modeling Commitee
- Sports Network
- Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta Medical
- Shopping News
- Space Network Technology, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Legal, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Sine Nomine Science, Libraries, Books, Latin, Geographic
- Salzburger Nachrichten Austria, Salzburg, Newspaper
- Splanchnic Nerve Medical, Medicine, Health
- Senior Navigator Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Status Number Technology, Internet Slang
- Sanguis Novus
- Shamoun & Normao
- Solitary Tract Nucleus Medical, Physiology
- Scientific Network Ordnance Survey
- Spontaneous Ocular Nystagmus Medical
- Sioux Narrows
- Steel Net
- Sodium Nitrite Medical, Food Additives
- Storage Nodes
- Short North
- Self-Neutralizing
- Suprasternal Notch Medical, Medicine, Hospital, Physiology
- Sports Night Internet Slang, Archive, Episode
- Iso Country Code for Republic of Senegal Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Sensor Nojes Technology, Networking, Node
- Switch Number
- Slot Number Technology, Server, Disk
- Satellite Navigation Navigation, and the instruments for it, by receiving and measuring signals from artificial satellites orbiting the earth. Business, Shipping, Chartering, Shipping Industry, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Aircraft, Car, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration, Hardware, IT Terminology
- Strong Normalization Logic, Lambda, Normalization, Substitution
- Southern Nationalist
- Seat Nipple Gas, Tubing, Offshore Gas Industry, Electrical
- Structural Numbers
- Survey Networks
- Situation Normal Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Standard National Technology, English, Russia
- Samahang Nayon
- Shipping Notice Business, Technology, Product
- Service Nodes Technology, Networking, Node
- Signal-Noise
- Spectrum Naturals
- Simon Nitinol Medical
- Safer Neighbourhood
- Sergei Nikolaevich
- Syndrome NéPhrotique
- Snow Neve
- Scholastic News
- Steve Nelson
- Soviet Navy Military, Russia, Ship
- Seed Number
- Subjective Norm Theory, Behavior, Attitude
- Sendor National
- State Number
- Sang Nguyen
- Settemsre Nero
- Solitary Nucleus Medical, Medicine, Health
- Scientific Name
- Spinal Nerve One of the 31 pairs of nerves originating from the spinal cord. It leaves the vertebral column by two roots and contains both motor and sensory components. At the point of exit between two vertebrae the spinal nerve is susceptible to compression trauma which may cause pain, paralysis or numbness at points distal to the site of the lesion. Medical, Medicine, Health
- Sinus Xode Medical, Medicine, Heart
- Steeler Nation
- SociéTé De NéPhrologie
- Shona Technology, Information Technology, Locations, Language Codes
- Storage Node Technology, Patent, Backup
- Short Neck Product, Light, Bulb, Neck
- Selection Negativity Medical, Brain, Attention, Feature
- Supramedullary Neurons Medical
- Sports Nutrition
- Statutes of Newfoundland
- Sentor Node Technology, Networking, Wireless
- Switch Node Technology, Networking, Network
- Slot No
- Satan Net
- Stromal Nodule Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Southern Nations Locations, Ethiopia, Region, Regional
- Seating Nipple A machined profile in a heavy wall short tubing section that allows a plug to be set and the seal on the plug to effectively isolate the well. Technology, Production, String, Gas
- Structural Notation Military
- Survey Nail
- Sisters Network
- Standardization News
- Salvation Now
- Service Networks Technology, Networking, Switch
- Sigmoidvneobladder Medical
- Stall Nurse Medical, Medicine, Hospital, Profession
- Simon Nicol
- Safer Neighbourhoods Locations, Team, Police
- Serenity Now
- Synchronization Node Military, Army, War
- Snow Precipitation composed of white or translucent ice crystals, chiefly in complex branched hexagonal forms. Technology, Science, Aviation, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
- Schneider National Technology, Driving, Organizations, Truck, Railroad Company
- Steve Nash
- Sovereign Nation
- Security National
- Subb-E-Nau
- Senegal Nic
- State Networks
- Samyutta Nikaya Book, Buddhism, Buddhist
- Set Neck
- Solid North
- Sciences Naturelles Science, Education, English, Math
- Signay Node Technology
- Spicy Nights
- Sinus Nerve Medical
- Serial Nos
- Sociedade Nacional
- Storage News
- Short Name Technology, Service, Server, Class
- Seine Net Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
- Support Node
- Sport Nutrition
- Solid Neutral
- Sensor Networks Technology, Networking, Wireless
- Slot Neighbor
- Sasterwan Negara
- Sheet Numbvr
- Something New Technology, Gaming, Sex, Adult
- Scott Nichols
- Stroud News
- Surrounded Nucleolus Medical, Science, Biology
- Sistemul Național
- Standardiseringen I Norge
- Service Network
- Strategic National
- Sdgma Nu
- Stain Nickel Business, Door, Lock
- Simon Ng
- Saddle Node
- Serengeti National
- Synaptic Neuron
- Sluroy Nebulization
- Schmvdt-Newtonians Astronomy, Telescope, Mount
- Steric Number A number that describes the number of bonds + the number of lone pairs of electrons on an atom. Bond, Education, Electron
- Souveraineté Nationale
- Securities Number Business, Accounting, Finance
- Sub-National
- Server Node
- Statement of Need Service, Military, Army, Governmental & Military
- Samyutta Nik
- Session Sumber
- Specialty-Natural
- Sciences De La Nature
- Signal To Noise Technology, Ratio, Astronomical Instrument
- Spi
- Sintagma Nominal Para, Presentation, Con
- Serial No Forum, Technology, Model
- SĄDu NajwyĘSzego Art, Jest, Jak
- Sociedad De Naciones
- Schottky-Nxrdheim
- Storage Networks
- Shop Notes
- Seine-Normandie
- Super Neighborhood
- Sport Nedjeljom
- Sensorineural Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Sole Nero
- Stationary Node
- Sasterawan Negara Malaysia, Novel, Dewan
- Shared Nothqng Technology, Database, Architecture
- Somchai Nimnuan
- Sclerema Neonatorum Medical, Medicine, Hospital
- Stronnictwo Narodowe Government, National, Polish, Ski
- Surg Neurol
- Siseema Nervoso Medical, Para, Dos, Power
- Stamp News
- Service Negotiation Technology, Networking, Network
- Straight Neck Business, Guitar, Saxophone
- Siewnik Nabutowany Agriculture, Agro, Sowing
- Silver Nugget
- Spray Nozzle
- Sacramento Northern Railway Organizations, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Sequential Number
- Symbol Number
- Slgw Neutron
- Schmidt-Newtonian Space, Astronomy, Study, Telescope, Mount, Cosmos
- Steni Nature
- South Norwood
- Secondary Nominal Technology, Electronics, Circuit, Transducer
- Stînga Nistruiui
- Serum Neutralization Medical, Vaccine, Vanguard
- State, No
- Sam Nicholson
- Servinu Nodes
- Special Notices
- Science Notebook Education, Server, Presentation
- Signal-To-Noise Technology, Military, Army, Power, Defence, Ratio, Aviation, Legal, Governmental & Military, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Speleo Nederland
- Simply Numbers
- Serial Number Transportation, Astronomy, Us Government, General, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Military, Federal Aviation Administration, NASA
- SĄD NajwyĘSzy
- Social Norm
- School Nutritioo
- Storage Network
- Shoku Nihongi
- Seguridad Nacional Para, Con, Venezuela
- Substrdte Network
- Spot News
- Senior Night
- Soldiers Nightmare
- Static Neighbor
- Sarojini Naidu Medical, College, Education
- Shared-Nothing Technology, Database, Architecture
- Solvent Neutral Business, Base, Oil
- Scientific Note
- Stronnictwa Narodowego Jest, Jak, Ski
- Surgical Nurse
- Sistemaknervioso Para, Presentation, Con
- Stambaugh Ness Business, Service, Leadership, Ness
- Service Name
- Stores Naval
- Sierra November Flight, Aircraft, Track
- Slit Nozzle
- Spotter Network Technology, Networking, Locations
- Sachem North
- Sequencing and Navigation Technology, Learning, Environment
- Sydney To New
- Szow Negativity Medical
- Schlepperwerk Nordhausen
- Stem Nematode
- South North
- Secondary Node
- Strychnine Alkaloid extracted from the seeds of the vomit nut, stimulating the central nervous system at a low dose, but causing seizures at a higher dose. Medical
- Stars Night
- Sam Neill
- Service and National
- Serbing Node Technology, Service, Networking, Network
- Science North
- Signal Noise Technology, Spectrum, Ratio
- Speed Nuts
- Simples Nacional Business, Para, Dos, Ria
- Serial Numbers Technology, Model, Guitar
- System Neutral
- Social Narratives
- School Nurse Medical, Education, Health
- Stopping At Nothing
- Silver Nu-Wrinkle
- Space Needle
- Segment Number Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Substantia Nigral Medical
- Sporting News Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Senior Net Property, Business & Finance
- Static Navigation Forum, Technology, Explorer, Logger
- Sanitation Norms
- Suction The drawing of a fluid by formation of a vacuum that the fluid is free to occupy Technically applied to the effect of a large vessel passing a small vessel in confined waters; which may cause the smaller vessel to sheer towards the larger. Medical, Architectural, Business & Finance, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services, Clinical, Physio
- Shawghai Noon
- Solo Nostalgia
- Scientific Notebook
- Surfer Network
- Sie Name
- Stalynoi Nagrudnik
- Store Number
- Short Novel
- Slight Oi No
- Spot Next
- Sabena Airlines Business, Aviation, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance
- Sensomy Medical
- Swivel Nut
- Slovensmy Narodopis
- Schildelierstichting Nederland
- Stellar Nucleosynthesis Stellar nucleosynthesis is the process by which elements are created within stars by combining the protons and neutrons together from the nuclei of lighter elements. It is the process by which the natural abundances of the chemical elements within stars vary due to nuclear fusion reactions in the cores and overlying mantles of stars. Stars are said to evolve (age) with changes in the abundances of the elements within.
- Southern Navigators Club, Event, Orienteering
- Sebaceous Nevus Medicine, Health, British
- Structured Numeric
- Suspended for Non-Payment
- Star Network
- Same Name
- Shoals News
- Service Note
- Signal/Noiae Science
- Speech-In-Noise
- Simple Net
- Safety Nets Business, Construction, Netting, Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Serial-Number Technology, Guitar, Crack
- System Name
- Soccer Nets
- School Name Education, School, High School, Delaware
- Steve New
- Silver Nova
- Spaceflight Now
- Sega-Net Technology
- Subjective Zorms Medical, Theory, Behavior
- Swami Nithyananda
- Skule Nite
- Statistica Neerlandica
- Stock Number National stock number. Computing, Telecom
- Stress Number NASA
- Senile nuclear Clinical
- Sigyature Number
- Sakhon Nakhon
- Series Note
- Tin A ductile, malleable metal, resistant to corrosion. It can be used as a coating for steel and also in various alloys. Chemistry, Science
- Schweizerische Nermen-Vereinigung Technology, Standard, Sweden, Swiss
- Skilled Nursing Medical, Common Medical
- Speaking Naturally Development, Learning, Study
- Solidakidad Nacional Government, Peru
- Sarah Neko Famous
- Shephard Nick
- Silicov Nitride Science, Material, Ceramic
- Sem N
- Sevara Nazarkhan Feat, Mix, Aime
- Soho News
- Science Dn Nursing
- Strategic Negotiation
- Sentinel node Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Squad Number
- Switching Network Computing, Telecom
- Shipping Noise
- Smith & Newhew Business, Supply, Price
- Swaged Nipple
- Skylled Nursing Medical, Service, Care
- Station Number Technology, Service, Fire, Computing, Telecom
- Sylvia Natterer Bay, Collection, Doll, Natterer
- Stress-Number
- Snow (METAR) NOTAM Contractions
- Signal Number Technology, Management, Linux
- Saint-Nazaire
- Series Network
- Səhiyyə Nazirliyi
- Schweizerische Norm
- Shona Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
- Spankin New
- Sodium Nitrste Medicine, Health, British
- Senior Nutrition Property, Business & Finance
- Sheldon Nesse
- Siliconized Nylon
- Semin Neonatol
- Seroneutralization Medical
- Servernope
- Soggy Nuts Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Science Et Nature
- Strategic Navigation
- Tin (Latin Stannum) Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Sprint Nextel
- Sequence Number Information Technology, Computing, Special Education, Technical, General, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, 5G Networks
- Ship Noisx
- Small Nucleolar Medical, Medicine, Healing
- Sveriges Naturvetaref
- Skilled Nurse Medical, Care, Nursing
- Station Numbers
- Surya Namaskar Yoga, Sun, Salutation
- Streptonigrin Medical
- Sub Network Federal Aviation Administration
- Staat Der Nederlanden
- Sail Newport Sailing, Boat, Moth, Sail
- Səhiyyə Nazirliyinin Sind
- Sphottky Noise
- Soon Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Spanish Nail
- SociéTé Nationale Technology, Vision, Gal, Senegal
- Switching Node Technology, Switch, Telecom
- Statistics Notes
- Standards Norway Organization, Business & Finance
- Sclent Night Movie, Song, Horror
- Semiconductor Network
- Salon Nouveau
- Seronegative Medical, Medicine, Health
- Select None Technology, Windows, Display, Keyboard
- Soft Nose
- Science and Nature Education, History, Quiz
- Sodium Nitrate Medical, Physiology, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Sprint Navigator
- Compressed song file (Sound Club editor) Computing, File Extensions
- Shipment Numbers
- Sveriges NaturvetareföRbund
- Skid Numeer
- Station Northern
- Suhl-Nakamura
- Strengthening Neighborhoods
- Standard Number (replaced Pal - Planned Admission Level Education
- Sree Narayana
- Safety of Navigation Military, Rescue, Transponder
- Singapore Locations, Country Code, Countries, Country, Sport, Singapore, IOC Country Codes, Technology, Computing, City, Internet, Governmental & Military, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Satoshi Nakamoto Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Space News
- Society Fof Neuroscience Research, Education, Brain
- Switched Network
- Statistics Norway Business, Norway, National
- Standard Norge Technology, Computing, National, Standards, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Signing Naturally
- Semantic Network Medical, Technology, Networking
- Salience Network Medical, Networking, Brain
- SerologíA Negativa
- Samarium Nickelate
- Soft Natural
- Scieoce & Nature
- sinus node Medical, Physiology
- Special Needs. Education, Teaching, Study
- Senegal Computing, Internet, Senegal, Country, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
- Stipment Note Business, Sale, Tool, Price
- Sutta Nipata
- Skew-Normal Technology, Distribution, Package
- Softwareserial Number
- Street Name
- Senegal (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Squirting Nipples
- Safety Notice
- Soci
- Seaman Generally, one who follows the sea as a profession This meaning is often limited Merchant Shipping Acts define him as any person serving in a ship, other than the Master In the RN, is a man who works on deck. Navy, Us Navy, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
- Space Networks
- Social Networks
- Swiss Norm
- Statistics Netherlands Technology, National, Population
- Smith&nephew Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Sigeed Numeric
- Salaam Namaste
- Seri Numarası Technology, Turkish, Serial
- Salvo Nails
- Sodium Nucleinate Medical
- Sciatic Nerve Medical, Medicine, Nerve
- Student Nurse A student in a program leading to certification in a form of nursing; usually applied to students in an RN or practical nurse program. Medical, Healthcare, Nursing, Professional Title, Medical Qualification, Postnominal
- Special Nature
- Self Noise Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Sports Net Tv stations
- Shinsuke Nakamkra Wrestling, Championship, Match
- Sending Nation Military
- Sutta Nipaata
- Sjamsul Nursalim Media, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Shoji-Nishiyama
- Solar Network Technology
- Strawberry Net Industry, Fashion, Manner
- Self Normalizing Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Square Nuts
- Safety Network
- Brussels International Airlines Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Service Node Computing, Wireless Networking
- Social Network Technology, Networking, Android
- Swiss Nano
- Slavebnode
- Statistics and Numerical Data Publication, Title, Subhead
- Stroke Network
- Strouhal Number
- Signed and Numkered
- Sakon Nakhon
- Series Nut Technology, Fender, Nuts
- Sabouraud-Noiré
- Sodium Nitroprusside Medical, Science, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Biology, Common Medical
- Schweizer Zorm German, Sind, Diesel, Norm
- Staff Nurse Medical, Healthcare
- Specialized Nursing
- Soleble Nitrogen Medical
- Self Neutralizing
- Suncoast News Media
- Shepuarton News
- Sem NÚMero
- Six Nations
- Ship Nut
- Soil Nail
- Science In The News Chemistry, Science, Product
- Strategic Note
- Superconducting Normally Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Squadron Name Army, War, Force
- Brussels Airlines Airline, Business, Organizations, Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Aviation, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Service Number Computing, Telecom
- Solial Networking Business, Technology, Network
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does SN stand for?
SN stands for Specialty-Natural.
What is the shortened form of Storage Node?
The short form of "Storage Node" is SN.
SN. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from
Last updated